5 reasons why you gain weight, tips for not gaining weight
There are many reasons why carbohydrate restriction causes weight gain. A diet rich in carbohydrates may result in weight gain. If you stop restricting sugar, you will gain weight immediately. But most of the reasons are due to the wrong method.
If you know the right way and work on The Points. you will not get fat while limiting sugar!
I'll introduce you. If you are going to try to limit your sugar intake. or if you are already trying but are having trouble losing weight, please use this as a reference.
5 reasons to gain weight
It's right away, but the following five reasons to gain weight while limiting sugar.
Make sure you have a good understanding of how to make your diet successful.
1: decreased basal metabolism
While limiting carbohydrates, you are trying to burn muscle and fat for energy.
As a result, basal metabolism may decrease due to muscle loss. This means that you will burn fewer calories and more fat.
Therefore, basal metabolism is reduced. Especially for those who do not exercise regularly.
Those who want to prevent a decrease in basal metabolism due to carbohydrate restriction. Be sure to move daily and exercise your muscles to maintain muscle mass.
However, it is forbidden to overdo it during carbohydrate restriction. because you are more prone to be affected by fatigue.
Try to start with light exercises. Divide the 5-minute muscle training into several sessions, or change your commute to walking.
2: easy constipation
Carbohydrates that are cut by sugar restriction contain a lot of water and dietary fiber. but if these carbohydrates are insufficient in the body. they will cause constipation.
from reasons to gain weight: If you are constipated, you will probably gain weight instead of losing it.
In addition, animal protein (meat, fish), the intake of which increases during carbohydrate restriction.is also one of the causes of constipation.
reasons to gain weight If you eat a lot of animal protein. bad bacteria will increase and the intestinal environment will deteriorate.
- During Sugar restriction.
- Drink more water than usual.
- Eat foods that contain fiber.
- Eating animal and vegetable proteins.
Keep these points in mind to prevent constipation and weight gain.
3: ignore the calories
Just because you're restricting carbs doesn't mean you should skip carbs and ignore them calories.No it matters how much you limit your carbohydrate intake. You will gain weight if your calorie intake exceeds your calorie expenditure.
However, if you reduce your calorie intake too much, the risk of rebound increases, so be careful. This is because when you don't get enough calories, your body feels that your life is in danger.
The power saving mode is activated to reduce energy consumption and use the brakes to prevent weight loss. So no matter how much you diet, you cannot lose weight.
In other words, even if you are restricting carbohydrates, calorie control is essential. Please use the numbers below. As a guideline for calculating calories.
Required power per day
- For days when you don't do a lot of exercises.
- Adult women: about 1500-2000 calories.
- Adult male: about 2,000-2,650 calories.
4. I eat sugar without knowing it
Even if you intend to cut sugar, you may be eating it from an unexpected place.
Do you always put a lot of sauces on your salads?
Dressings also contain sugars and calories. and if there are a lot of them, then they have ` 3 grams per tablespoon of sugar.
It may feel like it's only 3 grams, but the amount that should be used at one time is about 2-3 tablespoons. If you take it in three meals, morning, lunch, and dinner, you will eat about 30 grams of carbohydrates.
In addition to sauces, spices .such as ponzu and yakiniku contain sugar. so check the sugar content on the ingredient label and be careful not to overuse it.
5: allergy to sugar
When you start limiting carbohydrates, you become hypersensitive to carbohydrates and feel guilty just eating a little of them.
However, there are many cases where regret has led to. I did my best but I ate one bite ...To overeat and overeat, which led to weight gain.
The diet will definitely fail if you lose motivation. Therefore, if you are eating carbohydrates. do some light exercises for the muscles, reduce the amount of food you eat later, and try to be positive.
If you really want to eat carbohydrates. It is advisable to take tea before meals. Slows down the absorption of sugar and prevents weight gain.
4 tips to prevent weight gain by limiting carbohydrates
Here are four tips to prevent weight gain by restricting carbohydrates.
1: protect your calorie intake
Avoid over-calorie and low-calorie while limiting carbohydrates, and follow your calorie intake.
What is more than calories?
- Calorie intake exceeds calorie consumption
- It is ideal to consume fewer calories than you burn.
No matter how much sugar you limit. if you eat without worrying about calories, you will gain weight naturally. However, this does not mean that you should reduce your calorie intake. If you restrict your diet to the extreme. you will create a body in which it will be difficult to lose weight.
Calculate your calorie intake and track your calorie intake.
Tip 2: do muscle exercises to prevent weight gain due to carbohydrate restriction
Prevent the loss of muscle mass during carbohydrate restriction by training muscles.
If you increase your muscle mass and increase your basal metabolism. You will have an easier time burning fat. increase the effectiveness of your diet, and lead to a body that is difficult to recover.
In addition, some people may worry that muscle training will make them bulky, but unless they do stoic training. they will not become bulky.
If you need to improve at exercising. you can do it 2-3 times a week, so keep doing muscle exercises.
Third tip: prevent constipation by limiting carbohydrates
To prevent constipation while limiting carbohydrates, try to eat dietary fiber and water.
There are different types of dietary fiber. but if you want to prevent constipation, take water-soluble dietary fiber.
Examples of water-soluble dietary fiber
- Konjac.
- Okra.
- Avocado.
- Agar.
- Seaweed (wakame herbs, kelp, etc.
In addition, it is recommended to use hard water. containing a lot of magnesium, which is ideal for improving intestinal motility. The recommended amount is body weight × 50 cubic centimeters (2.5 liters if the body weight is 50 kg).
Try to drink frequently, not all at once.
4: continue to prevent weight gain by limiting sugar
Consistency is essential for the success of any diet.
The effect of carbohydrate restriction appears after the second week. Try it for two weeks first, feel the weight loss, and relate it to your motivation in the future.
Immediately after the start of the diet. the weight decreases steadily. but eventually, a period of stagnation will come. However, if you give up or overeat and drink, you will not lose weight.
Let's come up with ways to escape from the period of stagnation by setting up cheat days and increasing the amount of exercise.
the right way to limit carbohydrates
I'll explain in order.
1. Choose the amount of sugar you eat
There are four main types of carbohydrate restriction.
- 1. Low-carb up to 70-130 grams of daily intake.
- 2. Limit household sugar up to 110-140 grams of daily intake.
- 3. The recommended daily sugar intake ranges from 70 to 100.
- Four. Limit super sugar up to 30-60 grams of daily intake.
Can be scrolled
There are individual differences in daily consumption,
so there are differences in the effects. but if you are a beginner, start with the number "1" and gradually get used to it.
However, no matter how sober you want to work, it is normal to cut all carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are a very important source of energy for life, so be sure to eat them.
In addition, those who fall under the following should refrain from addressing sugar restrictions.
- Pregnant.
- Baby.
- Senior citizen.
- People with chronic diseases.
Even healthy people often lose their physical condition due to sugar restrictions, so if you feel something unusual, please stop immediately.
Foods that should be consumed during carbohydrate restriction
While restricting carbohydrates, let's take protein, which is necessary for building muscles, and dietary fiber, which is useful for bowel movements.
The ingredients are specified below.
- Beef.
- Sardines, mackerel, canned tuna,
- Scissor chicken salad,
- Tofu, natto, soy milk.
- Cheese butter,
- Mushrooms,
- Seaweed.
- Nuts and nuts,
- Avocado,.
- An egg.
- Konjac and Shirataki.
However, dairy products are high in fat and can cause weight gain, so be careful not to overeat.
reasons to gain weight: Foods that should be avoided during carbohydrate restriction
Foods that you eat in good faith contain a surprising amount of sugar.
Avoid eating the following foods when limiting carbohydrates.
- Rice, noodles, bread, etc.
- Snacks/desserts,
- Processed wheat flour.
- Fruit juice,
- Vegetable juice,
- Drinks with artificial sweeteners.
- Dried fruit,
- Tomatoes,
- Milk.
Spices unexpectedly contain sugar, so it is better to enjoy dishes with a mild aftertaste.
Also, it is important to be aware that non-oily and half-calorie foods, which look good for a diet, contain sugar for umami output.
prevent weight gain by exercising the right way to limit carbohydrates!
Restricting carbohydrates is said to get fat fast, but most people fail because of their way of doing things. So if you do the right sugar limit, you will not get fat.
Also, even after restricting carbohydrates, if you eat a balanced diet and exercise moderately, you will be able to maintain your ideal body shape without bouncing.
If you are about to start limiting carbohydrates or if you are doing it but are having trouble losing weight, please try to do it the right way!