Reasons for poor sense of taste and how to improve it

When your sense of taste is impaired, due to medications, health conditions, and the aging process., There are ways to make meals more enjoyable
Estimated read time: 7 min

Reasons for a poor sense of taste and how to improve it
When eating with someone who has an impaired sense of taste. it is important to be understanding and aware of how to properly communicate with them. Here are some tips on how you can ensure that your loved one enjoys it. their meal despite not being able to taste it as well.

sense of taste, An Individual Licking lollipops

What causes a sense of taste disorders

Food is not only for maintaining health, it is one of the greatest joys of living for us. Unfortunately, for various reasons. such as pre-existing diseases and aging. the sense of taste may become dull and it may become impossible to eat tasty food.

 This time, we will offer what we can do to support you from the side of food so that you can enjoy three meals a day, smile, and be healthy.

Due to aging

If you look at the surface of your tongue in the mirror, you will see small bumpy bumps. These are called taste buds. This tissue senses what we eat and sends complex taste information to the brain.

There are about 5,000 taste buds on the young tongue. But it is believed that they decrease with age.

The number of taste buds in the elderly decreases to about 50% of those in infants. As a result, you will gradually prefer things that are clearly seasoned and seasoned.

Also, when comparing men and women. The research results show that women are generally more sensitive to differences in taste.


One of the causes of taste disorders is zinc deficiency.

The taste bud cells are said to be reborn in about 10 days. If the body lacks zinc at that time, new taste buds cannot be produced.

Zinc is a mineral that cannot be produced in the body and cannot be stored in the body. so it is necessary to consume it steadily every day.

As we get older, the amount of food we eat decreases, and our ability to digest and absorb it gradually decreases. In this case, zinc, which was originally poorly absorbed, tends to become more deficient.

In addition, processed foods and alcohol contain many substances that inhibit absorption. The body's ability to excrete zinc.

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Due to chronic illness

In addition to the dullness of the sense of taste due to aging and zinc deficiency, it can also be a complication of many diseases. Such as cancer, diabetes, gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, and side effects of medication.

In addition, the sense of taste is not only the sense of taste with taste buds, but also the sense of smell and the texture of ingredients that the brain recognizes and integrates.

One of the reasons for the taste disorder is that you cannot feel the texture of the ingredients due to dry mouth, caries, gum disease, stomatitis, etc.

There is a possibility that a serious illness is hidden. So if you suddenly lose your sense of taste, consult a doctor.

Living environment

Poor health and prolonged stress, natural disasters, and the loss of a family member or a beloved pet. Depression during the rainy season. or the transition from autumn to winter can contribute to taste disorders. Be one of the reasons.

In addition to depression itself, the use of medications. Such as antidepressants and sleeping pills can also cause it, so be careful.

In addition, you should be careful about tobacco and excessive alcohol.

In addition, not only the elderly. But also children who are caring for their husbands, wives, or parents may develop symptoms due to the stress caused by nursing care. so, please take care of your physical condition. Hey.

To improve the disorder's sense of taste

Zinc intake

Even if the cause of the dull taste is examined if there is no disease directly causing it and a zinc deficiency is indicated. it can be improved through diet.

Zinc is found mainly in meat and fish. They are found in abundance in red meat of beef, liver, oysters, and cheese.

There are some things you can do to improve your enjoyment of eating. First, try eating cold foods. They may be easier to taste than hot foods. Second, drink plenty of fluids.

Some other ways that can be used to help improve the sense of taste are:

 trying new foods, cooking with different herbs and spices. Include eating more regularly throughout the day at smaller meals.
In addition, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, as dehydration can lead to a decrease in the sense of taste.  By following these tips, we hope you can improve your sense of taste and enjoy your meals more.

Nutrition balance

Increased or decreased zinc absorption

The absorption rate of zinc is low at 20-40%, but some nutrients increase their absorption rate.

I mentioned cages above, but animal proteins. Such as meat and fish, as well as sour foods such as vitamin C, citric acid, and malic acid help to absorb zinc.

If your taste buds are dull, and you can't eat, it's a good idea to add fruit to dessert.

On the contrary, phosphorus is contained in coffee, calcium-rich foods, and processed foods. Such as instant noodles are known to inhibit absorption.

When enjoying coffee after meals, it is effective to take some time to take zinc intake and enjoy processed foods in moderation.

Enjoy meal time

Have you had the opportunity to sit around a table with your family and enjoy a meal while enjoying the conversation When you are doing household chores and work while taking care of your family? It is difficult to find time to enjoy a pleasant meal?

In recent years, it has become more difficult for everyone to have meals together, even if no one needs care, for reasons such as caring for the elderly for being bedridden and the lifestyles of each family member.

 A summary 

Unfortunately, as we age, our sense of taste declines. However, eating is a lifestyle, and if possible, I would like to enjoy three delicious meals always.

This time, she introduced zinc deficiency. As the reason for the fading of the sense of taste, but this can also be confirmed by a blood test.

Zinc can be supplemented with commercially available dietary supplements. But excessive intake of it can cause copper deficiency anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Please follow your doctor's instructions when taking this medicine.

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