if you take too much vitamin C What happens in your body

if you take too much vitamin C. Causes of iron retention in the body. Causes digestive disorders. Risk of kidney stones.
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if you take too much vitamin C What happens in your body

if you take too much vitamin C? Everyone knows the importance of vitamin C for the body. But is it good to get a lot of vitamin C What happens if you take too much vitamin C. follow this article to know if you take too much vitamin C, What happens

too much vitamin C.

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 too much vitamin C, What happens :

It brings many great benefits, but for vitamin C to maximize its effectiveness, we need to understand how much it should be loaded into the body every day,. otherwise, it will have the opposite effect. which can affect many people.

 too much vitamin C Causes iron retention in the body

One of the benefits of vitamin C is that it helps the body increase iron absorption. According to research by medical experts. the rate of iron absorption in adults increases by 67% when taking 100 mg of vitamin C. However, if the iron content is too much in the body, it puts us at risk of developing hemoglobinopathy. Prolonged iron overload has very serious consequences because it can damage the pancreas, thyroid gland, liver, and heart. and even the central nervous system. 

That is why it is important to stay within the recommended dosage range.  if you take too much vitamin C, the best thing you can do is take it with food to prevent stomach upset and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Liver damage can also occur when vitamin C exceeds the recommended daily dosage. If you suspect that you are experiencing symptoms of liver damage, talk with your doctor. 

 too much vitamin C, Causes digestive disorders

Indigestion is one of the most common side effects of taking too much vitamin C. However, this problem usually does not occur if vitamin C is ingested in natural foods. but occurs due to the intake of the vitamin in the form of a dietary supplement. The key to avoiding this side effect is to take vitamin C in the form of natural foods. such as oranges and grapefruits, not in the form of supplements. Vitamin C is found in many natural foods such as oranges, and peaches. and cantaloupe, all of which should be included in your daily diet.

Common symptoms of a vitamin C overdose are nausea, diarrhea, and acid reflux. Digestive disorders often appear if you take too much vitamin C more than 2000 mg at a time. so it is recommended not to take more than 2000 mg per day to avoid causing indigestion.

 too much vitamin C, the Risk of kidney stones

The amount of vitamin C in the body is determined by its concentration in the blood plasma and the amount of vitamin C absorbed by the body. If too much is consumed, the body will begin to excrete vitamin C before it is absorbed.

If you take too much vitamin C, it can affect the kidneys. They cause the formation of kidney stones and even kidney damage. The most common side effects are nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Most of the time, these side effects disappear after you stop taking too much vitamin C, and some people may also experience diarrhea, vomiting, and itching. Some large doses of vitamin C may also increase the risk of cancer.

This will lead to side effects such as the formation of oxalate crystals. Which leads to the risk of kidney stones. This risk is higher if you consume more than 2000 mg/day.

 How much vitamin C is enough

Depending on age, the amount of vitamin C that needs to be loaded into the body will vary. Ordinary people, if they do not have special needs,.should prioritize the use of natural foods to provide enough vitamin C to the body. The following is information about the amount of vitamin C needed by age:

Some notes when taking a lot of vitamin C to get the best results

When taking a lot of vitamin C drink a lot of water: vitamin C is soluble in water, so it needs at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day depending on the individual's condition to dissolve it.
 Do not crush, chew, or break the vitamin C oral tablet. With chewable vitamin C, it must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. 
Do not swallow.  If you are taking a lot of vitamin C as prescribed, don't stop abruptly. It is necessary to slowly reduce the amount to avoid complications such as exhaustion of the body and bleeding gums. Vitamin C is best absorbed by the digestive system on an empty stomach, so it should be taken in the morning, 30 minutes before eating, or two hours after eating for the best absorption.

What is the best source of vitamin C

The best source of vitamin C is oranges. Some foods such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, and kale also contain small amounts of vitamin C.

What are the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency?

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include fatigue, weakness, and irritability, as well as bleeding gums and diarrhea, which is the body's way of telling us that we need more of this important vitamin. In most cases, the symptoms of low vitamin C intake disappear with more vitamin C in the diet.

Is vitamin C gaining weight?

Is vitamin C gaining weight? It is a question that has been asked a lot in recent years and is one that many people are curious about. Some believe that a high intake of vitamin C will lead to weight gain, while others feel that it may help reduce weight. The fact is that there is not enough solid research to say for sure in either direction.

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