physical strength: an effective menu to make the body less tired

For a simple exercise is something that anyone can do to easily build physical strength. No difficult skills are required ,anyone can get started
Estimated read time: 6 min

physical strength:  an effective menu to make the body less tired
If you feel a decrease in physical strength because you can breathe faster than when I was active or you get tired more easily than in your 20s. it is important to build up your physical strength. No matter how much you relieve stress with aesthetics and entertainment. and delicious food, if you don't have the physical strength, you will end up repeating the same thing.

An individual climbs the stairs, physical strength:
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 start exercising easily A simple exercise is something that anyone can do to easily build physical strength. No difficult skills are required, and anyone can get started in a little time. If you are thinking of trying a strenuous workout in the future. it is perfect for you to build your initial physical strength.

Here are some simple exercise methods and tricks that anyone can do. Let's take a closer look.

Simple exercises for building physical strength 1. Walking

Walking is a simple exercise that anyone can do to build physical strength. You just need to allocate time, walk around the house, etc. and you don't need to have any difficult skills. Because anyone can do it, we want to stick to the basics. Let's take a look at the right way to do this walk.

How to do walking

  1. Fix your head without shaking it back and forth, left and right.
  2. Pull your chin back and be aware to look 10 meters ahead.
  3. Straighten your spine.
  4. Walk with your arms swinging wide without putting pressure on your shoulders.
  5. At the time of (4), gently bend your elbows and swing your arms.
  6. Regulate your breathing and walk at your own pace.
  7. 20 minutes walk away.
  8. Ending.

Since it is an exercise that anyone can do, it is important to continue it for a long time without overdoing it. Recently, some people walk while looking at their smartphones but be aware of walking as assertively as possible.

If you walk about three times a week. it will be difficult to get bored and it will drag on for a long time.

Tips for walking

  • Slow down your breathing.
  • Walking with your back straight.
  • Imagine walking between 30 cm in width.
  • Walk with your legs firmly extended in the direction of travel.
  • Keep your speed constant.
  • Walking while gently twisting your hips.
  • Walk as if you were pressing the floor with the base of your thumb.

The most important thing to be aware of when walking is walking with your back straight. If you press on your stomach. as if your head is hanging, it will be easier for your spine to stretch.

If you walk in the wrong position, you can put a load on strange places and harm your body, so be aware of this.

Simple exercises for building physical strength 2. Climbing stairs (climbing stairs)

One of the simple exercises that you can do indoors to build your fitness is climbing stairs. If there are no stairs, you can use a platform with a suitable step. You don't have to go out, so you don't have to change clothes. and you can exercise while watching TV.

How to go up and down the stairs

  1. Stand in front of the stairs (steps) with your back straight.
  2. Climb one step in the order of right foot → left foot.
  3. Go down in the order of right foot → left foot.
  4. Continue the movements from (2) to (3) for 10-20 minutes.
  5. 1-minute time interval.
  6. Do 2 more sets.
  7. Ending.

Climbing stairs is an exercise that is easy to adopt, so do it every day if you can. Even if it's only for a short time of about 10 minutes, it's effective to build physical strength by accumulating it every day.

Tips for climbing stairs

  • Do it with your back straight.
  • Be conscious of lifting your legs.
  • Swing your arms as you go up and down.
  • Take advantage of steps lower than your knees.
  • If you can afford it, extend the time of one set.

The most important thing in climbing stairs is to raise your legs firmly. Lifting your legs vigorously while grasping your thighs will have an effect not only on the calf but also on the upper legs. To facilitate the appearance of the effect on the entire leg, it is recommended to go up and down the stairs while lifting the leg.

Simple exercises for building physical strength 3. Swimming (underwater walking)

One of the simple exercises that anyone can do to build their physical strength is walking in the water. By going to the gym with a swimming pool. you will be able to exercise effectively in conjunction with running, and strength training. and studio programs. It is highly recommended because even those who cannot swim can work with peace of mind.

How to do underwater walking

  1. Accustom your body to water in the bathroom.
  2. Do stretching (flexibility exercises).
  3. Once in the pool, stand up straight.
  4. Fix the position of the head.
  5. Walking with big steps while swinging your arms back and forth.
  6. At the time of (5), increase the step length so that the upper body is lowered. and the shoulders are immersed in water.
  7. Do 20 minutes.
  8. Period.
  9. Do 1-2 sets left.
  10. Ending.

The norm for underwater walks is about 1 hour at a time once or twice a week. If you go to the gym, be sure to do it as a sports routine, and you will be able to continue without difficulty.

Tips for walking in the water

  • Try to take a big step.
  • Swing your arms back and forth widely.
  • Once you get used to it, shake your body from side to side and twist your stomach.
  • Walk with your chest straight and straight.

Unlike walking on land, walking in water is a little more difficult to move due to the presence of water around the body. To move well, it is important to wave your hand wide. In addition to facilitating walking, it also trains not only the legs but also the muscles of the upper body, killing two birds with one stone.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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