Physiological fitness: 7 exercises to strengthen Antarctica
physiological fitness: To strengthen physiology, improve sexual ability and restore defensive performance. men can increase their mobility and apply some exercises useful for male health and physiology. Usually, gym, yoga, brisk walking, swimming ... Below is a list of 7 effective exercises for strengthening the South Pole and how to do them.
To strengthen physiology, and increase libido. prolong sexual intercourse and improve overall health, men can consider and choose one of the male enhancement exercises below:
physiological fitness 1. Gym exercises
Here are some sports exercises that effectively strengthen male physiology:
Walking and aerobic exercise help regulate body temperature, improve health, and cure impotence
Before walking and applying aerobic exercises that help regulate body temperature, improve health, and cure impotence, men should warm up their bodies by warming up for 5-10 minutes. with a few simple exercises that help move the muscles of the joints or run in place.
As for aerobic exercise, men can maintain an exercise routine with a few annoying simple movements and exercises. The main purpose of aerobic exercise is to influence the elasticity of certain muscles and strengthen them. Thus helping the body to tone, health and physiology are improved.
Strengthening male physiology, prevention, and treatment of impotence with exercises for abdominal muscles
Maintaining the habit of exercising the abdominal muscles not only helps men burn abdominal fat. and improves the health and elasticity of the hip area. but also stimulates the production of male sex hormones.
Which helps to strengthen male physiology, and prevent and treat impotence. At the same time increases libido, and improves erectile abilities. and prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse.
In addition, perseverance in performing abdominal exercises will help you control your weight, and get a toned body. strengthen male vitality and support the effective treatment of impotence.
Activate and improve male physiology with exercises for the pelvis
As for pelvic exercises, the performance will help men exert sufficient strength in the hip muscles, pelvic area, and PC muscles. This effect is similar to Kegel exercises that help men increase blood flow to the genitals. improve the resistance of the pelvic area, and prevent premature ejaculation. At the same time, it helps men to improve their physiology, and maintain their time of erection. and prolong sexual intercourse.
physiological fitness 2. Fast walking enhances male physiology
To strengthen male physiology and improve overall health. men can spend 20-30 minutes a day on brisk walking.
According to experts and male specialists, the force exerted on the pelvic area from brisk walking exercises can stimulate blood circulation to the penis and brain. From there, the penis helps to quickly erect when receiving signals from the brain or external stimulation. At the same time maintain the duration of the erection, which prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse and enhances fertility in men.
physiological fitness 3. Yoga
Each yoga exercise will have different steps and effects. Specifically, enhance the flexibility of the thigh muscles, increase the gluteal muscles, catch the abdominal muscles, and stimulate blood circulation. improve erection, and enhance physiology ... Therefore, you need to rely on the physiological function and health status to choose a suitable exercise.
Before creating a habit and delegating some physiological yoga exercises, you are forced to get acquainted with yoga by practicing it from the very beginning.
Here are 5 yoga exercises that enhance physiology:
- 1. Folding posture-Paschimottanasana yoga exercises
- 2. Baddha Konasana yoga exercises strengthen male physiology - pose at a fixed angle.
- 3. Lean forward - yoga utanasana is an exercise that can manage stress, reduce stress, strengthen physiology and improve overall health.
- 4. Improve physiological function, and enhance libido with knee posture-Janu Sirsasana yoga exercises.
Knee position-Janu Sirsasana yoga exercise will work to improve physiological function and enhance libido more effectively on an empty stomach. Besides, this exercise can improve the flexibility of bones and joints. Especially the back muscles, thigh muscles, hip muscles, and quadriceps.
- 5. Supporting the treatment of Ed with bow poses - Dhanurasana yoga exercises.
The vigorous movement of the Arch in the Dhanurasana yoga exercise will affect and stimulate the activity of some genital organs. At the same time, it helps blood flow to these organs.
physiological fitness4. Swimming and male physiology
Swimming has long been known as a sport that brings many benefits to overall health, has positive effects on cartilage, joints, and skeletal muscles, and helps the body prevent several diseases.
In addition, if you swim regularly, the physiological health of men will improve, namely:
Increase excitement and reduce stress:
the aggregate results of many studies have shown that water depression will help mental health, and stimulates the release of endorphins. Endorphins are a hormone that increases the body's sense of well-being and dispels fatigue and stress. and helps to improve mood. Also according to the results of the research of physiologist Pavlov, swimming can enhance sensuality. stimulate the cerebral hemispheric cortex, increase arousal in the body and increase libido.
Improves testosterone:
regular swimming helps men effectively control weight from there, it helps stimulate the body to increase the production of the male hormone testosterone and improve sexual function.
Blurred age limit:
the results of research by scientists from Harvard University, USA, have shown that regular swimming will help men and women have a more lasting sex life. The results of the study showed that sexual potency in people in their 60s is no less than in some people under the age of 20 if they swim regularly. Therefore, men should swim regularly for 30 minutes a day.
Swimming works like Kegel exercises:
swimming helps to control the muscle group of the perineum and improves premature ejaculation and sexual weakness.
physiological fitness 5. Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises have a controlling effect on the perineal muscle group, stimulating blood circulation. Which helps to improve erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and sexual dysfunction.
physiological fitness 6. The squat exercise
Squats improve health and concentrate strength on the buttocks, perineum, thighs, and calves. Which helps to improve flexibility, increase endurance and prolong sexual intercourse. At the same time supports the treatment of impotence and erectile dysfunction.
physiological fitness 7. Weight lifting exercises and strengthening male physiology
Weightlifting exercises improve the health of the legs, thighs, buttocks, and pelvic area. At the same time enhances the erection of the penis, stimulates the blood circulation process, and increases the secretion of testosterone. Which helps to improve health, and strengthen male physiology. cure erectile dysfunction, increase libido, and prolong sexual intercourse.
a summary
there is no denying the significant effects of exercise on improving physiological functions in particular and men's health in general. However, any exercise will only support improvement in cases of physiological weakness due to weak physical strength. temporary physiological weakness due to psychological weakness, and weak physical strength.
For men with severe physiological weakness, facing many obstacles in having sex, men should seek intensive therapeutic measures to promptly solve physiological problems, and avoid prolonged weakness that causes serious consequences.