the best techniques to build endurance while training

You can build endurance in cardiorespiratory capacity efficiently by incorporating aerobic exercises that apply a higher load.
Estimated read time: 6 min

the best techniques to build endurance while training
It is important to pay attention to food to build endurance, but it cannot be obtained without exercise and training. To improve endurance, it is important to develop both cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance. Even if you train only one of them. you will not feel that your endurance has improved.

build endurance: Man using a punching bag to practice boxing
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Here are some recommended ways to build endurance that can improve cardiorespiratory ability and muscular endurance at the same time

 build endurance efficiently with aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercises are a way to train endurance in cardiorespiratory ability.

You can efficiently build endurance by incorporating aerobic exercises that apply a higher load. It's not that you can't train your endurance with simple exercises like walking, but it takes time.

Here, we will present the recommended aerobic exercises for building endurance efficiently

Endurance exercise 1. running

Recommended training for building endurance is running. Bear up. If it's a dangerous place near your house. it's recommended aerobic exercise because you can do it anywhere.

How to do running

  • Always stretch before running.
  • Start walking when you finish stretching exercises.
  • Gradually increase the speed.
  • When you reach your running speed, keep it steady.
  • Put walking and running for 20 minutes.
  • Gradually slow down.
  • Ending.

If you are not used to training, it's a good idea to run every day. Do not open it for a long time so as not to reduce the cardiorespiratory ability improved by running.

Running tips

  • Do it with running shoes.
  • Run on soft soil such as riverbeds to cushion shocks.
  • Keep your speed constant.
  • Regulation of breathing.
  • Always stretch before running.

Run at a steady pace and don't go too fast. To run easily. To keep running and improve your endurance, find a pace that you can keep consistent.

Exercise to build endurance 2. Shadow boxing

Shadowboxing is one of the aerobic exercises that does not require equipment or a lot of space and can be done indoors, such as at home. Originally one of the methods of boxing training, which is a martial art, it attracts attention because it has a dieting effect.

It's a fun workout not only for men but also for women, so if you don't like running, please try it.

How to do a shadow

  • Hold your hands in front of your chest.
  • First, press the blow with your right hand diagonally forward, then straight. with your left hand, and finally with your right hand.
  • Step back and Step 3 seconds immediately.
  • Press the stroke with your left hand diagonally forward, then straight with your right hand, and finally the top with your left hand.
  • Step back and Step 3 seconds immediately.
  • Repeat this procedure for 5-10 minutes.
  • Time interval (1 minute).
  • Do the remaining 2 sets.
  • Ending.

If your goal is to build endurance, it is best to do this four times a week for about 30 minutes. If you train with a high degree of seriousness using sandbags, you can fall again.

Shadow boxing tips

  • Do not do it with a rounded back.
  • When striking in a row, pull out your right hand and twist your stomach.
  • Say "Shhh" every time you press.
  • Stabilization of the pace.

Shadowboxing can easily hurt your body if you put your strength in the wrong place. That's why it's important to do it correctly and at a steady pace.

If you are not confident in your figure, one option is to use a sports program. or a boxing gym that includes shadowboxing elements

Exercise to build endurance 3. Ankle jump (jumping rope)

An ankle jump is an exercise that uses ankle strength to fly high without bending the knees. a training that perceives flying higher than jumping rope.

Since no tools are required, it is effective to improve endurance by repeating the method while shortening the grounding time in a way that can be done at home.

How to do ankle jumps

  • Standing with one fist open.
  • Gently float the heel of both feet.
  • Bend your knees and jump on your toes.
  • Land on your toes and jump again.
  • Keep jumping off the toe for 5 minutes.
  • 1-minute time interval.
  • After resting for 1 minute, do 2 more sets.
  • Ending.

Ankle jumps are an easy, but very intense aerobic exercise. It may hurt your body every day, so it's a good idea to do it 1 ~ 2 times a week as a guide.

Ankle jump tips

  • Do it without dumbbells or anything.
  • Flying continuously is more effective than flying to an altitude.
  • Bend your knees only on the first jump.
  • Prevent your feet from opening or closing.

The important thing about ankle jumps is that they constantly fly from a height. It allows effective high-intensity exercise in a short period of time. At first, be more aware of flying for a long time than flying high.

a summary

It is important to develop both cardiorespiratory and muscular endurance. It's not that you can't train your endurance with simple exercises like walking. Here are some recommended ways to build endurance that can improve your ability to do this. The most common way to improve your endurance is to build it through aerobic exercise.

Shading is one of the aerobic exercises that does not require equipment or a lot of space and can be done indoors. It attracts attention because it has a dieting effect. It is an interesting exercise not only for men but also for women,

Aerobic exercise is a way to train endurance in cardiorespiratory ability and muscular endurance at the same time. It's not that you can't train your endurance with simple exercises like walking, but it takes time. We will offer recommended aerobic exercises for building endurance efficiently.

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