the connection between physical activity and mental health

Physical health and mental health are two issues that need attention while being properly balanced. Physical health important role in everyone's life
Estimated read time: 8 min

the connection between physical activity and mental health
Physical health and mental health are two issues that we need to pay attention to, properly balanced. Physical health plays a very important role in everyone's life. Besides. mental health is. also, a factor that cannot be ignored if you want to have full health.

physical activity and mental health:  A man touches his hair with a blue and brown T-shirt

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What is mental health?

With today's modern and fast life, people often tend to rush to earn money, earn a living, equip their lives, take care of their material life, and enjoy what they have worked hard to create joy and happiness for themselves. also known as mental health. As defined by the World Health Organization: mental health is a state of Health in which each individual recognizes his own abilities, and can cope with natural stress. works effectively. and contributes to society".

Mental health is what we feel from inside our brains and minds. If it doesn't come from you, no one can help you improve it. If mental health is not good, it will cause a lot of negative effects on people's daily lives, even affecting the state of physical health.

The significance and significance of mental health

To live a fulfilling life, perfect health requires you to know how to balance physical and mental health. The body and mind are also understood as body and soul, which are always connected and exist in parallel with each other. If you managed to harmonize them. it means that you have a healthy body and a positive, optimistic spirit.

A person with good mental health will always see everything around him positively and optimistically. Thanks to it, their life becomes calmer and more peaceful. Or even if they encounter obstacles and difficulties, they will also be strong to face and overcome everything. If you have good mental health, you will use your smile to welcome a new day, eat well. get a full night's sleep, build good relationships to improve your physical health, and always gain confidence in yourself.

Physical health depends a lot on the soul

they have a close relationship with each other. If you are consistently stressed, upset, depressed, or anxious, your body will progressively deteriorate into weakness, loss of appetite, and lack of sleep. If this condition is not corrected soon. there is a risk of developing problems such as stomach pain, and hypertension, which is dangerous to health.

Common mental illnesses

Mental health plays a very important role in the life of every person and his overall health. Based on scientific studies, it was found that mental health is not well taken care of. it increases the risk of developing serious mental illnesses.

Mental health problems are difficult to see clearly, but they are destructive and invade people from the inside. These diseases will stagnate the work of the brain and at the same time cause more and more physical deterioration. and the patient will gradually no longer feel joy and happiness.

If you do not know how to take care of and maintain good mental health. you will most likely encounter the following diseases:


this is considered one of the most common mental health problems today. Depression causes a person to feel persistently unhappy, dejected, hopeless, lose interest, no longer feel happiness and joy, and withdraw from society. Indeed, it is likely that we all fall into a state of depression. but if we do not know how to overcome it well. it will cause a lot of negative consequences for the patient's health and everyday life.


 mental instability can make many people feel anxious, insecure, and afraid of everything that is going on around them. This prolonged condition increases the risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

Social anxiety disorder: 

people suffering from this disease will always avoid and be afraid of communication, and appearing in crowded places. They tend to separate themselves from society. just want to be alone, and choose independent jobs.

Bipolar disorder:

 a feature of this disease is abnormal mood swings. A person cannot control his psychological state well. and depressive and manic episodes occur suddenly.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: 

This is a condition in which the patient becomes obsessed with an object, phenomenon, or object. Their fear can come from very simple and ordinary things in life, such as fear of numbers and fear of circles,... Or they also tend to be obsessed with cleanliness and cleanliness, they always want everything organized, and very neat.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

This is a condition in which a person feels fear, obsession, and intense stress after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event in the past. They find it difficult to remove bad memories from their mind and gradually drown in them.

When experiencing these mental health problems, most people will fall into a state of fatigue, lethargy, poor appetite, restless sleep, and negative thoughts,... This condition affects not only general health but also is a major obstacle to everyday life, affecting social relations.

How to take care of mental health

Mental health plays an important role in the life of every human being. If you manage to take care of and maintain a stable state of mind, then life will become happy, joyful, and full of laughter. At the same time, when the soul is well taken care of. you will also feel more confident in yourself, easily cope and solve difficult problems that occur around life, and build positive relationships well.

Therefore, if you want to improve your mental health well, you can immediately refer to the following effective "medicines:

1. Train your body

Physically and mentally there is always a strong and lasting bond. Therefore, if you want to help your soul become more stable and positive, the first thing you need to do is Train Your Body. Maintain a healthy exercise regimen to help the body be more flexible, and increase resistance. and improve muscle performance.

2. Building a good diet

The daily diet is also one of the important contributing factors in taking care of your mental health. Therefore, you need to practice the habit of eating in moderation, increasing the addition of nutritious and healthy foods. The daily diet also needs a flexible change, a variety of meat. fish, and vegetables so that nutrients are fully absorbed by the body.

3. Improve sleep quality

Sleep and mental health are closely related. When the soul is not secured, it will make you more likely to fall into a sleep disorder. Conversely, if you often suffer from insomnia. not getting enough sleep will also have a lot of effects on your soul.

4. Allow yourself to rest and relax

With modern life today, people always have to race with rice and money problems. Many people bury their heads at work, working day and night to be able to earn a living, and pay for their lives and the whole family. However, overwork is also one of the reasons why your soul is injured and becomes more passive.

5. Learn to smile

A smile is equal to ten energizing stairs is a saying inherited from ancestors from ancient times and even now it is still very true in life. A smile is considered the key to caring for a beautiful soul. Therefore, if life has a lot of difficulties and obstacles. first, try to smile to receive them, then you will find everything much easier.

6. Say positive things to yourself

Only you can help you improve and take good care of your mental health. Mental therapists also shared that most people tend to monologue themselves every day. Even if they fail or succeed, they always talk to themselves. Sometimes this happens naturally that we cannot control.

7. Creating healthy partnerships

Your mental health will not be "healthy" if there are no healthy relationships around you. You need to take good care of and nurture the relationships around you, from friends and colleagues to family. Also because in times of joy and sadness, you can trust, and share with the people next to you. and experience life with them.

a summary

The above article information helped readers understand the meaning and importance of mental health. We hope not to be indifferent but really take our feelings and thoughts seriously. take the time to take care of them, and take care of them to make life better.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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