What are hair transplants and how do they work?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure performed to increase hair or to express hair loss. By making points in the area to be transplanted
Estimated read time: 8 min

What are hair transplants and how do they work? Hair transplantation is an operation to reconstitute hair that has been removed from the head or expressed in another way. This operation is used to repair missing or missing hair. and to remove the effects caused by dermatitis. or other diseases. Hair transplantation can be done using several methods. but the two most common methods are surgery and the use of the FUE device. 

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The work is done on the hair that is removed from the back or side area of the head, superimposing it on the desired area. Work on new hair is carried out in several stages. the duration of the operation on the hair varies depending on the type of operation and the area in question.

What are the different types of hair transplantation? and how each type works

Many different types of hair transplantation can be used to reconstitute hair that is removed or expressed. These are the most common types:

1. Hair transplantation using surgery: 

this type of hair transplantation is done by surgery. a piece of hair is removed from the back or side of the head area and is installed in the desired area. This is done by cutting off the back of the head and installing new hair into it. This operation can take from 4 to 8 hours, and the operation requires a patient's stay in the hospital for two to three days.

2. Hair transplantation using the FUE device:

 this type of hair transplantation is based on the use of the FUE device. to remove the appropriate hair from the back or side of the head area and install it in the desired area. It is done without surgery and the work is done on each individual individually. This procedure may take six to eight hours.

3. Hair transplantation using artificial hair:

 this type of hair transplantation is based on the use of artificial hair. to express the hair that is removed or is missing. The hair is expressed in a way that resembles natural hair and is suspended by a cord that runs from the artificial hair. to the natural hair. that is removed. This procedure may take six to eight hours.

4. Hair transplantation using olives:

 this type of hair transplantation is based on the use of Olives to express. the hair that is removed or is missing. The hair is expressed in a way that resembles natural hair. and is suspended by a rope that runs from the olive to the natural hair being removed. This process can take from 6 to 8 hours.

5. Hair transplantation using flowers:

 this type of hair transplantation is based on the use of flowers to express the hair that is removed or is missing.

What are the different stages of a hair transplant? process and what is the expected duration of completion of each stage?

The hair transplant process usually consists of the following stages:

1. Applying for the operation: 

before starting the hair transplant operation. the applicant should get an appointment with a surgeon. who is an expert in the operation to check the required criteria and to get the necessary advice? The applicant for the operation must apply for several examinations

2. Preparation for the operation:

 before starting the operation, the patient must prepare for the operation. and adhere to the health instructions given by the surgeon. These instructions may include avoidance of smoking, narcotic drugs, skin infections, and infections.

3. Surgical operation:

 the type of surgical operation chosen depends. on the method that is used to remove the appropriate hair and its installation in the desired area. This operation can take from 4 to 8 hours. and the operation requires a patient's stay in the hospital for two to three days.

4. Follow-up treatment: 

follow-up treatment of the operation. is carried out in the days after the surgery to maintain good results and to check the absence of possible symptoms. The patient must adhere to the instructions of the surgeon. and the treatment added by him to check for proper recovery.

5. Permanent treatment:

 permanent treatment of the operation is carried out in the days following the surgical operation

What are the criteria required for applicants? 

for hair transplantation and what are the basic criteria for the hair being removed or expressed

There are no clear criteria required for applicants for hair transplantation. but applicants should check the criteria of the surgical procedure that is selected by the surgeon who is an expert in the operation. The patient must submit to several examinations to check the safety of the operation and to make sure that the operation is the best for him.

When it comes to hair being removed. or expressed, several basic criteria should be considered:

Disposable hair: hair that is available for removal. or expression must be strong and healthy to work on.

Partial accuracy: the hair that is removed.

 What are the necessary health requirements for applicants? for hair transplantation and are there any risks or symptoms resulting from the operation?

Applicants for hair transplantation must submit to several examinations to verify the safety of the operation and to make sure. that the operation is the best for them. Such examinations may include:

Blood test:

 this test is done to check the normal number of blood cells and to verify that you have the blood needed for the surgery.

Heart examination:

 this examination is done to check the health of the heart system and to make sure that you can function well during the surgical procedure.

Respiratory examination:

 this examination is done to check the health of the respiratory system and to make sure that you can function well during the surgical procedure.

When applying for the operation. the applicant should talk about any cases of chronic diseases he has and any medications he is taking

How can applicants for hair transplantation maintain good results? and avoid possible risks and symptoms?

To maintain good results from the hair transplant operation and to avoid possible risks and symptoms. applicants for the operation must adhere to the health instructions given by the surgeon who is an expert in the operation. 

Such instructions may include:

  • Adhere to the follow-up treatment given by the surgeon to maintain good results and to check the absence of possible symptoms.
  • Avoid smoking and narcotic drugs before and after the procedure to maintain healthy skin and hair.
  • Adhere to other health instructions given by the surgeon to maintain proper recovery and to check the absence of possible symptoms.
  • Permanent treatment of new hair that is transplanted to maintain good results and to avoid possible symptoms.
  • Skin infections are possible symptoms of hair transplantation.

What are the alternative options for hair transplantation? and when is this option better than hair transplantation

There are several alternative options for hair transplantation, including:


 these are hair extensions that can be placed on top of natural hair to get a more rich look. These options can be used to preserve the new hair that is transplanted after the procedure.

Capillary soreness:

 is the treatment that is used to overcome falling hair 
A rich back of the hair. Capillary soreness can be used when there is a need to nourish the new hair that is transplanted after the procedure. and to achieve a rich appearance of the fallen hair.

Nerve treatments: 

are treatments that are used to overcome hair loss and to maintain the new hair that is transplanted after the operation. These remedies are applied by injection into the skin to promote normal hair growth.

Aesthetic treatments:

 these are treatments that are used to overcome hair loss and to maintain the new hair that is transplanted after the procedure. Such treatments may include magnetic massage.


Hair transplantation is a surgical operation performed to increase hair or to express falling hair. The operation is performed by making small dots in the skin in the area of the hair to be transplanted. and hematopoietic cells containing the surgical cells necessary for normal hair growth are implanted into them.

There are many alternative options for hair transplantation. but it should be checked that the expert surgeon. who performs the operation is qualified and specializes in hair transplantation.

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