Work on effective muscle training to improve endurance

Along with an innovative diet menu, training with a load on the muscles is necessary to muscle training to build endurance.
Estimated read time: 6 min

Work on effective muscle training to improve endurance
Muscular endurance is essential for long-term muscle movement. Even if cardiorespiratory ability improves with aerobic exercise. if you don't have muscular endurance, your endurance will not increase. Here, we will present an effective muscle training menu for training muscles for endurance.

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Together with an innovative diet menu, let's train with the load on the muscles necessary to improve muscular endurance and aim to improve endurance.

 Muscle training to build endurance 1. Plank (front Bridge)

Plank is an effective muscle training menu for strengthening the heart. No tools are required, and you can do it indoors at home. Basic training is essential for the development of muscles throughout the body. so it's a good idea to combine it with planks when you want to train in other areas.

How to do muscle training

  • Lie down on the training mat and lie face down on the floor.
  • Spread your arms shoulder-width apart and gently lift your upper body.
  • When (2), keep the arm angle at 90 degrees.
  • Stand on tiptoe and support your body well.
  • Turn your face forward and straighten from your feet to the back of your neck.
  • Hold this state for 30 seconds.
  • Time interval (30 seconds).
  • Align again and hold for 45 seconds.
  • Time interval (30 seconds).
  • Finally, hold the same position for 1 minute.
  • Ending.

The standard training on the plank is 3 sets × 30 seconds to 1 minute. Be aware of the correct form and start with 30 seconds.

Tips for muscle training

  • Keep a straight line without lifting the buttocks.
  • Do this while stabilizing your breathing.
  • Hands do not hold but stretch forward.
  • Face forward.

At the plank, the biggest point is not to lift the buttocks. Training is like a single board, so keep it like a board for as long as possible. In the process, muscles in different parts of the body are trained, such as the abdominal muscles, arms, and legs.

Muscle training to build endurability2. Back Extension

Back Extension is a muscle training menu that trains the muscles behind the body, such as the back and hips. There are two ways: one without tools, the other way to do it in the gym or using a machine. By training your back muscles, you can expect to improve muscular endurance by making it easier to maintain the same posture for a long time.

How to do muscle training

  • Lie face down on the mat.
  • Place the fingertips of both hands on the ears and keep the elbows extended to the sides.
  • Slowly lift your legs and chest up.
  • At the time of (3), Be careful not to lift your upper body too much.
  • If you feel your spine stimulated, stop for 1 second.
  • Then slowly retreat.
  • Repeat this procedure 10 times.
  • Time interval (30 seconds).
  • Do the remaining 2 sets.
  • Ending.

The standard Back Extension is 3 sets × 10 times. Let's work on it while we feel that the muscles around the waist become warmer.

Tips for muscle training

  • Do not use throwbacks (cheating).
  • The hands are in place.
  • Do not deform until pain occurs.
  • Do not bend your head back.
  • Do it only with your upper body until you get used to it.

If you use the rebound when doing back extensions, you may hurt your lower back. The trick is to do this with the image of stepping on the abdominal muscles and back muscles without using the rebound and holding for a long time without harming the body. Be aware of your muscle movements and maintain the correct posture.

Muscle training to build endurance 2. Regular squats

Thigh muscle training is necessary to improve muscle tone for walking and running.

Which allows you to train the front of the thigh (quadriceps) and the back of the thigh (hamstrings) at the same time ** regular squats are the basics of squats and can be done anywhere. Let's check the correct way to do this as efficiently as possible.

How to do muscle training

  • Spread your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your toes slightly outward.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Less as you inhale.
  • Lower until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then hold for a moment.
  • Then slowly retreat.
  • Repeat this procedure 15-30 times.
  • Time interval (30 seconds).
  • Do the remaining 2 sets.
  • Ending.

The norm of a normal squat is 3 sets × 15 to 30 times. The correct squat is muscle training with such intensity that even men can quickly experience muscle pain, so let's do it 10 times at first.

Tips for muscle training

  • Keep your knees away from the front of your toes.
  • Always work in the same direction as the knee and toes.
  • Knees can not be extended.
  • Learn how to breathe properly.
  • Do not perform them while slouching.

The key to squatting is to follow the correct form. If your knees are too far forward or bent, it is easy to put an extra load on your knees. It is important to do this in a clean position so that you can improve muscle tone without harming your body.

a summary

Work on effective muscle training to improve endurance. Muscle training to build endurance is essential for long-term muscle movement. Even if cardiorespiratory ability improves with aerobic exercise, if you don't have muscular endurance, your endurance will not increase. No tools are required, and you can do it indoors at home.

Muscle training to build endurance 2: regular squats are the basics of squats and can be done anywhere. The norm of a normal squat is 3 sets - 15 to 30 times. The right squat is to train the muscles so intensely that even men can experience muscle pain quickly, so let's do it 10 times first.

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