Managing Itchy Skin After Sunburn: Tips , Tricks for Relief

Sunburn can cause skin redness, swelling, and itching causes itchy skin after sunburn and we provide tips and tricks to manage and prevent itching.
Estimated read time: 7 min

After a day spent basking in the sun, a sunburn can be a painful and itchy reminder of the fun you had. Sunburns can cause the skin to become red, and swollen. And itchy, making it difficult to find relief. In this article. We will explore the causes of itchy skin after sunburn and provide tips and tricks for managing and preventing the itch.

Itchy Skin After Sunburn: Detailed shot of a lady moisturizing burnt skin

Understanding the Causes of Itchy Skin After Sunburn

When skin is exposed to UV rays, 

it produces more melanin, the pigment that gives color to our skin. This increased melanin production can cause the skin to become red, swollen, and itchy. Additionally, sunburns can cause damage to the skin's barrier. Making it more susceptible to irritation and itchiness. You can order high-quality products Coconut oil for itchy skin from "Amazon" or "eBay"

Sunburn can cause

 the skin to dry out and lose its natural oils, which can lead to itching. Sunburns can also cause inflammation in the skin, which can lead to itching as well.

Another cause of post-sunburn itchiness is the skin's attempt to repair itself. As the skin heals, new skin cells are produced and the old ones are shed. This process can cause itching as the skin adjusts to the new layers.

Dehydration can also contribute to post-sunburn itchiness.

 When the skin is dehydrated, it can become tight and itchy. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help to keep the skin moisturized and reduce itchiness.

It's also important to note that certain medications. Such as antibiotics, can increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Making it more susceptible to sunburn and itchiness.

In conclusion, post-sunburn itchiness can be caused by a variety of factors, including increased melanin production, damage to the skin's barrier, skin dryness, inflammation, and the skin's healing process. And dehydration. Understanding the causes of post-sunburn itchiness can help you find the best ways to manage and prevent it.
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Common Remedies for Relieving  Itchy Skin After Sunburn

  • Cold compresses: Applying a cold compress to the affected area can help to reduce inflammation and itchiness. Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel or use a cold pack.
  • Moisturizers: Moisturizing your skin can help to restore the skin barrier and reduce itchiness. Look for moisturizers that contain aloe vera. Which is known to have soothing properties.
  • Oatmeal bath: Adding oatmeal to a lukewarm bath can help to soothe irritated skin and reduce itchiness.
  • Over-the-counter creams: Topical creams that contain hydrocortisone. Or menthol can provide relief from itchiness.
  • Anti-histamines: Over-the-counter antihistamines. Such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) can help to reduce itching.


  • Calamine lotion: Calamine lotion can be applied to the affected area to soothe itching and dry out any blistering.
  • Tea Bags: Soak tea bags in cool water and apply them to the affected area. The tannin acid in tea can help to soothe itching.
  • Baking soda: Mix baking soda with water to make a paste and apply it to the affected area to help relieve itching.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to the affected area using a cotton ball. The acidity of the vinegar can help to soothe itching. You can order high-quality products Coconut oil for itchy skin from "Amazon" or "eBay"

It's important to note that not all remedies work for everyone,

 so it's best to try a few different options to see what works best for you. It's also important to avoid scratching the affected area. since this might aggravate the skin even more and prevent healing.

Keep in mind that sunburns can take a couple of days to heal, and the itching may last for a few days. If the itching is severe and accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, blisters, and headache. Or nausea, you should seek medical attention.

Preventing Itchy Skin After Sun Exposure

  1. Use sunscreen: To protect your skin from further sun damage. Be sure to use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before going outside. 20 to 30 minutes before going outside, apply sunscreen and reapply every two hours. Or more often if swimming or sweating.
  2. Wear protective clothing: Wearing protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts and wide-brimmed hats can help to shield your skin from UV rays.
  3. Limit sun exposure: Try to avoid spending long periods in the sun, especially during the peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm, when the sun's rays are the strongest.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help to keep your skin hydrated and reduce itchiness.
  5. Avoid tanning beds: Tanning beds expose the skin to UV rays. Which can cause sunburn and increase the risk of skin cancer.


  1. Wear lip balm: Lips are also susceptible to sunburn, so be sure to apply lip balm with SPF to protect them.
  2. Choose appropriate clothing: Wear clothing made of tightly woven fabrics, such as cotton, that can provide protection from the sun's rays.
  3. Seek shade: When the sun's rays are strongest. Seek shade under trees, umbrellas, or other structures to protect your skin.
By taking these steps to protect your skin from sun exposure, you can help to prevent itchy skin after sunburn and reduce your risk of skin cancer. Remember to always be mindful of the time you spend in the sun, and take. You can order high-quality products Coconut oil for itchy skin from "Amazon" or "eBay"

 Itchy Skin After Sunburn: Dealing with the side effects of sunburn

  1. Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers. As such, ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with sunburn.
  2. Cool the skin: Apply a cool, damp cloth. Or taking a cool bath can help to reduce pain and inflammation.
  3. Keep the skin moisturized: Apply a moisturizer to the affected area to help keep the skin hydrated and prevent itching.
  4. Avoid further sun exposure: Until your skin has fully healed. Avoid further sun exposure to prevent further irritation and itchiness.
  5. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and other fluids to stay hydrated. And help your skin heal.
  6. Avoid tight clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid further irritation of sunburned skin.
  7. Avoid Scratching: Scratching sunburned skin can cause more irritation, break the skin, and lead to infection.
  8. Take anti-inflammatory: For severe cases. You can take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and inflammation.


  • Take an oatmeal bath: Adding oatmeal to a lukewarm bath can help to soothe irritated skin and reduce itchiness.
  • Seek medical attention: If the sunburn is severe, blisters are present. If symptoms such as fever, headache, or nausea occur, seek medical attention.
It's important to remember that sunburns can take a few days to heal. So it's important to be patient and follow the above steps to relieve the symptoms. It's also crucial to take preventive measures to avoid sunburns in the future, such as using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing. And limiting sun exposure.

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