4-minute power workout,Tabata: why and for whom?.

Tabata 4-minute power workout Tabata: why and for whom?. What do Tabata sprints look like in practice?. Tabata Sprints: how they work
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 4-minute power workout,Tabata: why and for whom?.

Tabata training is one of the most effective training methods for fat loss ever – I am an absolute supporter of this method. Although the entire training session lasts only four minutes, in these you are allowed to go fully to your performance limit.

4,minute power workout,  Tabata

Tabata: why and for whom?

If you are ready to go to your own limit, you can lose weight faster than average with Tabata Sprints and increase your physical fitness. I guarantee you: after just a few sessions, you may wonder where your belly and hip fat has suddenly gone.

What should Tabata do? The training developed by the Japanese Izumi Tabata improves muscle building, and condition and actively and sustainably supports fat burning. Especially people who like to push the limits in their training are addressed with the method.

💓 Advice:   Aqua: Exercise in the water can multiply your fat loss.

What do Tabata sprints look like in practice?

One training session lasts only four minutes (other variants are possible), dividing them into 8 intervals. In this way, one interim endures precisely 20 seconds.

In this, the body should be guided to the maximum load limit. Then comes a rest period of 10 seconds, the whole thing is repeated seven times. Admittedly, the whole thing does not sound particularly complicated in theory. However, some have already failed to implement it.

Some athletes who have built Tabata Sprints into their training, let this be again after a short time, the reason for this is the total exhaustion, to which the training inevitably leads to proper execution. 

However, people who want to get more out of their bodies and look like a real lean machine get their money's worth. In the following, I want to explain the training with the help of two exercises.

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Tabata Sprints: how they work:

You can perform Tabata sprints at different locations and on different running surfaces. Sprints are possible on slopes, on the beach, in the snow, or simply on the treadmill and theoretically also while swimming in the water.

The procedure is identical regardless of the location:

  • Sprint for 20 seconds and get the most out of yourself.
  • During the 10-second rest phase, you run loose and take a deep breath.
  • After completing the first two phases, you repeat the two phases seven more times, so that you come to a total of eight intervals.

Tabata related products: https://amzn.to/3IyiHEZ

Training with resistors

In addition to sprints, you can also perform the Tabata training in the form of strength exercises. For this particularly intensive training, it is best to resort to full-body exercises. Particularly suitable are, among others:

  • Pushup.
  • Chin-ups.
  • Burpees.
  • Knee-bends.
  • Lunges.

The most important thing is to have as many repetitions as possible. Of course, you can also complete the training utilizing weights. Here you do not count the repetitions, but concentrate 100% on the specified time.

To make the Tabata training efficient, you should put on a maximum of a quarter of your usual weight. Kettlebells are also particularly suitable as an alternative to classic dumbbells. But also weight vests can be used sensibly during Tabata training. In principle, you can apply this form of training to any type of training.

Look forward to it:

The first two movements are usually still relatively easy to do, but from the 3rd the muscles start to burn and the sweat flows in torrents. Always provided, of course, that you are actually going to your performance limit.

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What do you need for Tabata Sprints?

It's nice that with this training method you don't need any special equipment except a stopwatch with a timer function (there are also Tabata apps for your mobile phone).  It is also recommended to train with a partner in particular and thus give each other a huge boost of motivation.

Don't underestimate the short breaks, because you will only be able to take a few breaths before you have to concentrate on the next session and return to the starting position.  For starters, you can of course extend the breaks to 15 or 20 seconds.

Lose weight with Tabata Sprints

The positive thing about this form of training is that you feel physically and mentally good again after just a few minutes after training. The feeling is also significantly better than after a 60-minute stupid endurance training or 45-minute strength training.

With regular training, you will not only get fitter, but you will also learn to focus mentally and find your own physical limits. Already within a short time, you can achieve very good results with it. Tabata is ideal for those who have little time for daily training and want to melt the really stubborn fat deposits. You will be able to reduce your body fat percentage surprisingly quickly.

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