how to reduce dark circles at home with salt.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes, 2 ways the, best treatment for dark circles will dark circles go away with sleep, Did you know that salt in
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how to reduce dark circles at home with salt.
Since ancient times, salt has been known as one of the "effective assistants" of women in beauty. The use of salt is one of the oldest ways to treat dark circles under the eyes that many people believe in. This natural remedy is also safe and effective.

dark circles. blue eye
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1. Treat dull circles beneath the eyes, by washing your confront with iodized saltwater

Warm salt water can reduce capillary buildup, helping to visibly reduce dark circles. In addition, this solution also helps you exfoliate the skin and give it a healthy shine.

Treat dark circles with warm water and salt as follows:


  • Pure sea salt: 2 teaspoons
  • Warm water: 250-300ml
  • Tools: 3-5 medical cotton balls, cups, 2 ice cubes


Put pure sea salt in a large cup.

Pour warm water into a glass of sea salt. and mix with a spoon until the salt is totally broken down.

Wash your face with a cleanser and then dry the eye area with a soft towel.

Take 3 medical cotton balls soaked in a solution of sea salt with warm water. and soak for 3 minutes.

Take the first medical cotton pad and apply it to dark skin for 2-3 minutes. Then take the remaining cotton pad, squeeze the water and apply it directly to the eye.

While applying cotton, lie down and relax for 10-15 minutes. Then use warm water to gently rub the eyes to clean them.

Wrap an ice 3d shape in a lean towel. and gently rub it over the freshly warmed area with warm salt water to close the pores.                     related products:

2. How to treat dark circles under the eyes with roasted salt

Roasted salt can not only dispel the accumulation of capillaries. but also reduce swelling and prevent puffiness. This is also an effective way to dissolve bruises in the eyelids because it stimulates blood circulation and, therefore, can reduce bruises on the skin.

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How to treat dark circles with salt is done as follows:


  • Pure sea salt: 200-300g
  • Tools: frying pan for grilling


Add salt to the pan and roast until golden brown.

Clean your face thoroughly, especially the eye area.

Put the roasted salt in a bag of thin cloth and gently apply it to the eyelids. the bag of salt cools.

Apply eye cream to soothe and nourish the eye area that has just been applied.

In addition to the two methods of treating dark circles under the eyes with salt above. some people also tell each other how to steam their faces with hot water and salt.  However, please note that this method is only suitable for the treatment of acne. When steaming it is fundamental to dodge aiming at the eye region since this portion is exceptionally touchy.

Note when treating dark circles under the eyes with salt

With the above methods of treating dark circles under the eyes with salt. to be sure of their effectiveness and speed, you need to note a few things:

  • Do not stay up late, try to get enough sleep.
  • Always keep your mind at rest; avoid stress and fatigue.
  • When going out in the sun, remember to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.
  • Drink enough water, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and get enough vitamins for the body, especially those that are good for the eyes such as B vitamins, vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin. 
  • Before applying salt, clean the skin around the eyes. After applying, you should apply a special eye cream.


Treat dark circles with salt for effective results, this should be done regularly, persistently, regularly (2-3 times a week), and do it only in the evening. If done during the day, it can make the skin around the eyes more exposed to sunlight and dust, making the dark condition worse.

In some cases, salt should not be used to treat dark circles under the eyes, such as for people who have dark circles under the eyes due to heredity, age, or disease.

Applying salt treatment for dark circles is effective only if it lasts a long time. May you regain your beautiful and healthy eyes!.                     related products:

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