10 tips for strengthening your immune system and maintaining a good sleep

10 tips for strengthening your immune system. Get a good night's sleep. Make friends. Exercise regularly. Drink tea. Vitamin supplement. relax
Estimated read time: 9 min

 10 tips for strengthening your immune system  and maintaining a good  sleep 
With a healthy immune system, your body is better able to fend off illness. and prolong your life. and ward off any diseases and infections that come your way. This makes you and your family healthier and happier. and it can also help you and your family stay healthier for longer. follow this article to know 10 tips for strengthening your immune system and maintaining good sleep.

immune system.
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1. for strengthening your immune system Get a good night's sleep:

How to strengthen immunity Good sleep can significantly increase the number of two types of lymphocytes in the body and the research by medical experts. has also proven that the human body will produce a sleep factor called muramic acid during sleep. which promotes the increase and activation of white blood cells. Liver detoxification is improved to eliminate invading bacteria and viruses.

2. Make friends:

Foreign studies have shown that good social interaction and good friendships with co-workers can reduce the chance of catching colds and colds. can help prompt the vitality of natural killer cells. which specialize in .capturing. and "destroying" cancer cells and those that have been infected with viruses, invading cells, contributing to the fight against tumors, antiviral infection, and strengthening immune regulation. Chatting with friends, or the insistence of your heart. can improve your mood and reduce the body's production of a hormone that suppresses the immune system.

3. Exercise regularly:

Moderate-intensity exercise can enhance the function of the body's immune system because physical exercise can relieve emotions and reduce stress. Immune system enhancement is another benefit of aerobic exercise. Middle-aged people can go out on weekends for walks. Elderly people suffering from chronic diseases should avoid overworking their hearts. They can choose to walk slowly in the morning or after meals, and then gradually switch to brisk walking.

4. Drink tea:

American Scientists have published a quantitative discovery: a chemical called .theanine. in tea can increase the body's ability to resist infections by 5 times. Additionally, theanine can activate the body's immune system to protect against germs, fungi, and viruses.

5. Vitamin supplement:

Vitamin C can inhibit the synthesis of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the diet, promote the formation of antibodies, promote phagocytosis in white blood cells, and enhance the body's resistance. Consume more vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. such as strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. Vitamin A has a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems. A lack of vitamin A will reduce the antibody response. which will lead to a decrease in immune function, bacteria, viruses, etc. will benefit from it. Adding vitamin A to food is considered a safe and effective means of health care. Eating more carrots can boost immunity. and a reasonable way to eat carrots is by frying or cooking with enough oil.

6. Drink plenty of water:

Lack of water weakens resistance. Drinking lots of water can make you feel more energetic. and preserve the mucous membranes in your mouth and nose wet, which can correctly entice germs.

7. Developing diverse interests and maintaining high energy:

A wide range of interests and hobbies will endlessly benefit people, not only for self-cultivation but also for the treatment of certain mental illnesses.

8. Always be optimistic:

someone's immunity has plenty to do with emotions. Studies have found negative emotions. such as hostility, sadness, and loss. and sadness can lead to a deterioration in human immunity, while a cheerful, energetic personality and happy emotions can improve human immunity. Because of mental happiness, and sadness. and distress can produce two different biochemical processes, sadness and sadness will change the secretion of hormones in the body. cause physiological imbalance, and weaken the body's immunity.

9. Learn to relax:

Stress will promote the release of hormones in the adrenal cortex. which will lead to immune feedback disorders. Some people often catch things like colds before exams and job applications. because stress-induced anxiety limits the role of immune cells. The immune system is also conditioned by emotions and feelings. so maintain an optimistic state of mind. Passive, emotional, nervous, and allergic people tend to have a weakened immune system and are more susceptible to diseases.

10. Limit drinking:

Do not drink more than 100 ml of low-alcohol alcoholic beverages or no more than 250 ml of rice wine. and no more than one bottle of beer every day. because alcohol will hurt every part of the human body. Although drinking wine can lower cholesterol. There should only be one glass each day.. as excessive consumption can cause significant damage to organs such as blood and the heart.

Take an afternoon nap to strengthen your immune system

After a morning of work and study, the human body consumes a lot of energy, and taking a nap after lunch can effectively compensate for the consumption of the human brain. Which is of great health benefit. From a physiological point of view, the excitation of human brain cells generally lasts for 4-5 hours, after which it turns into a state of inhibition. After lunch. In particular, the blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract increases significantly. The blood supply to the brain is significantly reduced, which leads to a corresponding decrease in oxygen and nutrients entering the brain with blood flow. Thus, the biological clock of the organism has a sleep rhythm. Which makes people feel lethargic and sleepy. At this time, the body needs to make short-term adjustments to get rid of fatigue, restore physical strength, and stabilize the balance of the functions of the nervous system.

 benefits of an afternoon nap:

  • 1. Higher immunity Immunologists say that after lunch, to help digestion. parasympathetic nerves will automatically dominate the body. a quick sleep presently can extra efficiently stimulate lymphocytes within the body and decorate the activity of immune cells.
  • 2. The heart is stronger Spanish medical research shows that taking a 30-minute nap every day can trigger a more balanced hormonal secretion in the body, and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases can also be reduced by 30%.
  • 3. You feel more comfortable A Harvard psychologist wrote a report showing that an afternoon nap can improve mood. reduce stress, and relieve stress - the same as sleeping all night (8 hours).

How to take a nap scientifically:

In the process of deep sleep, the process of inhibition of each center of the brain is significantly enhanced. The brain tissue contains multiple temporarily blocked capillary networks. cerebral blood flow is reduced. and the level of metabolism in the body is significantly reduced. If people suddenly wake up in the phase of deep sleep, because the process of deep inhibition in the cerebral cortex cannot be launched immediately..and the closed capillary network cannot be opened immediately, this will inevitably lead to transient insufficiency of blood supply to the brain, the function of the autonomic nervous system will temporarily appear, and the human body will feel very disturbed. This discomfort lasts about 30 minutes before gradually disappearing. It should be noted that nap time should be within one hour, to effectively get rid of fatigue ،

Secondly, it is not recommended to take a nap immediately after a meal:

Do not sit or lie down immediately after a meal, but stand for 30 minutes, during which you can wash dishes, trim flowers, and the like. Then walk downstairs for 30 minutes to help digestion. Then you can sleep, preferably only for 30 minutes. and many friends say that the head hurts after a nap. But after falling asleep, you still want to sleep. and your head hurts during sleep, this is because you slept for too long and deprived your brain of oxygen. Because the stomach is full of undigested food after lunch, immediately lying down at this time will make people feel full. The right way is to do some light activities after lunch such as walking. rubbing the belly, etc.. and then taking a nap, which helps digest and absorb food.

Thirdly, pay attention to the sleeping position:

Some people simply lie down on the table to sleep. In fact, these practices are not scientific. When the human body sleeps, the muscles relax, the heart rate slows down, and blood vessels dilate. blood pressure decreases, and blood flow to the brain is relatively reduced. More blood enters the stomach and intestines, especially after lunch.. and if you sit and sleep at this time, the brain will be deprived of oxygen after a long time. which makes people feel uncomfortable such as heaviness in the head, fatigue, and weakness in the legs. Sleeping at the table puts pressure on the chest, hinders breathing, and increases the burden on the heart and lungs. It is generally believed that the correct sleeping position is better because it can reduce the burden on the heart and increase blood flow in the liver. which helps digest and metabolize food.

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