6 types of meat that make aging fast, and cancer is near if you eat it every day

6 types of meat that make aging fast. Salted meat. Processed meat.Sausage, bacon. Grilled meat. Fatty meat . Fried meat
Estimated read time: 7 min

 6 types of meat that make aging fast, and cancer is near if you eat it every day
Meat is a delicious and nutritious food. Easy to prepare in many different dishes, meat in the daily rice tray is indispensable for every family. But it is said that the following five types of meat are very harmful. not only making you age quickly. but also increasing the risk of cancer and many other dangerous diseases. you should limit your intake to ensure health.

types of meat. White Background with Raw Beef Meat
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If you are a meat eater, then you probably like the taste of meat. But did you know that the meat you eat has an impact on how quickly you age and your risk of cancer? That's right. The meat you eat plays a role in how quickly you age and the risk of cancer.

from types of meat Salted meat

Salting has been considered a simple way to preserve food since ancient times. Today, in addition to pickles, salted fish and meat are. also favorite dishes of many people due to their rich and tasty taste. However, this is a dangerous dish and extremely harmful to health because too much salt in meat will increase the burden on the organs of the body. which leads to the risk of diseases, especially hypertension.

Moreover, salted meat is also at risk of cancer, especially bowel cancer and stomach cancer. Salted meat also causes high blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. It is better not to eat this type of meat to ensure health.

Processed meat

Processed meat consists of animal meat that has been processed in a certain way. These processes include smoking, processing, and salting. Processed meat is often processed more than ordinary natural meat. which often comes from animals that have been treated with hormones and antibiotics to increase the growth rate or increase the fat content for longer shelf life, in order to reduce costs and improve shelf life.

Processed meats may be high in fat and sodium, and low in nutrients because of those ingredients. This means that processed meat should be eaten in moderation. You also want to know the amount of fat and calories in processed meat.

from types of meat Sausage, bacon

These are two types of processed meat that are very popular and loved by many people. Like other processed meats. sausages and bacon are very harmful to the body. The relationship between this meat and cancer is obvious: cancer occurs when you eat meat contaminated with carcinogens such as nitrates and nitrites. They can cause overweight, obesity, premature aging, and cardiovascular disease. blood pressure, and even cancer if you take them regularly. 

These meats are also high in fat and unhealthy cholesterol which increases the risk of heart disease. high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.  Therefore, if you are worried about cancer, and you want to reduce the risk of it, choose the smallest possible pieces of meat. and eat them in moderation.

Grilled meat

Grilled meat at high temperatures easily produces carcinogens, which creates the possibility of cancer if consumed over a period of time. Grilled meat has a greater risk of causing cancer because the fat is introduced when high heat is applied. 

 Steak is considered carcinogenic at high cooking temperatures. And the fats contained in grilled meat make you gain weight. and age quickly, threatening your health and increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's, regardless of diet, and exercise. and genetics.  So please limit the intake of this dish, no matter how tasty it is!

 Fatty meat 

Fatty meat contains saturated fats that are not good for the human body. And these fats. when consumed in large quantities, can lead to heart disease. For this reason, many people today choose to eat lean meats such as chicken and fish instead. This has also led to a decrease in the amount of meat consumed by the population as a whole. 

This has also led to a lower incidence of cancer as people are not exposed to the same amount of cancer-causing meat and therefore have a lower chance of developing cancer. When they enter the body, cholesterol increases. and the risk of atherosclerosis and fats in the blood increases. resulting in heart attacks and strokes. If you eat meat, you should eat low-fat portions. or choose low-fat meat to ensure health. This also helps with weight loss because low-fat meat is caloric. and contains fewer calories.

from types of meat Fried  meat

Fried meat contains a lot of spices and fats, it is fried in oil and fat at high temperatures, so it not only causes overweight, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases and accelerates aging.

but also has a chance to harm cancer. It is often said that the consumption of fried meat increases the risk of cancer for three reasons: the frying process creates the formation of heterocyclic amines (has), which are formed when meat is exposed to high temperatures during cooking. 

It has a group of carcinogens produced by the Maillard reaction. which occurs when cooking at high temperatures or prolonged cooking at low temperatures causes amino acids to react with sugars in food. It can form for long periods from foods cooked at high temperatures. It can also form for shorter periods of time than foods cooked at high temperatures.

a summary

We all know that red meat has its share of health benefits-but the flip side of that coin is that it's linked to an increased risk of cancer and age-related diseases, such as heart disease and Alzheimer's. The more we learn about Dietetics, the more we realize that eating a diet heavy in animal products can have adverse effects on our health. 

One of the reasons for this is the fact that different types of meat contain different amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. This may significantly affect your health. That is why it is so important to choose the right types of meat. avoid eating red meat every day if you want to get older as quickly as possible and remain disease-free.

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