8 smart tips to increase burn calories while walking

8 smart tips to increase burn calories while walking. Increased pacing. Go further. Add walking exercises with breaks. Hiking on steep hills
Estimated read time: 7 min

8 smart tips to increase burn calories while walking
higher burn calories while walking: If you want to increase the number of calories you're burning while walking, try some of these strategies. One approach is to use shorter, faster strides when walking than you normally would. Shorter, faster strides will require more energy, which will increase your burn rate. Another approach is to increase the incline on your treadmill.

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to increase burn calories while walking Increased pacing:

If your walk usually takes about 25 minutes to complete, try this time to walk the same distance but only took 24 minutes. You will probably find yourself looking funny when you walk faster than usual, but this is just a first impression of a small change in exercise. Maintain this new pace for one to two weeks and then slowly reduce the time to 23 minutes ... Walk faster every week until at some point you feel your legs walking as fast as you are about to run. Increasing the speed of your legs will help you increase blood circulation and burn more energy.

Evaluate yourself every week to see how you are getting better. 

to increase burn calories while walking Go a little further

The longer you exercise, the more calories you burn assuming the walking speed stays the same. Try to add one to two minutes a week of walking. This will help you burn more energy. Small, but if you regularly add 1-2 minutes a week, then after a month you will see a noticeable effect on the number of calories you burn during exercise. You can easily increase your calorie burn by simply going over.

Add walking exercises with breaks:

This exercise consists of sets of intensive walking with a few breaks. To burn more calories, take a brisk walk for one to two minutes and then spend about 30 seconds leisurely walking in place. Then continue walking fast and then move slowly. This exercise helps to increase the average walking speed during exercise, which makes you feel stronger and expend more energy.

to increase burn calories while walking Hiking on steep hills

Walking on a certain slope requires more energy than walking on a flat surface. If you walk outdoors, look for places with sloping surfaces, and for indoor exercises, set the treadmill to climbing mode. This exercise will help you develop your muscles. Choosing steep but long slopes or steep but short slopes are both effective in burning calories, so try to see for yourself what kind of terrain you prefer to practice. Be careful when training on this very steep terrain because going down too fast or exercising too hard can injure your knees and legs.

Carrying more heavy things

The heavier you carry, the easier it is to burn energy. Instead of walking normally, pack a small backpack with some heavy things inside. This will not only help you burn calories but also help you build muscle. However, when training, remember that you should slowly gain weight after each week of training. Carrying too much weight can strain the muscles that affect the joints or, worse, get injured during exercise. The best way is to wear a heavy jacket to balance the weight evenly on both sides of your body. If you have knee or ankle problems, you should consult your doctor before exercising.

Switch to brisk walking

If you've reached an ultra-fast walking pace and feel like you're about to switch to hiking, why not give it a try During a brisk walk puts more strain on the joints than walking, and this will naturally cause the body to expend more energy. With the interval method, you can walk for 3 to 5 minutes and then brisk walk for about two minutes. Alternating from walking to brisk walking. Then slowly increase the time of fast walking and reduce the time of normal walking.

to increase burn calories while walking at 5.0 mph) will burn 286 calories:

Remember that brisk walking and jogging cause a lot of stress on the joints of the legs. If you don't usually walk briskly or jog, look for the above methods to increase calorie burning. Another way is that you can do this movement on a treadmill because the treadmill will help you put less stress on these joints compared to normal walking outside.

to increase burn calories while walking Walking on different planes:

Walking on grass, rails, sand, or anywhere other than your usual running will make your body feel challenged and burn more calories. Uneven planes will make muscle groups work harder to help you maintain balance. Take, for example, walking on the sand. Walking on sand requires 2.1 - 2.7 times more time and energy than walking on a hard surface such as concrete. If you feel like challenging yourself more by doing this exercise, be sure to equip yourself with a good, comfortable pair of shoes so that the shoe supports you in your practice, reducing stress on muscle groups. also, check the weather that day and remember to prepare lunch to bring in case get hungry. At the same time, make sure that your loved ones know that you are going for a walk in the fresh air today to avoid the risk of losing it.

 More Nordic exercises:

Nordic walking will help muscles such as the chest, arms, shoulders, and major muscle groups to work actively. This exercise will help you increase energy burning by 46% from the usual walking.

If you want to lose weight, walking can help you reach your goal. So set the timer and jog for 150 minutes a week - about 20 minutes a day - and you'll burn about 1,000 calories a week. The effect of burning calories will be improved if you combine it with other strategies to increase calories.

Walking is one of the best, most simple ways to increase your fitness and get some exercise in the process. It’s cheaper than a gym membership and can be done without being too strenuous.

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