9 purple foods you should eat this summer, eat them without meat

9 purple foods you should eat. Eggplant. Onions. Purple cabbage. Perella.Perella. Berries. Blueberries. Purple rice. Purple potatoes.
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9 purple foods you should eat this summer, eat them without meat
Purple foods are healthy food, packed with antioxidants and other nutrients that help keep you healthy and energized. There are a lot of purple foods to choose from. so feel free to add more to your diet. Here are 9 of the best purple foods to add to your diet.

purple foods . Assortment Of Purple Foods Watercolor Fruit And Vegetables

 Eggplant: anti-fatigue and lowering blood lipids

Eggplant contains saponins. which have a bidirectional regulatory effect on the body and have good anti-fatigue and hypolipidemic effects.

In addition, the eggplant rind contains a lot of nutrients, and it is better to eat it with the rind. Note that eggplants contain solanine. which is easily poisoned when eaten raw. and the ability of eggplants to absorb oil is strong, so use less oil when frying eggplants.

The recommended way of eating: steamed eggplant.

Method: wash the eggplants and cut them into long strips, put them in a saucepan, and leave for 10 minutes, sprinkle the prepared sauce (chili sauce, salt, garlic, etc.). on the eggplants, cover the saucepan, and Steam for 2 minutes.

Onions: to reduce sugar

Onions contain a substance similar to the hypoglycemic drug taken orally .methyl sulfonamide, which can effectively stimulate the synthesis and release of insulin.

Modern medicine has proven that onions, both Raw and cooked, have an auxiliary effect in lowering blood sugar.

The recommended way to eat: pickled onions in vinegar.

Method: peel and wash 500 grams of onion. cut into thin slices, heat in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and after taking it out, add 600 ml of vinegar, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it the next day.

Consume once a day, preferably no more than 30 grams at a time.

Purple cabbage: weight loss

Purple cabbage is rich in vitamin P and can reduce cholesterol. is a good companion for meat, and helps the body consume fat.

The recommended way to eat: purple cabbage salad.

Practice: rinse the purple cabbage with running water, cut it into thin slices, add sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, sugar, etc., mix thoroughly, and then refrigerate for an hour.

Perilla: appetizer, dispelled cold

Perilla is a type of food that has medicinal and edible purposes. Eating more perilla can strengthen the stomach, and adding it when cooking soup is more appetizing; adding perilla when frying snails can relieve heat and disperse cold; boiled and drunk, it is good for mild symptoms of wind and cold cold patients have a certain effect.

The recommended way to eat: basil egg cake.

Method: wash and chop the basil, chop the eggs in a large bowl, pour the basil and stir well. then add the right amount of salt, pour the basil-egg liquid into the saucepan, and fry in egg pancakes.

The world of fruit

Grapes: delays aging

The grape seeds contained in grapes are known. as skin vitamins. which have fat-soluble and water-soluble properties, and have a certain effect on delaying aging.

Note that the sugar in grapes consists mainly of glucose. which can be quickly absorbed by the body and help relieve hypoglycemia. but people with diabetes are not recommended to eat more.

Berries: nourish the stomach and help digestion.

The Berry can supplement the lack of gastric juice and promote the digestion of gastric juice. it can stimulate the intestinal drilling membrane. promote the secretion of intestinal juice, and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, so it has the function of nutrition and strengthening.

When the appetite is not good, use berries to cook porridge. which can be appetizing, and cleanse the intestines.

Blueberries: enhances resistance

Blueberries are rich in nutrients and contain a lot of proteins, and vitamins. and a variety of trace elements, especially anthocyanins.

Eating blueberries regularly can supplement these nutrients for the body. which can improve immunity and enhance the body's ability to resist disease.

Coarse grains

Purple rice: nourishes the blood

Purple rice is sweet, warm in nature, and has the effect of invigorating Qi and nourishing the blood. Purple rice contains 16.72 mg of iron per kilogram. which is 248.3% more than ordinary polished rice, and eating more can supplement iron and nourish the blood. which is suitable for frail, weak people and postpartum anemia.

The recommended way to eat: purple longan rice porridge.

Practice: soak purple rice two hours in advance. then remove the shell from the dried longan and take the meat, wash the ingredients. and put them in the rice cooker. use the porridge function, and add sugar when it is almost cooked.

Purple potato: prevents and treats constipation

Purple potatoes are rich in cellulose, which can enhance the motility of the gastrointestinal tract. clean the mucus, gases, and putrefactive retained in the lumen of the intestine, and excrete substances that are not useful for the human body in the feces. and keep the stool undisturbed. Those who often suffer from constipation and have gastrointestinal discomfort can eat some purple sweet potatoes. as a laxative.

The recommended way to eat: low-fat purple potato cake.

Method: steam and squeeze purple potatoes into a puree. add milk and stir in a puree, use purple potato puree as a filling, and wrap it with a pancake skin or dumpling crust. then put it in a saucepan and cook slowly over low heat (without brushing oil).

a summary:

Getting enough purple foods in your diet can help you stay healthy and active. The range of color options for food and drinks can help you get more of the nutrients you need. and some of them also add additional benefits such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Purple foods are often associated with royalty, but you don't need to be royal to eat them. In fact, eating foods dyed purple can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow, making it a nutritional powerhouse.

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