9 signs of pregnancy that must be recognized early to care for pregnant women

9 signs of pregnancy. absence of menstruation. Tired. Dizziness and fainting. Nausea and vomiting. Frequent urination. Back pain. Mood swings
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9 signs of pregnancy that must be recognized early to care for pregnant women
Pregnancy signs are a series of signs that a woman is pregnant. It is often used to confirm pregnancy when a woman is unsure or has missed periods. The following 9 signs of pregnancy that must be recognized early to care for pregnant women

signs of pregnancy . Pregnant woman icon

1.  sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation

If the egg is fertilized, the woman will disappear by 9 months of pregnancy. Therefore, a late red light day is the most characteristic sign of pregnancy. However, some people have irregular menstrual cycles. or sometimes stress and fatigue can also lead to this phenomenon. So the most obvious sign of pregnancy is not always the case. In addition to the absence of menstruation, women often notice other signs of pregnancy, such as:

You need to pay attention to body changes. If you are pregnant, you may notice some blood spots on the days when menstruation should come. This blood is not visited by the .aunt but comes from the implantation of the egg into the endometrium. The appearance of these spots is an additional sign of pregnancy.

2. signs of pregnancy Transformation in the first round

In the early stages of pregnancy, in preparation for the 9-month process of feeding the fetus. the body secretes more hormones. The amount of blood in the breast increases, which makes the pregnant woman's breasts tight, sensitive and painful to the touch.

Just a couple of weeks after the start of pregnancy, the breast will gradually increase in size and turn dark. If you notice the above signs after sex, it means that your baby has just appeared!

3. signs of pregnancy Tired

Progesterone production increases throughout pregnancy. At the same time, to nourish the fetus, the amount of blood needed to transport nutrients increases. which makes the heart work harder. As a result, most pregnant women will feel drained of energy, and tired. and sluggish. These signs can be caused by a variety of reasons, including fatigue from the pregnancy itself; fatigue from being late. working or studying for a long time; fatigue from stress, illness. or malnutrition. If you suspect that you are pregnant, it is important to take some time to rest and relax instead of rushing back to work or school.

4. Dizziness and fainting

Similar to fatigue, dizziness is an inevitable phenomenon when the blood circulation for feeding the fetus depletes the mother's energy. This sign of pregnancy usually appears in the third week of pregnancy. This sign is a consequence of high estrogen levels in the mother's blood. 

 However, it can also occur in the second trimester of pregnancy. Most women will have some level of dizziness. and/or fainting, usually a sign of preterm labor as well.

When the body is stressed, especially when pregnant women are active. or suddenly change positions, anemia or hypotension can occur, causing the mother to experience dizziness and lightheadedness. and even fainting.

5. Nausea and vomiting

Usually, pregnant women from 4-6 weeks experience nausea and vomiting constantly (morning sickness). At this time, due to high estrogen levels. the mother is very sensitive to odors and immediately vomits if it smells bad. In addition, the taste of pregnant women at this stage tends to crave sour and sweet foods. They also often get impatient and restless. feeling irritable and edgy. Morning sickness is the term used for these signs.

 During this time, spotting is also common, although this usually occurs later in pregnancy and is not an indication of anything wrong.

6. Frequent urination

This is a sign of pregnancy about 6 weeks after fertilization. During this time, the amount of blood and other fluids in the body increases, forcing the kidneys to excrete more water. In addition, the uterus presses on the bladder, which leads to frequent urination. Signs of pregnancy may also include breast pain, nausea, and/or vomiting.  If you notice these signs and they persist for more than a few days, tell your doctor. It can be a sign of pregnancy. or a condition called preeclampsia, which is a serious complication of pregnancy. More information about the signs of preeclampsia. and other pregnancy complications can be fou, and/or an article on pregnancy symptoms.

7. Elevated body temperature

Not only does it make a pregnant woman tired, but a sharp increase in progesterone during pregnancy also causes the body temperature to rise above normal. This sign of pregnancy is very similar to the time in the menstrual cycle. When ovulation occurs, the body temperature drops slightly, which indicates that ovulation has occurred. When progesterone increase buts in the second half of the cycle, the body temperature rises slightly above normal, which indicates the occurrence of ovulation. Tracking body temperature can help determine when ovulation occurs and can serve as a useful indicator of pregnancy.

8. Back pain

If you feel unusual back pain, accompanied by the above symptoms, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. This is a sign that the body is relaxing the ligaments in the back in preparation for the upcoming pregnancy. This should not be ignored. as it can lead to complications if left untreated, such as premature birth and low birth weight. You should visit your doctor if you notice these signs and he or she can take a full pregnancy history. and perform tests to determine the state of pregnancy and the health of the mother.

9. Mood swings

Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy affect the feelings of the mother, making her unable to control her mood. At this time, a pregnant woman will become sensitive, emotional, irritable, intermittently changing her feelings. You may also feel tired, especially in the morning, and have difficulty sleeping. Some women may also experience cravings for certain foods .or drinks, such as coffee or soda, which can be a sign of pregnancy.  

 You will experience fatigue and drowsiness, and you may feel nauseous. You may feel like crying a lot. 

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