beans for skin- Divine beans for bright and beautiful skin

beans for skin--contain antioxidants that help prevent aging, reduce inflammation and protect the skin from toxins. They help to keep your skin clear
Estimated read time: 7 min

 beans for skin- Divine beans for bright and beautiful skin
beans for skin--contain antioxidants that help prevent aging, reduce inflammation and protect the skin from toxins. They help to keep your skin clear. follow this article to know beans for skin- Divine beans for bright and beautiful skin

beans for skin
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 beans for skin Red beans

The beauty of red beans is a way that many girls trust. Because red beans are full of nutrients. such as protein, potassium, and iron to help firm the skin and whiten it naturally. Not only that, if you take care of your skin with red beans,. you will find that your skin has become smoother. and dead cells are removed to get beautiful white skin without fear of sunburn very quickly if exposed to sunlight. The bleaching method of many cosmetics.

You just need to mash the cereal

 and then slowly add water to adjust it until the mixture becomes smooth and thick. and not too liquid. Apply the mask to the face and neck for 15 minutes. then rinse with clean water. For convenience, saving time, and effort, you can use red beans in powder form. When using red bean powder. it will easily combine with many other ingredients to get the most out of this bean. For example::

Acne skin can use red bean paste and coconut oil to clean acne and healthy skin.2 tablespoons of red bean powder, 2 tablespoons of honey, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to get snow-white skin. and smooth stretching can be applied to the face and neck.

 beans for skin Green beans

Not only does a cup of sweet and cold tea and fatty cakes help you. but green beans also help to make your skin as beautiful as red beans. Because inside this small pill contains a lot of high nutritional components such as starch, fat, fiber, vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, provitamin K, and minerals Ca, Na, and Zn,... Using a mung bean mask regularly you will notice that your skin is visibly prettier.

Like red beans, 

let's mash green beans. Then add fresh milk to get a smooth and thick mixture. Apply this mask to the skin, and use a cotton towel to cover it for the nursery. Relax for 30 minutes until the mask dries. then wash off. A tip for normal skin is to use this mask once a week and for dry skin once every 10 days. Especially for oily skin, it can increase the number of times to make it reasonable (but it should only be 2-3 times a week). because of green beans in addition to helping white skin. also can control oiliness properly so that the skin is not greasy, and less beautiful.

 beans for skin Black beans

If you want to have a full-bodied white bath, black beans are probably the option that women have mentioned the most. Because in this pill, the content of vitamins and iron will stimulate an increase in red blood cells, so the pigmentation of the skin will also be pink and fresh. Moreover, according to the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. black beans contain 10 times more antioxidants than grapes, raspberries, or strawberries. Therefore, many of you came to black beans to get beautiful skin for your face and body.

Just like the beans mentioned above,

 you can just mash the beans and then mix them with fresh milk to get a smooth paste, evenly apply them to the body for 15-20 minutes and then take a shower with clean water. If you want more beautiful skin, you can incorporate more honey, clay, and yogurt. or olive oil into the black bean paste. For girls with dry skin, you can add a little rice bran. Do skincare with black beans 3 times a week. and you will see miraculously beautiful skin!

 beans for skin Soybeans

When it comes to soy, everyone immediately thinks about a delicious milkshake, right With this type of Bean. the nourishing milk drops also contribute to a great beautification of the skin along with the use of bean powder like the above methods.

Speaking of soy, it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins. and estrogens that are extremely beneficial for health and skin. Soy helps prevent skin aging and is soft and radiant.

Soybean skin care has several ways as follows:

The simplest of them is to use warm water diluted with soy milk to wash your face, if you have time, you can gently massage the skin for a few minutes and then rinse with clean water. This will help you get rid of unnecessary fat. Using milk to make a relaxing mask. also helps to reduce dark spots, fade wrinkles, reduce acne, and moisturize and whiten the skin. For a long time. this is also a way to beautify Japanese and Chinese women on dry weather days.

Apply milk to the nose

 and eyes area Strictly before bathing, and after bathing also rinse with cool water. After two weeks, your skin will become cleaner and whiter. Use soybean flour mixed with green bean powder in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix it with water (milk is better) in a mixture and wait 5 minutes for the ingredients to absorb and mix together. Then use the mask as usual. This mask of two types of beans is very useful for oily skin and for all skin types. it helps to narrow pores and whiten the skin after a month of regular use 2-3 times a week.

Fashionable beans are a good friend of women's beauty. Let's try to use the above recipes to get the beautiful glowing skin of your dreams, girls!

a summary

When it comes to skincare ingredients, beans are one of the most talked about ingredients in the industry. Some people swear by them, saying that they have seen improvements in their skin and hair after using them. Other people claim that they don't work. or that they are no better than other ingredients on the market. Which side of the argument do you find yourself on?

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