Causes of food poisoning and how to protect yourself from food contamination

Food poisoning is a condition in which a person becomes infected due to: eating or drinking contaminated food and water or containing toxic food
Estimated read time: 8 min

Causes of food poisoning and how to protect yourself from food contamination
Eating is an urgent need to preserve life, but if they eat foods containing toxins, this will lead to food poisoning, manifested by unpleasant symptoms, and may even lead to death. Therefore, equipping us with some knowledge. such as what food poisoning is, what are the causes of food poisoning, as well as how to spot it. as well as what to do if poisoning is suspected. will help us respond. And life.

food poisoning  Medical image
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Food poisoning is a condition in which a person becomes poisoned due to:

Eating or drinking contaminated or contaminated food. and water food or drink containing toxic substances food spoiled. spoiled foods and water pipes contain residues of preservatives or chemicals harmful to health.

Foodborne illness has four basic causes:

A) food poisoning caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold

Staphylococcal toxin (also known as staphylococcus): is commonly found in milk, cakes, and undercooked poultry. When infected with this bacterium. the symptoms will appear rampant and acute, within a few hours they are easily confused with surgical diseases of the abdomen. People with poisoning often experience dizziness, vomiting, headache, and rapid pulse. and diarrhea, and quickly fall into a state of severe infection if they are not treated promptly. Non-typhoid salmonella bacteria is a very common agent that causes acute diarrhea if contaminated food is ingested. causing unpleasant symptoms such as headache, abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea (turbidity, odor). A hospital for symptomatic treatment and timely rehydration. 

Clostridium botulinum toxin: 

is typically present in canned goods, sausages, powdered milk, cheese, and other foods. These are dangerous bacteria that produce botulinum toxin. which is a powerful neurotoxin and is a powerful neurotoxin. One of the most dangerous biological agents ever discovered. They penetrate the nerve cells, causing muscle paralysis and quickly destroying the central nervous system. which can lead to death.

Hepatitis A virus (HAV): unlike hepatitis B or C, the Hepatitis A virus spreads quickly through the digestive tract and is a severe form of hepatitis that is completely treatable. 

It is frequently present in meals like fresh vegetables,

 seafood, oysters, snails, and mussels living in dirty water. Small liver fluke: small liver fluke eggs live and develop in the aquatic environment. and the eggs die if they are on land or when the temperature is too high, so when eating raw foods such as raw fish salad, or grilled fish. uncooked snails are very susceptible to infection. Infection with this parasite.Adult fluke parasites in the biliary tract, cause symptoms of liver pain, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, and slow indigestion. systemic rash, rash, possibly tan, jaundice, accompanied by anemia.

B) food poisoning due to spoiled, deformed food

Some foods are left after processing in the open air and at room temperature. are very susceptible to transformation and contamination caused by the invasion, and reproduction. and growth of bacteria. Foods that are left outside the room temperature for about 6 hours, even if reheated, still cannot return to their original quality and can cause food poisoning.

Signs of spoiled food are very typical, they can be easily recognized with the naked eye by the following signs:

Color change: darker or moldy, peculiar smell: sour, small transformation: shrinkage, watering, or disintegration.

C) poisoning due to eating toxic foods

Some foods are toxic, such as:

Blowfish: the poison of blowfish is called tetrodotoxin, it is more abundant in eggs. Sometimes, women are more poisonous than men. Additionally, frogs' internal organs including the intestines, abdominal muscles, and seminal vesicles, as well as their skin, liver, and other internal organs, contain this toxin. This is a highly toxic neurotoxin that is very deadly in only a small amount. Potato sprouts: when sprouted, the concentration of glycoalkaloids in potatoes increases. if this substance is ingested in large quantities, you will be poisoned. Typically, symptoms start to show up hours or even days after consuming sprouting potatoes. In the case of a small intake, it is usually only vomiting or diarrhea. and abdominal pain, not life-threatening. If consumed in large quantities. it can lead to increased heart rate, low blood pressure, fever, headache, and can even lead to death.

Poisoning is caused by eating poisoned frog meat 

(when preliminary processing accidentally glued plastic to the skin, liver, and bile with frog meat), in some cases due to eating eggs or liver frogs. Symptoms appear sharply, loudly. and severely, perhaps a few hours after eating, or appear early if the meal contains alcohol or beer. The manifestations are gastrointestinal tract: severe vomiting, and abdominal pain above the navel. diarrhea blood circulation: palpitations, palpitations, tachycardia, then arrhythmia. ventricular fibrillation, possible cardiac arrest, blood pressure rises and falls, leading to a breakdown of the cardiovascular nervous system: sensory disorders (numbness of the hands and feet like needles). cold sweating may lead to hallucinations. and increased salivation. Urine: oliguria, possibly anuria, if severe. can lead to very serious complications such as acute renal failure.

D) food sickness brought caused by harmful chemical contamination

Due to heavy metal contamination: animals, fish, and vegetables are grown. and processed or living in areas with water or soil contaminated with heavy metals (shark, swordfish, tuna, perch) phi)., the use of metal containers for food (such as thermos flasks are susceptible to arsenic, mercury, chromium)due to pesticide residues in vegetables, residues of veterinary drugs in animal meat. due to food additives or preservatives3. When should you detect food poisoning?

The symptoms may differ depending on the sort of food consumed before. and certain signs might manifest like:

Nausea, vomiting, sometimes vomiting blood

Mild or severe abdominal pain, frequent defecation, and sometimes loose water. and even blood depending on the factor, it may or may not have fever dizziness, or headache. blurred vision and dizziness, dehydration: dry mouth, dry lips, sunken eyes, cold skinanuria, oliguria. sometimes anuria, anorexia, tired heart palpitations, and low blood pressure

How is a possible case of food poisoning handled?

Urge to vomit: this is an important step to take for first aid, to limit the entry of toxins into the body even more. Rehydration: when poisoned, the sufferer often develops diarrhea and vomiting. which leads to dehydration. So rehydration therapy is a very important and necessary issue on the way to the hospital. Give the victim plenty of water to drink, cortisol can be added if available. Take the victim right away to a hospital so that the body may be detoxified. and get more intensive treatment if complications arise.

keeping foodborne disease at bay

The use of food of pure origin, free of residues of pesticides and chemicals, additives, or veterinary drugs in the process of growth and preservation. Eat cooked, drink boiled. and do not eat raw or rare foods to avoid the risk of infection with helminths. Immediately after cooking, while it is still hot, consume. you should not eat spoiled food, left for a long time, with a strange smell or color.

Store carefully cooked foods 

in the refrigerator to keep them longer. Never combine raw and cooked foods. When processing raw food, you should have a cutting board and a knife for your own use, to limit the spread of harmful agents through processed foods. Always keep the kitchen surface clean, clean kitchen utensils regularly, keep the kitchen ventilated, and kill insects, bugs, and rats in the kitchen. Charge your hands before using them for food. and wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food, and before eating. and after using the toilet. Protect food from animals. such as flies and rats, carefully cover the food when it is finished processing, preferably refrigerate it or use it immediately after cooking. Use clean water for living, and limit the use of river water. as well as non-disinfected well water.

the desire for food among people

food poisoning is also more likely to occur as the population grows daily. As a result, food poisoning prevention is crucial. and imperative that each buyer defend. Eating cooked foods, drinking boiled. and using foods of clear origin is the first step that every person should take to reduce the disease. and maintain a healthy body.

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