Dietary guidelines for the Prevention of lung cancer

Prevention of lung cancer. promotes the absorption of curcumin. Avoid eating excess protein. eat more foods that provide I3C.
Estimated read time: 8 min

 Dietary guidelines for the Prevention of lung cancer
The prevention of lung cancer is a major public health goal. Dietary habits play a key role in lung cancer development and progression. A diet is rich in plant-based foods, such as vegetables. fruits, whole grains. and legumes are associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer. Reducing animal product consumption, especially beef and other red meat have also been shown to reduce the risk of this disease.

Prevention of lung cancer.
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 1: Prevention of lung cancer promotes the absorption of curcumin:

If you are a fan of Indian food culture, here are the eating tips you will love: increase curcumin intake. Curcumin is a phenolic compound that gives turmeric its dark yellow color. turmeric is a famous Indian spice. Curcumin has therapeutic qualities as well.. which is why spice - in the form of turmeric - has been used in traditional Asian medicine for centuries. In recent years, Western medicine has also begun to pay more attention to this powerful phytochemical compound. Research shows that curcumin has many anti-cancer properties that make it very effective against many different types of cancer, including lung cancer. 

 2: Prevention of lung cancer Avoid eating excess protein:

Hundreds of years ago, the Scottish physician John Baird discovered pancreatic enzymes that help break down proteins and at the same time destroy cancer cells. A high-protein diet forces pancreatic enzymes to focus on digesting protein instead of using it. it to destroy cancer cells. Therefore, excess protein intake should be avoided if your goal is to reduce the risk of lung cancer (but you still need a certain amount of protein for a healthy body). Some experts suggest that the body needs a protein-free phase for about 12 hours a day to fight cancer.

 3: Prevention of lung cancer eat more foods that provide I3C:

Cruciferous foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi have long been praised for their cancer-fighting abilities. This ability is largely due to indole-3-carbinol (I3C), compounds found in cruciferous vegetables when cell membranes break down through processing. cutting, crushing, or chewing. It has been proven that indole-3-carbinol promotes the elimination of a variety of toxic compounds, including carcinogens, and has antioxidant properties. In animal studies, it has been proven that I3C inhibits the multiplication of lung cancer cells and stimulates apoptosis in these cells.

 4: limit the absorption of fats, especially from animal fats:

Another good tip to prevent lung cancer is to limit the number of animal fats in your diet, as a high intake of animal fats has been associated with cancer risk and increased lungs. A study of the relationship between fat intake. smoking and mortality from lung cancer were conducted using data from 29 countries. The researchers found that there is a positive relationship between lung cancer, smoking, and eating animal fats. A close relationship between lung cancer mortality. and vegetable fat intake was not found.

 5: stick to regimes balanced diet rich in antioxidants and vitamins:

Both vitamin A (and beta-carotene), as well as vitamins C and E., are powerful antioxidants that help neutralize cancer-causing free radicals and strengthen the immune system. thereby reducing the risk of lung cancer. Vitamins C and E can also prevent the synthesis of nitrosamine. a substance that could be cancerous.

However, the effect of vitamin C on the formation of nitrosamines can only occur in the absence of stomach fat: a team of researchers replicated the chemical conditions of the upper abdomen and measured the effects of vitamin C on the production of nitrosamines. both in the presence of stomach fat and in the absence of it. Without fat, vitamin C reduces nitrosamine levels, but when 10% fat is added, vitamin C enhances the formation of nitrosamines.


 experts encourage people to get vitamins through a balanced diet instead of supplements to avoid overdosing. In fact, research suggests that there may be a U-shaped relationship between the antioxidant properties of certain vitamins. such as vitamin E and beta-carotene, and intake levels (either too high or too low). ​​Harmful). In one trial, patients with moderate vitamin E levels for 10 years showed a reduced risk of lung cancer while those with higher levels had an increased risk. Another possible mechanism is that, although vitamin E is an antioxidant. it may also act as a pro-oxidant (a compound that stimulates free radical activity) when it is in high concentrations.

 6: Prevention of lung cancer get rid of aflatoxin-contaminated foods:

Carcinogenic compounds in food can appear when certain molds grow on food that produces toxins during processing, storage, or transportation. These poisons include the powerful poison aflatoxin, which has been proven to be a carcinogen due to its ability to damage DNA. Particularly vulnerable to aflatoxin infection are peanuts.. but many other foods, including whole grains. legumes, legumes. and spices, are also susceptible to aflatoxin-secreting fungi. These toxins are immune to cooking and freezing, but 

a careful selection of food can significantly reduce your exposure to these toxins:

- Buy only fresh and clean nuts, beans, and rice (or at least avoid nuts and rice harvested from last year)

- Look for well-preserved storage tags and avoid foods that come from countries with substandard storage conditions.

- Get rid of nuts that taste rotten or suspicious

- Eat green vegetables rich in chlorophyll to reduce the risk of aflatoxin toxic effects; chlorophyll has been shown to reduce aflatoxin levels in studies.

 7: eat more foods that provide beta-glucan:

Beta-glucan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide substance (structural carbohydrate) found in many foods rich in soluble fiber. According to some studies. these polysaccharides may help fight certain types of cancer - including lung cancer - by directing immune cells to cancer areas and destroying cancer cells. At the same time, numerous animal experiments have found that beta-glucan has strong antitumor and anticancer properties. Beta-glucan is abundant in cereal flour, bread yeast, and mushrooms.

8: avoid nitrate meat products:

Nitrates are natural compounds that are found in air, soil, surface water, groundwater, and plants. Food manufacturers also use nitrates in the preparation of many meat products such as sausages. cured meats, bacon, and canned meats to give the products a deep red color. When you eat foods that contain nitrates, your body converts nitrate compounds into nitrite. which in turn forms nitrosamines. Nitrosamines may contribute to human cancer, according to scientific data. Fortunately, antioxidant compounds - such as vitamins C and E-are able to inhibit the formation of nitrosamines. Since vegetables are often rich in antioxidants. there is no need to worry about the formation of nitrosamines when eating nitrate-containing vegetables.

 9: Prevention of lung cancer eat foods that provide Ellagic acid:

Ellagic acid is probably your best weapon in the fight against lung cancer. There is a lot of evidence that ellagic removes cancer-causing compounds by activating certain detoxification enzymes in the body. Ellagic acid also can prevent carcinogens from sticking to DNA cells. Moreover. it has been proven that ellagic acid stimulates the immune system, initiates apoptosis in cancer cells, and detects potentially carcinogenic free radicals. Ellagitannins-which turns into ellagic acid in the body - are found in some red fruits. berries are the biggest source of this amazing phytochemical to fight cancer in the digestive tract. Some nuts, such as walnuts and walnuts. also contain ellagic acid.

10: For Prevention of lung cancer be sure to get the required amount of selenium:

Several population studies indicate that the risk of death from lung cancer is reduced in people with a high intake of the mineral Selenium (Selenium). Lung cancer mortality rates are significantly lower in regions of the world where the soil is rich in selenium than in areas where it has been depleted. Selenium is believed to reduce the risk of cancer in two different ways: first. selenium is a component of glutathione peroxidase. an enzyme that helps protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Secondly, selenium may inhibit tumor growth by boosting the immune system and preventing the growth of tumor-related blood vessels. It is advisable to get selenium from your diet instead of supplements - supplements with high levels of selenium can be harmful to your health.

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