Skin allergy: scientific care to heal quickly and not leave scars

Skin allergy:: For weather, water, or insects, please keep your personal hygiene. It is useful to provide things that cause allergies.
Estimated read time: 9 min

Skin allergy: scientific care to heal quickly and not leave scars
Skin allergy occurs at almost any age, regardless of gender or age. Therefore, many people are worried about the condition in which they may have a skin allergy at any time. Let's find out how to take care of your skin when you have allergies.

Skin allergy:
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What is a skin allergy?

Skin allergy is a disorder of the outer layer of the skin., that is, a condition in which the outer layer of the skin reacts to certain components. which can be caused by food, water, weather, cosmetics, etc ... Skin allergies today have many levels and are expressed specifically as follows:

Mild skin allergy: 

this skin condition causes a slight burning sensation and mild itching. is not very serious and will disappear later, leaving no eczema on the skin. Moderate skin allergy: this is a condition of moderate damage to the skin. at which point your skin becomes red and itchy. and swollen a lot. Severe skin allergies: severe allergies are a condition in which your skin is damaged and reacts to the most sensitive substances. At this time, your skin will become red, bumps will form on the body, and these spots will be very unpleasant for you because you always itch and burn a lot. If you accidentally touch or rub this rash, it may bleed.

Tips for knowing if you have sensitive skin

Here are my tips for using it during allergies. which I will divide into 3 stages:

Pre-anaphylacticduring an allergic reaction after anaphylactic1. Before allergies

1.1 preparation of a list of allergenic foods and drinks

If you are allergic. You should write down which foods cause you allergies and the case when you have an allergy. It is very easy to do this and it will be very useful for you to visit a doctor. Or avoid eating foods that easily cause you allergies.

At first, when I personally noticed the things that caused allergies, I was confused because I didn't know if they were true or not. Therefore, for your convenience, you should keep in mind the last food you ate before the allergic reaction began on your skin. This makes it easier for you to choose the right dish. If you do not remember or have a lot of dishes. Try to list and analyze the probability of which dish is most likely to cause you an allergic reaction. If possible try it next time to find out more exactly.

1.2 filtered water must be prepared

Allergies to your skin will cause a very uncomfortable feeling. as itchy and burning spots always appear increasingly. This time you need to prepare filtered water. When the skin is allergic, you should drink plenty of filtered water because it is really useful:

First, water helps you sweeten and cleans your intestines to some extent. Secondly. drinking filtered water does not help you relieve itching. but it will help you quickly get rid of the allergen from the body, which will be better for you. Finally, why filtered water Personally, I find that filtered water is the least allergenic water product. so while you want to get rid of allergens, you should choose filtered water to at least make sure that your body is not allergic to foods. Another country.

1.3 you must have wind oil

This is the part that I only recommend, if not, that's fine. Wind oil will not help you get rid of allergies quickly. but it will help to quickly reduce itching or swelling. I always have wind oil because it will help me relieve pain when I have allergies to my skin. You can choose the right oil for you and it can be used. as soon as signs of allergies appear on the skin. But remember, it should be applied in moderation!

2. During skin allergy

2.1 remember to eat foods that cause you allergies

As a first step when experiencing allergies, you should try to remember which food you are allergic to .or at least have some doubts about the cause of your allergy. This is necessary, especially if you are going to go to the doctor when you have an allergy.

2.2 you should drink plenty of filtered water

As I mentioned above, filtered water should be drunk to speed up the process of getting rid of the body. At the same time. in some cases, skin allergies are accompanied by other conditions. You should also drink filtered water to cleanse the intestines.

2.3 apply wind oil when itching is felt

Wind oil is now a product that helps relieve the itching sensation. Some types of skin allergies have swollen spots., and the use of wind oil helps to quickly reduce swelling. However, the proper use of wind oil must also be considered in addition to the dosage of each use.

2.4 there is no scratch at all

Some people with allergies often scratch the itch or even scratch it a lot. This is not recommended. Even if you feel itching. so severe that you can't control it. you still have to endure it or you can take allergy medicine under the supervision of your doctor. do not scratch randomly.

If you accidentally scratch the delicacy, the delicacy will swell. spread, and may bleed. This is very dangerous if it happens.

2.5 take the drug as directed by a doctor

Some people have severe skin allergies, and the doctor will prescribe medication just in case. If you get advice from your doctor,. take the right medicine for the type of allergy you have or you still have allergy medicine for all types of allergies.

But you should consider using medications because currently there are many allergy medications with side effects that can be osteoporosis later in life.

2.6 medical gauze should be used

As I said, in cases of skin allergies that are severe to the point of redness, a medical gauze should be prepared. Covering allergy spots helps you to somewhat reduce their scratching. Because when I have a red rash and swelling of large spots on my feet. I feel only mild pain while wearing sandals and I am always afraid of the condition of red rashes because they can bleed completely. So be more careful, you should bandage the allergy to avoid scratching.

3. After suffering from allergies

A few basic things that you should refer to when the allergy gradually disappears. At this time, when your skin is still weak after exposure to skin allergens. so focus on taking care of your skin after allergies!

3.1 You should see a doctor immediately if your condition is severe

You should see a doctor as soon as the allergic reaction to the skin has subsided. During the allergic period, you can immediately see a doctor if you do not know how to take care of your skin when allergic. I often suffer from allergies. so I partially understand the state of my body when I suffer from I am quite clear about how to take care of my skin.

But for some of you, you should see a doctor as soon as the allergy on the skin subsides, to find out the cause and take measures for prevention and skin care after allergies.

3.2 light foods should be used

I mean light foods here are foods that do not cause allergies and help you get rid of toxins., it can be some porridge or a glass of lemon juice.

3.3 you should rest and avoid outdoor activities

Rest will make you more comfortable for your skin and for your body. At the same time, reduce outdoor activities. because at this time your skin needs time to recover after severe allergies.

3.4 use of products for the treatment of dark spots

Allergies that occur in your body can cause your skin to tan completely. At this time, when the skin is gradually recovering, these signs cannot recover quickly. so the use of dark products is quite reasonable and necessary. You can choose from several useful cosmetic products such as soap, shower gel, lotion, cream, etc.

Necessary notes

The start time of an allergic reaction is 30 minutes to two hours after eating a food or drink, including water. You will have an immediate allergic reaction to the weather, water, insects, or surroundings. So, please keep your personal hygiene clean! It is very useful and necessary to memorize and write down things that cause you allergies. In all cases of allergies, you should trust your intuition and intuition because it is better for you to feel less danger to yourself than to ignore the feeling. In all cases of allergies, you should consult a doctor. do not listen to this person using allergy medications. Because everyone's allergies are different, even if they have the same condition. the condition is different, and the situation will also be different.

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