What is the Scandinavian diet How to eat and what are the health benefits

The Scandinavian diet is a style of eating based on the traditional customs of the Nordic countries. Prioritizes whole foods and is mostly vegetarian
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What is the Scandinavian diet How to eat and what are the health benefits
When it comes to regions of the world known for their healthy diets, the Mediterranean is the most recognizable name. But did you know that the Nordic countries also have a way of eating with many scientifically proven health benefits? So what are those benefits and how does the Scandinavian diet work Let's explore together!

Scandinavian diet. Healthy Food
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What is the Scandinavian diet?

The Scandinavian diet. also known as the Scandinavian diet. is a style of eating based on the traditional habits of people living in the Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. This diet prioritizes whole foods over processed foods. mostly vegetarian, and focuses on choosing seasonal foods in an environmentally friendly way.

Nutrition guidelines in the Nordic countries encourage people to consume low-fat dairy products and eat more fish while limiting red and processed meat in general. sugar, salt, and alcohol.

They are delectable, healthful, and environmentally friendly. It also ranks fifth among the healthiest diets.

According to nutritionists, the Scandinavian diet is really a lifestyle because it is not only about what you eat, but also about how to eat. how to buy food. and taking care of the environment. And how to reduce the amount of waste.

What are the health benefits of the Scandinavian diet?

Nutritionists say that there is a lot of evidence that eating more whole unprocessed foods. especially fiber-rich plant foods,.is good for the intestines and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Reducing inflammation: prolonged inflammation may be associated with chronic diseases. and a study published in the June 2019 issue of the journal Nutrients found that the Scandinavian diet may help fight inflammation, but more research is needed. 

Reduces the risk of heart attacks: a study published in the June 2018 issue of the journal BMC Medicine found that the Scandinavian diet may reduce the risk of heart attacks.

 Lower risk of death from diseases in general: a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition in February 2020 found that middle-aged men who followed this diet had a lower risk of dying from diseases, especially heart disease and cancer.

Cholesterol control, blood pressure, and blood sugar: 

a review published in the September 2019 issue of the International Journal of Nutritional Sciences found that the Scandinavian diet lowers total cholesterol. and unhealthy types of cholesterol in the blood, helping to lower blood pressure and control blood. Sugar is better than those who eat the Western way. Improved sleep: a study published in the journal Eating and Weight Disorders in November 2021 found that overweight. and obese women who followed the Nordic diet had better sleep.

Can the Scandinavian diet help with weight loss

A meta-analysis published in September 2019 found that following the Nordic diet over a long period helps maintain weight very well., avoiding unwanted weight gain or loss.

The unprocessed whole foods 

and lean proteins used in the Nordic diet are closely related to weight loss, for example, eating more fish instead of beef or cheese promotes health and can also lose of weight. Eating more fruit. vegetables, and whole grains instead of packaged foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients. also helps the body stay full longer and avoid obesity.

But the benefits of the Scandinavian diet are not only due to healthy food choices, but also come from many other factors such as cooking at home, cooking with loved ones. and enjoying a full meal instead of a full meal. Food. In other words. the Scandinavian diet makes us more aware of what we eat, and scientific research also shows that conscious eating can help with weight loss.

What foods can be included in the Scandinavian diet

Eat mainly plant foods, and lots of seafood, and limit added sugars and processed meats. Here are some specific foods that should be consumed and avoided according to the guidelines of this diet.

Food to eat

Locally grown fruit vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, leafy vegetables., root vegetables, carrots, bean species whole grains such as brown rice, and oats. whole-fat and skim milkfish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, rapeseed oil moderate or light alcoholic beverages

Foods to avoid

Saturated featured meat processed meat increase sugar salt.


The Scandinavian diet not only offers many health benefits. but also reduces its environmental impact by choosing locally sourced foods. If we do not live in northern Europe. we can adapt a little to use the foods available in the place where we live instead of trying to imitate the exact same recipe. It is important to understand the basic principles of this diet and apply them flexibly according to its region. culture, and lifestyle.

On the other hand, if you are used to eating a lot of processed foods. it may take some patience to switch to a Scandinavian diet that requires natural ingredients and home-cooked meals.

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