5 causes of freckles and how to fix them to help lighten the skin

5 causes of freckles. Genetic factors. Aging. Hormonal disorders. Exposure to sunlight. Cosmetics. the Treatment. alleviate previous causes
Estimated read time: 7 min

5 causes of  freckles and how to fix them to help lighten the skin
Freckles appear randomly on the skin, especially after excessive sun exposure, The consensus is that it is a genetic or environmental defect. Freckles are usually caused by a genetic mutation, although there are some cases where the cause is unknown. Here are 5 reasons and ways to prevent and overcome it check it out right away!

A woman's face with freckles in close-up photography and the word freckle

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What are freckles

This is a skin disease, which manifests itself in the form of small round spots, brownish-brown or gray, not scaly and not penetrating. Freckles sometimes go away on their own.

Freckles appear randomly on the skin, especially after abundant sun exposure. This hateful person is harmful mainly to the skin of your face, but sometimes to the neck, shoulders, and arms.

5 reasons for the appearance of freckles

1. Genetic factors

Because freckles are hereditary, many girls have headaches because they have had ugly dark spots since childhood. If a family member such as a parent or grandparent has freckles, then most likely you have freckles too. The destructive level is more severe if you do not treat it effectively.

Freckles are inherited from your parents, they are transmitted through the male line. There are more freckles on your body if you have two parents with freckles on their bodies. forming a triangular, the same These spots on your head. If you have two brothers with the same freckles, you will have a 50% chance of having the same freckles. The term for this is the clone effect.

2. Old age

It is not surprising that aging is the reason that makes your skin ugly. In addition to wrinkles and hateful spots. These spots are also traced that time leaves on the face when entering the age of thirty.

When entering the aging stage, the hormone estrogen will suddenly decrease, causing the skin to gradually become less elastic, creating conditions for an increase in melanin. In addition, this also causes the skin cells to not contain enough oil and water, causing freckles to appear.

The skin of an elderly person is less elastic and less resistant to water. That's why These spots begin to appear. The number of freckles on the face doubles every few years.

3. Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders are also the cause of These spots, they often occur in women who have an irregular menstrual cycle. utilize birth control, or are expecting.

Since women are often treated for the above reasons, the chances of developing these disorders are much higher, so they are often referred to as "freckles" for women. Almost all women will have some form of These spots.

Because sudden hormonal changes similar to aging will also stimulate estrogen, producing a lot of melanin. These pigments gather in one spot, forming freckles on the face.

In the case of men, they are often caused by a disorder of the pituitary gland.

4. sun exposure

Ultraviolet rays in the sun are always the first enemy of your skin, as well as your health. Not only do unsightly dark spots appear on the skin, but direct exposure to sunlight also makes it thicker and darker.

The sun is the cause of These spots. The sun causes freckles because it increases melanin, the pigment produced by your skin. The more melanin a person has, the more freckles they will have.

At the same time, The Sun also causes These spots. Unfortunately, they can be caused by all sorts of things: genetic factors, stress, medications, and other factors. It is important to know that freckles are not skin cancer. They can be caused by emotional stress, or by genetics

5. Cosmetic products

Cosmetics are a woman's best friend, helping her to get the perfect look as soon as she goes out into the street. However, beauty products will be a double-edged sword, as they will quickly damage the skin if we use them the wrong way or use them!

Skin whitening products of unknown origin often contain cortisol bleach, which quickly makes the skin whiter. In the long run, the skin will erode, making the cells thin and weak. When exposed to sunlight, your skin will be easily damaged by ultraviolet rays, causing these spots to appear.

How to prevent and overcome freckles

Even if you were born with freckles, are pregnant, are in your thirties, or still haven't seen any signs of These spots take the initiative to treat and prevent this skin problem!

1. Avoid direct sun exposure

As mentioned above, ultraviolet radiation in the sun is the main cause of dark spots. You should avoid direct exposure to sunlight or minimize the effects of the sun on your skin by:

30 minutes before going outside, use sunscreen. Equip yourself with a mask, hat, sunglasses, T-shirt, and sun. The maximum exit is between 10 am and 3 pm.

Spend more time in the shade, or wear a more reflective T-shirt and hat. Get plenty of vitamin C and use high-vitamin B supplements.

2. Skincare

To repel melanin, facial skin care measures should be carried out regularly such as applying skin care treatments, and melasma treatment, and combining them with a relaxing massage.

Pregnant women or owners of sensitive skin can take advantage of safe and effective natural masks. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the mask to avoid causing allergies.

3. Use cosmetics correctly

First of all, immediately get rid of creams, sunscreens, and poor-quality makeup. Toxic chemicals from these products of unknown origin make your skin ugly and affect your health.

After that, be a smart consumer, and choose good brands and reputable stores. It is better to learn carefully to find out which products are suitable for your skin, to achieve the best skin care and melasma treatment effects.

4. Consult a dermatologist

If you have congenital These spots, or the degree of freckles is very severe, visit a dermatologist to receive the best advice for treating These spots.

Depending on the specific condition of your skin, they will give useful tips and effective treatments.

What freckles to worry about.

If the mole or freckle is large enough, it can be dangerous because tumor formation can be dangerous.

Can freckles appear overnight?

No one knows for sure exactly when These spots first appear, especially on the face. It is probably a systemic skin condition that affects skin color, texture, and pigmentation. No one knows for sure why these spots appear. One theory is that freckles are caused by stress on the skin.

Is it normal for new freckles to appear?

It's normal to experience new freckles. They are merely a stage in the process of growth.

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