Freckles : causes, manifestations and methods of safe treatment

Freckles are a pigmentation disorder of the epidermis, freckles do not cause burning and stinging pain and almost do not affect human health.
Estimated read time: 7 min

Freckles: causes, manifestations, and methods of safe treatment
Freckles are a fairly common condition and appear as small dark spots on the skin. Although it does not affect health. it causes a loss of aesthetics, which makes a woman anxious and less confident. Therefore, girls began to get acquainted quick. safe, and effective freckle remedies for the skin. Today you will reveal the fastest way to cure freckles, don't miss it!

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What are freckles

Freckles are a pigmentation disorder of the epidermis (a shallow layer of skin), especially an excessive increase in melanin that leads to the appearance of dark. or pale brown spots on areas of the skin that are often exposed to sunlight. People with light, slender skin and a family. with skin diseases associated with hyperpigmentation are several times more likely to develop freckles.

Freckles do not cause burning and stinging pain and almost do not affect human health. However, these seemingly harmless brown spots cause uneven skin tone and make women lose confidence in their skin. so removing freckles is one of the most important concerns of women.

The appearance of freckles on the body

Spotted dots appear

The skin appears in the form of small round spots about millimeters in size, the color of which can range from light brown to dark or black. These small spots are usually located just above the epidermis. and do not cause pain or itching. or stinging, and are unlikely to develop into more serious diseases such as skin cancer.

Appears in specific locations

These freckles usually appear mainly in areas of the skin that are often exposed to sunlight such as the face, neck, arms, or shoulders. They also tend to get darker and appear more with sun exposure. Therefore, in the summer, freckles are more noticeable. so it is necessary to carefully cover them and regularly apply sunscreen.

They may appear on the skin earlier and change with the seasons

Unlike other hyperpigmentation conditions such as melasma or age spots, etc., depending on age factors, the main cause of freckles is genetic factors. Therefore, freckles on the skin can appear much earlier and often less depending on age. In hot summer. freckles often appear more often than usual due to the effect of ultraviolet rays on the surface of the skin and melanin.

Causes of the appearance of freckles

The gene factor

One of the direct factors that cause freckles is genetic factors. The pigment cell (melanocyte) is one of the skin cells responsible for the production of melanin pigment granules - to give the skin its color. When freckles appear. in some places on the skin, more melanin is produced, which leads to the formation of spots that are darker than the rest of the skin. The presence of the dominant gene Melanocortin stimulates overproduction. of the pigment melanin causing the formation of patches of skin that are light brown to dark brown in color.

Ultraviolet radiation

Besides genetic factors, environmental factors such as sunlight also directly influence the formation and development of freckles. UVB rays in sunlight stimulate melanocytes to increase melanin production. so regular exposure to sunlight is likely to increase the color and number of freckles.

Principles of Freckle treatment

The general principle in the treatment of freckles is to eliminate or reduce the factors that increase the risk of freckles. Based on the above reasons, the basic principles in the treatment of freckles include:

Cover up, avoid sunlight well, and use sunscreen every day. The use of drugs and creams prescribed by a doctor. giving priority to whitening components. reduces skin pigmentation. Apply safe cosmetic methods. avoid the abuse of ingredients that harm the skin. such as the use of corticosteroids, anonymous.

Moreover, the treatment of freckles also needs perseverance, so it is necessary to adhere to the appropriate treatment time to achieve the best results. It usually takes 4 to 6 months for melasma and freckles to show noticeable results on the skin. To accelerate the effect. you can use skin care products. or go to the spa clinic for intensive treatment.

Effective methods of treating freckles today

Many people have always liked and chosen natural methods due to their simplicity, ease of implementation, and cost savings. Effective treatment of freckles by natural methods acts mainly on the surface layer. rarely goes deep inside to completely solve the problems of hyperpigmentation. and also takes a long time. But this will be a safe method of support for the skin!

1. Treat freckles with a mixture of rice water and aloe vera

Rice water is known to be a popular ingredient in skin lightening. and whitening when combined with aloe vera to increase its ability to moisturize, restore, brighten and support fading freckles.


Peel and wash aloe vera. Use water to wash the new rice, leave it for 15 minutes, and pour clear water. Combine rice water with aloe vera and then mash. After cleansing, apply the mixture for 15 minutes. rinse and use skin care products as usual.

2. Freckles are treated with coconut oil

Coconut oil is a versatile plant, and the content of fatty acids in natural coconut oil is quite high. It should have a high anti-inflammatory ability. The skin is cleansed and moisturized. and contain more antioxidant nutrients to improve the condition of the skin with wrinkles. and uneven color such as active ingredients such as vitamin E, and potassium,...


Apply coconut oil directly to freckles or to the entire face. Massage gently for 10 minutes and then wipe with warm water. Coconut oil can be used for daily care because it is benign. and effectively promotes the process of lightening and fading freckles.

3. Freckles are treated with fresh milk

Fresh milk is known for its ability to whiten and brighten the skin very effectively in combination with a large number of nutrients, especially those containing lactic acid. With the ability to exfoliate, lighten and tighten the skin with lactic acid. regular use of fresh milk helps the skin to become visibly pink. dark spots fade, and freckles very effectively.


Apply fresh milk without sugar evenly on the face about 3 times. Massage gently so that the nutrients from the milk are absorbed into the skin, and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water. Do this about 3-4 times a week for best results. Suitable for all skin types.

4. Freckles are treated with honey

Honey has high antibacterial and antioxidant properties, it is often used as an exfoliant. Therefore, honey is also very effective in lightening. whitening, and treating freckles and age spots.


Lemon juice and honey are combined in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture evenly to the face, and massage in circular motions for 10 minutes. Clean with warm water. For optimum results, repeat 2-4 times each week.. Note: This method is not suitable for sensitive skin.

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