5 great benefits for the skin from yogurt, potato mask

skin Benefits of a potato yogurt mask.Potato yogurt mask with coconut oil. Potato yogurt mask with turmeric powder. Potato yogurt and strawberry mask
Estimated read time: 7 min

5 great benefits for the skin from yogurt, potato  mask
The mask of potatoes with yogurt. which is passed on by many sisters, is a divine natural mask. Do you know why this mask is? so popular with many women. Let's find out right away what great benefits a potato yogurt mask has. can bring to your skin?

Woman With Potato yogurt mask

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Potatoes are not only nutritious and healthy vegetables, but also contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are useful for taking care of your beauty. Besides, the nutritional ingredients in yogurt. such as lactic acid, B vitamins, zinc, calcium, and others will. also, provide you skin that is glossy and silky.

A potato mask with yogurt is the perfect combination. And it will be even more ideal when you know. how to combine this mask with other natural ingredients to care for and improve your skin. Join us to immediately point out 5 great benefits for the skin from a potato yogurt mask!

1. Potato yogurt mask helps to safely whiten the skin

Potatoes are foods that contain an abundant content of vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidant nutrients that help regenerate the skin and especially can whiten the skin very effectively. A very simple potato and yogurt recipe. it will help you to have white, pink, and smooth skin like your dreams.


1 fresh potato, half a pack of unsweetened yogurt.


Potato tubers are washed and then boiled until soft. After that, peel off the skin and use a spoon to mash it into a bowl. Wait for the potatoes to cool completely. and then mix thoroughly with half a pack of unsweetened yogurt. Use this mixture to apply it evenly on the face. Wait for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water. For optimal results, perform this a couple of times each week.

2. Potato yogurt mask with coconut oil moisturizes the skin and gives it softness

A potato yogurt mask with nutrients in coconut oil. such as lauric acid and vitamin E helps moisturize, and prevent dry skin and have 50 times more antioxidant and anti-aging ability than regular vitamin E. which is usually found in food.


  • 1/2 fresh potato
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt


Continue to peel, wash, and mash half a potato and mix thoroughly with two tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt to form a paste. after giving your face a warm water wash. wait until your face is dry, then apply this mixture to your face, and relax for 30 minutes. in order for the nutrients to be fully absorbed into the skin. Wash your face thoroughly again with warm water, then apply ice to close the pores. Perform this skin care method regularly 2-3 times a week to get ageless skin!

3. Potato yogurt mask with turmeric powder helps to effectively treat dark spots, pigmentation, and freckles.

If you have problems with melasma and freckles, then do not ignore this method! The lactic acid in yogurt yeast is combined with the number of vitamins C, potassium, B6, and fiber contained in potatoes. and the pure curcumin content of turmeric starch gently removes dark spots, pigmentation, and freckles.


  • Half a pack of unsweetened yogurt.
  • 1/2 potato
  • .1 teaspoon turmeric powder. A.


Peel the potatoes, wash them, then put them in a blender. Mix potatoes with yogurt and turmeric starch. Apply this mixture to your face, relax for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Use this method regularly 2-3 times a week for best results.

4. Potato yogurt and strawberry mask to help fade wrinkles

Not only does it have the effect of fading freckles, but the abundant amount of vitamin C is contained in potatoes. also helps stimulate collagen production to tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles from forming. In addition, the amount of vitamin A and antioxidants contained in strawberries will help improve skin pigmentation. to help firm and smooth the skin and fight the signs of skin aging.


  • 1/2 potatoes
  • 1 / 2 can of unsweetened yogurt
  • 2 fresh strawberries


Strawberries are washed and mashed. Mashed boiled potatoes. Put potatoes and strawberries in a small bowl and mix. with unsweetened yogurt. After applying this combination to your face, wait 20 minutes.. then rinse with cool water. Do this regularly 2-3 times a week for best results.

5. Potato yogurt mask helps to effectively treat acne

Do not miss the very effective remedy for acne from a potato mask with yogurt! Potatoes contain many minerals. such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, natural phytochemicals phenols. and carotenoids that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-acne effects. When combined with beneficial microorganisms in yogurt to help inhibit bacterial activity. it will reduce swelling, heal acne quickly, and give you healthy skin.


Potatoesyogurt without sugar

 how to do it

Peel the potatoes, wash them, then put them in a blender to squeeze the juice.

Mix potato juice with a little sugar-free yogurt and gently apply it to acne-affected skin. Use this method regularly every day until you are confident in acne-free skin.

Hint: You can also cut the potatoes into slices and then gently rub them on the affected area. This method is very simple. but works very well to help acne heal quickly and especially clean blackheads very effectively.

a summary

If you have ever wondered how to make a potato and yogurt face mask, you have come to the right place. This mask is perfect for those with sensitive skin, as it is both gentle and effective. potato and yogurt mask has many benefits, including reducing redness, evening out skin tone, and providing a natural glow. To make this mask, simply combine two tablespoons of plain yogurt with one medium-sized potato.

Yogurt and potato masks offer numerous benefits for the skin, whether you are looking to cleanse, moisturize, treat inflammation or improve your complexion. Using yogurt or potatoes as the main ingredient, you can get a wide range of benefits for your skin.      

yogurt is a great option for those looking to cleanse because it is high in probiotics and enzymes. These components help to break down the accumulated skin toxins and debris.

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