safe and efficient ways to apple cider vinegar use

apple cider vinegar use. Kitchen spices.The cleaners. Kill weeds, fleas, and mold. Teeth whitening reduces mouth odor.
Estimated read time: 7 min

 safe and efficient ways to apple cider vinegar use apple cider vinegar Uses, for a long time for kitchen seasoning. beauty care. and supporting human health. Discover the benefits of apple cider vinegar!

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar,  safe and efficient ways to apple cider vinegar use

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1. What is apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (also known as apple cider vinegar: apple cider vinegar) is a vinegar fermented from apple juice, containing about 5-6% acetic acid, so vinegar has a sour taste and a strong aroma. There are two types of apple cider vinegar on the market: refined apple cider vinegar (vinegar is filtered and residue-free). and raw apple cider vinegar (and the suspended residue is created by enzymes during the fermentation process. in Vietnam it is called residues ). In the vinaigrette mother's vinegar). Although these two varieties differ in terms of organoleptic. the use and quality are the same,. apple cider vinegar can be used almost indefinitely.

 What is  apple cider vinegar Use

apple cider vinegar Use Kitchen spices

Apple cider vinegar is used to quickly tenderize meat, and increase the flavor of salads when used as a sauce. and is used as a leavening agent for pickled vegetables to impart a more delicious flavor than white vinegar. which quickly makes boiled eggs more delicious (due to vinegar). Freeze the Whites, and keep the yolks fragrant and not harsh),...

 apple cider vinegar Use Cleaners

Apple cider vinegar is used to clean vinyl floors and ceramic tiles (it must be diluted). and remove soap residues on the walls of the bathroom, and sinks.

apple cider vinegar Use  Kill weeds, fleas, and mold

Use pure apple cider vinegar to spray on weeds or spray on moldy surfaces, let it dry, and then wipe it with clean water. or use apple cider vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio to apply to the fur of dogs and cats to repel fleas. It should be noted that testing a small area on cats. and dogs to find out if there is an allergic reaction, then use the whole body.

Teeth whitening agent reduces bad breath

Use a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of baking soda (baking salt), and mix with a little water to form a paste. apply evenly to the teeth. gently brush the teeth, then rinse the mouth with water.

Apple cider vinegar aids in weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has been shown to reduce the absorption of starch and slow down digestion (which helps reduce appetite). According to a clinical trial published in the journal Functional Foods in April 2018, people on a low-calorie diet who consumed two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed. with warm water at lunch. and dinner lost 4 kilograms in 12 hours. People who do not use apple cider vinegar (lose only 2.3 kg).

 apple cider vinegar Use helps keep hair clean and shiny

It is proven that apple cider vinegar effectively treats dandruff and itchy scalp because it contains alpha-hydroxyl acid that helps exfoliate dead cells on the scalp. stimulates the growth of hair follicles. and makes hair shiny. Take an amount of apple cider vinegar mixed with 4 parts of water. moisten the scalp with this mixture. leave for 10 minutes. and then wash your hair with clean water, do this 2-3 times a week.

What dose of apple cider vinegar is recommended?

To start using, you should only first use a small amount and dilute it to avoid irritation of the stomach. use carbonated drinks 1-6 teaspoons (equivalent to 5-30 ML) mixed in 500-1000 ml of water, and drink throughout the day.

Are there any negative consequences of apple cider vinegar?

Affects the stomach and diabetic patients

Apple cider vinegar slows down digestion in the stomach. so nutrients will be absorbed into the blood for a long time. for people with gastric nerve paralysis (abnormal stomach activity), food remains for a long time. The stomach will cause heartburn, heartburn, and nausea. As for diabetics, slow digestion of food will affect the amount of sugar absorbed into the blood. making the insulin index inaccurate.

Causing tooth enamel

In the laboratory, teeth soaked in vinegar with a pH of 2.7-3.95 after 4 hours will lose about 1-20% of tooth minerals. In fact, a 15-year-old girl who drank 237 ml of undiluted apple cider vinegar per day caused serious damage to her teeth. Therefore, acidic foods or drinks often cause damage to the teeth if they are used for a long time.

Skin burns

Apple cider vinegar is acidic when applied directly to the skin in a concentrated concentration that causes skin burns, there is a case of a 14-year-old girl who corroded the skin of her nose. when she applied a few drops of apple cider vinegar. To remove moles (follow the method on the internet).

Interactions with drugs

Diabetes medications: apple cider vinegar slows down the digestion of food, so it affects blood sugar levels, causing hypoglycemia. or hypokalemia.Digoxin: a drug that lowers the amount of potassium in the blood. if apple cider vinegar is used while taking the drug, it loses a large amount of potassium in the body. Some diuretics: these drugs eliminate potassium from the body. and f taken simultaneously with vinegar will cause a significant loss of potassium.

Special note when using apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known on the internet as a therapeutic drug with many medical uses, but at the moment, very few human studies show the benefits of apple cider vinegar in the treatment of chronic diseases. Consequently, it must be referred to. Consult your doctor for proper use.

Why women should use apple cider vinegar

It has been traditionally used as a natural acne treatment and for weight loss. Additionally, it helps control blood sugar levels.. which is beneficial for people with diabetes. In addition, PCOS patients can use it to manage their symptoms.

Can I drink apple cider vinegar every day?

Some people can safely consume about 30 ml of vinegar per day, but it is better to start with a smaller amount and gradually increase it. If you have any concerns or experience side effects, stop taking apple cider vinegar and talk to your doctor.

Taken at night or in the morning, which is better for health?

People are often advised to take apple cider vinegar at night because it helps to clean the head and promote sleep. It can help lower sugar levels.

Should I drink apple cider vinegar is it warm or cold?

A widely used home ingredient, apple cider vinegar has a variety of uses. Some people think that it is better to drink apple cider vinegar when it is warm, while others think that it is better to drink it cold. Which approach do you believe is ideal for you?

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