Replenish water for the body | when exercising: 6 important things to remember

Water for the body .Drink enough before, during and after exercise. Always prepare water. Replenishment of lost electrolytes . Magnesium supplement
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Replenish water for the body when exercising: 6 important things to remember

water for the body replenishes when exercising. and water is essential for health and well .being. By drinking plenty of water during exercise. you'll help to keep your body properly hydrated. which can help to improve performance and avoid possible health problems.

water for the body. lady in closeup holding a bottle of water

General introduction about Replenish water for the body when exercising

Exercising puts the body at risk of dehydration. especially if you don't drink enough water before, during, and after exercise. 

Water is extremely important for mental and physical health. When dehydrated, every part of the body from the muscles to the brain is affected. in addition to causing fatigue and loss of motivation.

According to experts, providing the body with enough water will help improve the efficiency of exercise. help the heart pump blood better. cool the body by sweating, and as a result, you will feel more energized during exercise.

The amount of water you need to drink depends 

on the temperature and humidity of your environment as well as your level of exercise, but one of the easiest ways to measure your body's dehydration is by looking at the color of your urine. 

When the body is sufficiently hydrated, the urine turns pale yellow. When the body becomes dehydrated. it darkens and you also urinate less. Other signs of dehydration are a feeling of thirst and dizziness. and poor concentration.

So how to drink water to help restore the best fitness Apply the following six things.

1. Replenish water for the body when exercising Drink enough water before, during, and after exercise

Experts recommend that the average person drink about 500-600 ml of water within two hours before exercise. and then about 20-30 minutes before starting to drink about 250 ml more.

During exercise, try to drink about 250 ml of water every 10-15 minutes. After exercise, drink 350-700 ml of water. The more you sweat during exercise, the more you need to drink more water.

2. water for the body Prepare water for drinking anytime, anywhere

If you do outdoor jogging, hiking, or swimming, try to bring enough water to drink even if it's completely uncomfortable. 

If we are not prepared, it is very easy to fall into a situation where the body is dehydrated during exercise. and then drink a lot of water after exercise to compensate, but in fact, this is ineffective.

Instead of waiting for the workout to finish, make a clear plan to prepare enough water and supplies to carry water. such as a waist bag or a small backpack, if you can run, you can hold a water bottle in your hand. 

If you practice cycling and you have a water tank on the bike. this is very convenient, but remember to rinse the bottle after each workout and refill it with fresh water before exercising.

3. Replenish water for the body when exercising Replenishment of lost electrolytes by sweating

Experts say that the average person will lose up to half a liter of sweat every 30 minutes of exercise. Previous studies have indicated that it can take up to 3-4 liters of sweat per hour, depending on your metabolic rate.

Sweat consists mainly of water,

 but there are also important electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These are minerals that are in the blood and are excreted through sweat and urine. and are extremely important for body functions.

When you lose salts through sweating,

 vomiting, or diarrhea, you will also become dehydrated, feel irritable, thirsty, and prone to muscle cramps and cramps. In particular, sodium is an electrolyte that is lost a lot when sweating. which needs to be replenished with sports drinks or salt.

According to experts, people who exercise intensively for about an hour. or exercise in the heat should drink sports drinks to help replenish electrolytes. But it is important to choose the right type of product. as described below.

4. Pick the proper sports beverage.

Choosing the right sports drink is one of the important considerations when adding electrolytes. Some brands such as Gatorade and Pedialyte are specially designed to maintain electrolyte balance during heavy sweating. 

You can also buy powder or tablets to mix with water when needed. In addition, coconut water is also an option to help supplement electrolytes. such as manganese and salt. potassium, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to store and does not have the exact content.

Many people choose sports drinks 

that are sugar-free, calorie-free, and low in sodium, but according to experts, it is advisable to add carbohydrates and sodium to the body during exercise. so it is possible to choose drinks that also contain these ingredients no. A problem.

But note that drinks with caffeine and a lot of sugar should not be consumed because they can increase blood pressure, and cause feelings of irritability. and anxiety, and make the body more dehydrated. 

And also remember: both adults and children should use sports drinks only in case of strenuous exercise for more than an hour, and if the exercise is moderate, it is usually enough to drink water.

5. supplement with magnesium

Magnesium is an electrolyte that plays an important role in the nervous system and muscles as well as helping the body recover after exercise. But many people today do not get the recommended amount of magnesium. so they need to get magnesium from foods. such as legumes, nuts, whole grains, green vegetables, milk, and dairy products.

Magnesium supplements

help with your workouts, avoiding muscle cramps or pain. A study published in Scientifica in 2017 found that magnesium may slightly help improve leg cramps, but more research is needed to confirm this. Another study published in the journal Nutrients in 2017 suggested that magnesium supplements may help increase exercise performance such as increased grip and leg strength. but more evidence is needed to confirm.

You can find magnesium powder in pharmacies, mix it with water and drink it hot or cold. as you like. Many vitamin and mineral supplements include magnesium.

Remember, however, 

that the maximum use of magnesium in dietary supplements is 350 mg per day for adults and children aged 9 to 18 years, according to the National Institutes of Health. If ingested in excess, it can cause diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps, and if ingested too much it can cause cardiac arrhythmias. even cardiac arrest.

Magnesium supplements may also interact with certain medications such as bisphosphonates, antibiotics, diuretics, acid reflux medications, peptic ulcer medications, and zinc supplements. So consult your doctor before taking a magnesium supplement.

6. Do not drink alcohol after exercise

You may want to relax after a long day with a glass of light wine, but drinking alcohol after a workout is a big mistake. Alcohol is not considered a rehydration drink, it does not contain nutrients that help with recovery after exercise. In fact, alcohol is. also, a substance that makes the body lose more water.

So avoid alcohol after exercise, and instead choose water, sports drinks, or milk. As mentioned above, coconut water or mixed electrolyte water is the ideal option for drinking after exercise.

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