What eat after exercise to support muscle gain and energy recovery

eat after exercise. Cookies with fish. Fruit juice with unsweetened yogurt. Boiled eggs with whole grains. Chicken fillet with cheese , apple slices
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What eat after exercise to support muscle gain and energy recovery
Exercise is only half of the process of gaining muscle and improving health, the rest provides energy and nutrients to the body. especially immediately after exercise. How do choose to eat after exercise to maximize the body's recovery? and development. Let's look at the recommendations of a sports nutritionist?

eat after exercise

How important is it to eat after exercise?

The diet after exercise, as well as throughout the day, greatly affects the results of training. According to sports nutritionist Terence Boateng in Toronto (Canada). our body can be compared to a car, the more we run. the more fuel we have to refuel. For the body, this fuel is the nutrients that are expended during exercise.

If you work out to improve your health,

it is important to eat enough proteins and carbohydrates to provide calories, and eat protein portions several times a day. says Toronto sports nutritionist Ashley Lyon. A lack of calories can limit muscle growth. and not have enough energy to reach your full potential.

Protein helps muscles grow bigger and stronger, so it's important to get enough after training and throughout the day. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you exercise regularly. you should eat between 1.1 and 1.7 grams Each day, per kilogram of body weight, of protein. based on the type and degree of activity.

Instead of eating a full meal immediately after a workout, 

you can snack on foods that combine a lot of carbohydrates and proteins to replenish the body's energy reserves. which will help the muscles recover after an intense workout. According to experts Boateng, after a long and hard workout, you have to wait for the main meal for a very long time. You can feel drained and fatigued as a result.

Hydration is also important, 

staying hydrated will not only replenish water lost through sweat but also help restore blood circulation. Exercise causes the body to lose water through sweat and breathing. which in turn also reduces the amount of blood pumped to organs and muscles. If we don't drink enough water. it will reduce the amount of oxygen and sugar that reaches the brain and other organs, leading to dizziness and fatigue. explains Boateng.

The best snacks for restoring the body after exercise

These snacks combine protein and carbohydrates to meet energy needs and build muscle after exercise.

1. eat after-exercise Cookies with fish

You can use fresh fish or canned fish for convenience. Boateng says it provides carbohydrates, proteins, and sodium. which are lost during exercise and need to be replenished after exercise. Opt for whole grain biscuits for extra nutrients.

Cookies with fish, lean meat, grilled chicken, or salad are all good options to eat after a workout routine. You can also have a glass of fruit juice or low-fat milk. Boateng also recommends having a small snack. or drink every half hour during intense workouts that last more than an hour to maintain blood sugar levels. and prevent dehydration.

2. Fruit juice with unsweetened yogurt

 That yogurt contains a lot of protein, which helps the body to recover and heal from the damage caused by exercise. Calcium in yogurt is also an element that helps in muscle growth. Fruits help to naturally sweeten yogurt. and provide the right amount of carbohydrates for this dish.

There are many combinations of fruits for making smoothies, such as strawberries, raspberries, bananas, cinnamon, and yogurt. which get more potassium from bananas. Potassium is lost through sweating during exercise. and needs to be replenished.

A post-workout snack, it can provide the right ratio of nutrients and carbohydrates to help refuel the body. Smoothies and smoothies made from unsweetened yogurt are great ways to get more potassium. and other vitamins and minerals. such as magnesium and vitamin C, which are important for muscle recovery.

3.  eat after exercise Boiled eggs with whole grains

Eggs have few calories but a lot of protein. and whole grains are high in carbohydrates and full of essential nutrients. 

Boiled eggs in combination with whole grains provide a balanced source of nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, and fiber.

4. Chicken fillet with cheese and apple slices

After a hard workout, you may feel like eating something light and healthy. But before you get to that salad. consider pairing your meal with grilled chicken fillet with cheese and apple slices. This dish is not only healthy but also tastes great. This snack is very nutritious because it contains a lot of lean proteins from chicken and cheese. along with carbohydrates and many other Apple nutrients. These are all important components that help the body recover after exercise.

5. eat after exercise Protein bars

Protein bars are a great way to refuel after an intense workout or a long day. 

You should eat protein-rich food. such as a protein bar within half an hour of completing your workout. This helps your body to start repairing any damage done to your muscles during exercise,.and also provides the energy you need to complete the rest of your day.

But not every protein bar is the same. When choosing a protein bar, it is important to consider the following factors: calories, protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber.

6. Toasted whole grain bread with nuts or nut butter, served with a natural sweetener

According to Boateng, whole-grain bread is high in carbohydrates fiber, and vitamins. and minerals. Sprinkle nuts or nut kinds of butter like peanut butter and almond butter. they are high in energy and full of protein and good fats. The third component is natural sugars that are easily digested into glucose to quickly replenish the body after exercise.

7. Biscuits with vegetables and chickpeas

That this snack helps replenish carbohydrates and sodium after exercise. Accompanying vegetables can be carrots, cucumbers, and beans.

Crackers with vegetables and chickpeas, a popular dish in many cultures, are an excellent source of carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. The dish is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and calcium. Chickpeas are a good source of iron and folic acid. Crackers with vegetables and chickpeas are low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-sodium food.

8.  eat after exercise Fruit with nut butter

A few pieces of Apple or banana with peanut butter or almond butter will provide a lot of carbohydrates along with healthy fats. and much-needed natural nutrients.

Does eating after a workout make you gain weight.

After moderate exercise, you don't need to eat a lot to replenish your energy. However, if you eat too many calories without exercising, it can lead to weight gain. Overeating can increase your calorie needs. and raise the chance of gaining weight.

Should I eat anything after working out if I want to lose weight?

Depriving your body of fuel after a workout also deprives you of muscle gains, metabolism, and the weight loss benefits that come with it. All things considered, in the end. it is recommended to try to eat within 50 minutes after exercise if you want to lose weight and improve performance. and gain muscle. So if you can, try to eat something small after you finish exercising.

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