Tips for naturally beautiful skin without using expensive cosmetics

Tips for naturally beautiful skin. with rice water. perilla leaves. turmeric powder. turmeric and honey. with turmeric and sugar-free yogurt
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Tips for naturally beautiful skin without using expensive cosmetics
Do you want to have beautiful skin naturally, but do not have time to go to the salon to take care of it, or do you not have the financial conditions to be able to buy expensive cosmetic kits Don't worry about it, let's figure out how to immediately beautify the skin at home away from natural ingredients that are easy to find.

beautiful skin.view of a woman's face up close

1. for naturally beautiful skin rice water

We often get rid of rice water without realizing the miraculous skin whitening effect of rice water. The typical ingredients in rice water are very diverse, including vitamins B1, B2, vitamin E, and very high levels of nutrients such as proteins, fats, and natural acids.

Therefore, rice water can effectively remove dead cells and reduce dark spots caused by the sun and bruises. At the same time, it has a very good whitening effect on the skin, giving you a natural pink and white complexion.

 How to do it:

Wash the rice thoroughly and take the water to wash the rice for the second time leave the water to wash the rice settle for 30 minutes, then use a filter cloth, take the precipitated part and put it on the face in a thin mask, gently massage on the face so that the mask is evenly absorbed into the skin. 

Wait 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water and dry with a towel it is constantly 1-2 times a week you will see the miraculous effect. More specifically, you can combine rice water with pure honey or lemon juice. This is a mixture that contains a lot of skin whitening agents, which makes it more effective and faster.


 don't overdo it, rice water also contains many ingredients that make the skin easily exposed to the sun, and if not used properly, it will clog pores, causing allergies and dermatitis.

2. for naturally beautiful skin perilla leaves

In addition to the healing effect, perilla leaves also have a beauty effect that few people know about. Perilla leaves contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and substances such as phosphorus, iron, and calcium ... Especially the leaves of Perilla contain the substance enteropressril, which has the effect of purifying the skin, exfoliating dead cells, and improving skin tone.

Perilla leaves help to make the skin smooth, gray, and radiant. This is a very effective and safe beauty treatment.

Methods of Cosmetology with perilla leaves:

Drinking perilla leaves:

 this is a very popular method. The perilla leaves are cleaned after picking, dried, mixed with hot water, and then drunk. It helps the substances contained in the leaves to be quickly absorbed into the body, helps to increase skin moisture, prevents the skin from drying out, resists aging, and fades dark spots on the skin.


this method is very simple, just crush the perilla leaves, mix them with a little warm water and apply them to your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, remove it by washing it off with warm water. In this way, the substances contained in the leaves help to penetrate directly into the skin, which helps to tighten the pores, and the skin becomes 

white and pink. for naturally beautiful skin with turmeric powder

Turmeric is an ingredient that has many great uses. Turmeric is refined into a variety of skin care cosmetics. We can use pure, completely untreated turmeric to effectively whiten the skin.

for naturally beautiful skin with turmeric and honey

Honey and turmeric are natural antiseptics, have high antioxidant properties, help destroy harmful cells, and prevent cancer. The turmeric honey mask contains an effective melasma treatment and fades stretch marks, helping you to achieve snow-white and full of vitality skin.

Proceed as follows:

Prepare 1 teaspoon of pure honey + 1 teaspoon of pure turmeric powder. Mix well, stirring, until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face to form a fluffy mask. After waiting for around 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. Do this consistently two to three times and you will notice noticeable results.

for naturally beautiful skin with turmeric and sugar-free yogurt

Yogurt contains vitamins and anti-aging agents that moisturize the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells. A mask of turmeric starch and cool and gentle yogurt makes the skin soft and rejuvenated.

Proceed as follows:

  • You need to mix a mixture of a teaspoon of pure turmeric powder and a teaspoon of unsweetened yogurt. 
  • Mix well until smooth, then apply to the skin and leave the body in the most relaxed state possible. 
  • After about 20 minutes, wash your face thoroughly with cool water. 
  • Do this consistently two to three times and you will notice noticeable results. 

This mixture contains vitamins and minerals that have anti-aging effects on the skin, helping to fade spots, dark spots, melasma, freckles, and acne. At the same time disinfect the skin, which helps not to become inflamed.

How can I get natural beauty?

The best way to have healthy skin is by incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine. By raising your heart rate and burning calories, you will naturally see a difference in the complexion of your skin.

What is natural beauty in a woman?

Women are beautiful when they are natural. She doesn't have to wear any makeup, she doesn't have to wear expensive clothes, and she doesn't have to do anything to make herself look better. She just needs to be herself.

How to make my face glow naturally.

To get radiant skin, you will need to do a few things. Drink a lot of water first, of course. Secondly, be sure to eat a balanced diet. Finally, be sure to use a face mask or moisturizer every day.

What foods make you beautiful.

Some of the most popular foods that make you beautiful are green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Eating these foods regularly will not only improve your health but will also help keep your skin looking young and healthy.

What is the secret of skin freshness?

To preserve the freshness of the skin, you should remove all your makeup, dirt, dead skin cells, oils, and other contaminants before bedtime. This will allow your skin to rest and rejuvenate, which will make you look younger.

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