chemical diet: A 4-Week menu for a chemical diet, Reviews of nutritionists

The chemical diet of Osman Hamdi. Following this plan for 4 weeks will help you lose weight and improve diabetes control. Reviews of nutritionists
Estimated read time: 11 min

chemical diet: A 4-Week menu for a chemical diet, Reviews of nutritionists
Osama Hamdi's chemical diet was developed specifically for diabetics. According to nutritionists, dieting is not easy, so a menu for 4 weeks will help you figure out the rules of hard nutrition.

Chemical diet: Glass with Sugar Cubes

Despite its complexity, it allows you to achieve good results in losing weight, and most importantly, it will help reduce sugar levels.

What is the essence of the chemical diet?

This diet is based on the use of certain foods in a certain sequence, and not on taking medications as you might think. The chemical diet was invented by an American medical doctor, Professor Osama Hamdi, who also founded a Medical Center for patients with diabetes 1.

 In fact, this diet was originally created as one of the ways to combat obesity in diabetics. And then it turned out that it is also suitable for those who do not suffer from diabetes 2.

Osama al-khamidiya explains that the basis of the diet is the principle of changing chemical processes in the body (hence the name chemical). 

Thanks to a special nutrition system, the body is forced to use fat reserves as an energy source. The combination of certain foods triggers chemical processes in the body that lead to weight loss.

The benefits of a chemical diet

Jumps in blood sugar levels are less likely, and a general decrease in glucose levels is observed.

There is usually no feeling of hunger because it contains proteins and healthy fats that create a feeling of satiety and reduce the desire for unhealthy carbohydrate snacks.

You can also not be afraid of muscle mass, as is the case with some other diets - the abundance of proteins in food sufficiently nourishes the muscles 3.

Cons of the chemical diet

The main problem with the chemical diet is its intensity:

The products indicated in the list cannot be replaced by any other, interchangeable or other added products.

The breakfast menu throughout the diet is monotonous and can make you want to eat a lot.

It is impossible to replace a product on the menu that a person does not use due to allergies or other reasons. Just get rid of it completely. You will have to increase the calorie content of the diet by increasing the proportion of the remaining products indicated on this day.

With a failure and a violation of the diet at any stage, you should start all over again, from the first day.


The diet is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines, with intolerance to many of these products, and suffering from allergies. The diet is. also prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents.

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What can you eat

  • Eggplant vegetables, green peas, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage and Peking sprouts, arugula, onions, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, garlic
  • Orange fruit, watermelon, grapefruit, pear, melon, lemon, tangerine, plum, apple
  • Rabbit meat, steamed chicken breast
  • Non-greasy fish
  • Hard-boiled, hard-boiled, hard-boiled eggs
  • Drinks water, instant chicory, green tea, grapefruit juice

What not to eat

  • Banana, fig, mango, and grapefruit
  • Cereals rice
  • Flour products bread, pasta, pies, dumplings
  • Sweets cookies, cakes, cakes, jam, sweets, chocolate, honey
  • Dairy milk and fatty cheese
  • Pork meat, lard, sausages,  smoked chicken, duck, goose
  • Salted, fatty, canned, and semi-processed fish fish
  • Oils and fats butter, margarine, coconut oil, animal and culinary
  • Soft drinks coffee, cola, energy drinks, grape compote, juice
  • The last are potatoes, nuts, mushrooms, dates, caviar, alcohol

A 4-Week menu for a chemical diet

The methods of cooking for any day are as dietary as possible: stewing, boiling, and sometimes baking with a small amount of oil. The last meal should not be two hours before bedtime. He drinks at least 1.5-2 liters of water, tea, or coffee without sugar per day, but only in the interval between meals. With a strong feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat a vegetable salad of cucumbers, carrots, or lettuce.

Week 1


Breakfast remains the same throughout the weeks, depending on the feeling of hunger, you can eat one or two eggs. Although the menu is quite diverse, the products are frequent and can be psychologically difficult.

1. day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs
  • Lunch: fruits from the allowed menu
  • Dinner: which roast meat is allowed

The second day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: boiled chicken meat (previously removed the skin from it) ،
  • Dinner: 2 chicken eggs, any fruit.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, two boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: low-fat white cheese (bronze, for example) rye toast, fresh tomatoes
  • Dinner: a piece of grilled meat is allowed

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: allowed fruits in any quantity
  •  Dinner: a portion of fried meat without oil and a salad with leaves.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: two chicken eggs, and raw vegetables in any quantity.
  • Dinner: boiled fish or shrimp, lettuce, orange or grapefruit

The sixth day

Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.

Lunch: fruit ،

Dinner: roast beef, lettuce

The seventh day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: boiled vegetables, oven-baked chicken meat with tomatoes ،
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables

Week 2

Still Advice

Breakfasts are as they are, and the range of products is very limited. By the second week, the likelihood of breakdowns increases, and the desire to eat something harmful becomes insurmountable. Eat raw vegetables instead.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, two boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: two boiled eggs with lettuce ،
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and grapefruit.

The second day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, two boiled eggs, and two hard-boiled eggs
  • . Lunch: grilled meat, lettuce ،
  • Dinner: two chicken eggs and one orange.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: two boiled eggs, boiled vegetables, and 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese ،
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: meat, fried without oil, a couple of cucumbers ،
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs and grapefruit.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, two boiled eggs ،
  • Lunch: boiled shrimp.
  • Dinner: two boiled eggs

The sixth day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: grilled meat with tomatoes, and grapefruit.
  • Dinner: Tangerine, watermelon, peach, and apple salad

The seventh day

  • Breakfast: half an orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: boiled fillet with tomatoes, and orange.
  • Dinner: boiled fillet with tomatoes and oranges.

Third week

The quota changes dramatically. And if the previous two weeks were successful, then the next one will be much easier, the body has already recreated a limited and monotonous set of foods. 

In the third week, there is a possibility of unlimited use of one of the products presented on the menu. For example, on a fruit day, you can eat any allowed fruit in a reasonable amount and distribute it yourself between meals throughout the day. It is important to ensure that at least two hours pass between meals.

Day 1

  • Full day: allowed fruit in any quantity. You can eat separately, prepare salads, etc.
  • The second day
  • For the whole day: boiled vegetables in any quantity, lettuce leaves

Day 3

  • Full day: fruits in any quantity, boiled vegetables
  • Fourth day
  • Full day: boiled fish, lettuce.

Day 5

  • Full day: boiled chicken fillet, boiled vegetables.
  • The sixth day
  • For the whole day: one of the fruits, but in unlimited quantities

The seventh day

  • For the whole day: a grain of fruits in unlimited quantities, but not like on Saturday
  • Fourth week
  • The last week is a set of products of a certain size for each day. You can distribute it throughout the day, combining and changing the sequence of eating products yourself.

Day 1

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: 250 grams of chicken meat, 200 grams of lean fish, three tomatoes, three cucumbers, and grapefruit.

The second day

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: 150 grams of stewed meat, 200 grams of boiled vegetables, a slice of Whole Grain Bread, and One Orange.

Day 3

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: whole grain toast, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 oranges, 2 grapefruits, and 2 fresh tomatoes.

Fourth day

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: half a skinless chicken baked in the oven, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, a slice of bread, and an orange.

Day 5

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: two boiled eggs, three tomatoes, lettuce, and grapefruit

The sixth day

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken meat, 120 g of cottage cheese, 120 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of bread, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 orange

The seventh day

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: whole grain toast, 2 fresh tomatoes, 150 g of boiled fish, 200 g of vegetables, 1 grapefruit


The result is different - the more weight is lost, the greater the loss during the diet, from 6 to 20 kg.

The author of the diet, Professor Hamdi, assures that the result is most noticeable in people weighing more than 100 kilograms. On his chemical diet, they can lose up to a third of their weight.

Allegedly, after the diet, you can return to your normal diet, and the weight will not return again. However, this is possible if the diet is initially healthy enough and does not include a lot of unhealthy, fatty, and sweet foods.

In addition, Dr. Hamdi draws attention to the fact that such a tangible weight loss is desirable under the supervision of a doctor.

Who is not dieting

Osama Hamdi's chemical diet is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the stomach and intestines, with intolerance to many of these products, and suffering from allergies. The diet is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents, the elderly, people with egg allergies, and kidney failure.

Reviews of nutritionists

- The diet is difficult, especially for the elderly - after all, people of respectable ages most often suffer from diabetes. You need to follow a lot of subtleties, every week the rules change. 

In order not to get confused, you need to keep a calendar. At the same time, the set of products is not suitable for everyone, and may not be useful for many diseases. It is advised to speak with a doctor.

- The diet is unbalanced and difficult to implement. One of its significant disadvantages is too little dietary fiber. In addition, such a diet can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals. 

The diet also suffers from a deficiency of biologically active compounds

 - the diet should contain a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Smart food choices will help you get the nutrients you need without consuming too many calories. 

In this diet, a whole range of products is excluded - it is forbidden to eat cereals, cereals, and nuts, which are very useful, including for diabetes mellitus. Whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds are beneficial for cardiovascular health.

The diet is very specific and difficult to implement. Is the game worth it for the average person who does not suffer from diabetes

 The main goal of most diets is to lose weight and maintain the result.

 In diets of this type, this is not possible. In the long run, it will offer no more advantages than an adequate balanced diet with a sufficient calorie deficit. It is important to focus on the quality of products. That is, do not exclude carbohydrates, but choose high-quality carbohydrates in moderation.

Why is it recommended to replace the egg in case of cheese intolerance, and not with some other products?

- Cottage cheese is a good source of protein, its content is comparable to an egg. The bottom of the egg is equal to one hundred grams of fat-free cottage cheese.


Obesity and diabetes expert Osama Hamdi, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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