Physical training goals, exercises, standards, and methods of physical training

Physical training is a set of activities aimed at physical development. Strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to diseases.
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Physical training: goals, exercises, standards, and methods of physical training
What does general physical training include and what tasks does it perform How do determine the level of physical development of the child and your own growth. Why TRP standards for teenagers are higher than for adults

Crop guy Physical training at the gym with weights
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We will tell you how physical education is assessed at school, what physical training is and how special training differs from General Training.

OFP-general physical training

What does general physical training include and what tasks does it perform How do determine the level of physical development of the child and your own growth. Why TRP standards for teenagers are higher than for adults

We will tell you how physical education is assessed at school, what physical training is and how special training differs from General Training.

OFP, SPF, and FP-definitions

Physical training (PT) is a set of activities aimed at the physical and moral development of a person.

In pedagogy, the concept of physical education is used to emphasize the applied orientation of physical training. In other words, physical activity complements other human activities, such as school or work.

In addition, increased physical activity is a prerequisite for professional sports and military service. Therefore, physical training is divided into general and special.

General physical training (GPP) is a process aimed at improving health and developing the functional capabilities of the body.

Special physical training (SFP) - ensures the body's readiness for high loads in a certain direction. Examples of special FP are training in sports sections (boxing, wrestling, hockey, etc.); training of Special Forces units of law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, and rescue teams of the Ministry of emergency situations.

Goals and objectives of general physical training

The goal of general physical training is the harmonious physical development of a person. This purposeful process includes 5 main tasks.

1. Increased physical activity of man.

2. Strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to diseases.

3. Development of physical qualities - strength, endurance, speed, agility, flexibility.

4. Ensuring the harmonious development of the human muscular system and physical fitness.

5. Laying the foundation for the development of special physical abilities.

Means and methods of physical training

Within the framework of general physical training, physical exercises are considered the main method and means of achieving the goal.

Physical exercises are motor actions aimed at developing basic physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, and agility.

Muscular strength is the ability to overcome or counteract external resistance due to muscle effort. The means of strength development are strength exercises: pull-ups, push-ups, lifting dumbbells, etc.


- the ability to perform the necessary motor actions in the shortest period. Speed abilities are developed through exercises in which there is a sharp change in the intensity and direction of movements. To develop speed, the general physical training program includes various types of jogging (from the high start, from the low start, shuttle jogging) and Team Sports (Football, Basketball).


 is the body's ability to withstand physical fatigue. To increase endurance, so-called periodic exercises are included in the general physical training program. Its essence lies in the repeated repetition of the same type of movements. Examples are easy long-distance jogging, swimming, and skiing.

As part of special physical training, interval training methods are used to develop endurance. High-intensity workouts alternate with medium and low-intensity exercises.

Such training repeatedly increases the load on the heart muscle. Therefore, the method of interval training as a means of increasing endurance can be used only by those who have a sufficient level of physical fitness.


is the ability to perform motor movements with maximum amplitude. The development of flexibility is given special attention in all sports. Any exercise begins with a warm-up. They include articulatory Gymnastics and stretching exercises: arm rotation, leg twists, lunges, tilts, etc.


is the ability to accurately perform complex motor movements. This physical quality unites all the indicated motor abilities. Agility exercises require special concentration and coordination of movements. The following exercises are a way to develop dexterity: somersaults with a ball, curbs, walking on hands, and somersaults by jumping over an obstacle.

Physical fitness

In the process of general physical development, the so-called physique is formed.

Fitness-the degree of skills, abilities, and skills of a particular person, his willingness to overcome physical activity.

This characteristic has a qualitative indicator. That is, it allows you to assess the level of development of basic physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility. To assess the physical readiness of a person, tests (tests) are carried out, which consist of a set of exercises.

Exercises and standards of general Physical training 

There are no fixed and unified standards of general physical education. Each organization (School, University, armed forces, law enforcement agencies) relies on internal documentation. The tests consist of basic exercises.

The long-distance running-this criterion exists to test endurance.

Fast running or shuttle - exercises for assessing speed and agility.

Pull-ups on the crossbar and push-ups from the floor characterize the strength of the muscles of the back, arms, and shoulder girdle. Pull-ups and push-ups are mandatory training exercises for all Special Forces units (FSB, Ministry of internal affairs, Russian guard, GRU).

Elevations of the torso from the supine position - help assess the development of the abdominal muscles.

Bends forward - the depth of the slope determines flexibility.

Standards for schoolchildren

To assess the general physical fitness of schoolchildren, the federal state educational standard recommends the following: testing the level of individual development.

The teacher is not interested in how often the student pulls himself up on the crossbar, but in the child's desire to progress and develop. If a fifth-grader pulls himself up in September - 0 times, and in May - 3 times, most physical education teachers give Grade 5 for the year.

To determine the level of physical fitness of high school students, many schools are guided by TRP standards. It's easy to explain. Holders of the athlete's gold badge receive additional points on the amount of the unified state exam upon admission to a university.

TRP standards for high school students

To obtain the TRP badge, a high school student must pass 9 criteria. All tests are divided into two groups: mandatory (4 exercises) and tests to choose from (among the proposed options, you should choose - 5 exercises at your discretion).

Consider the norms in 4 compulsory exercises for a young man (from 16 to 17 years old).

The level of purchasing power parity of an adult

An adult can evaluate himself on his own. It is enough to consider the TRP standards. They are not mandatory, but they will help you find out your general fitness level.

A sedentary lifestyle, office work, and constant problems do not contribute to physical development. The further away the years are from the school desk, the larger the belly grows. Therefore, the TRP standards are reduced for each subsequent age category.

The standards are designed specifically for sedentary laypeople, not for an athlete. A professional athlete trains every day and is paid for it. Therefore, the requirements are different.

Summing up

Physical education and sports lessons provide the basic minimum necessary for the further development of a young person. Someone will connect his life with sports, and someone will not - it doesn't matter. General physical training will strengthen health and lay the necessary foundation. For schoolchildren and students, training is an opportunity to expand their capabilities.

For adults, OFP is a way to stay in shape and live a full life. You can assess your level of physical development yourself, based on TRP criteria.


Physical activity increases the load on the body several times. Overloading will do more harm than good. Sometimes the heart beats and screams .enough, stop. To prevent overload, it is necessary to monitor the heart rate (HR).

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