How to get rid of chickenpox scars, quickly and permanently

Getting rid of chickenpox scars with a laser. use the method of collagen therapy . the injection procedure is aimed at stimulating collagen production
Estimated read time: 7 min

How to get rid of chickenpox scars, quickly and permanently
Perhaps scars adorn men, not women. The cause of such non-cosmetic defects of the face can be not only injuries but also chickenpox. Echoes of a childhood illness with many remaining in the form of scars and scars for life. But fortunately, modern cosmetology knows how to lighten chickenpox scars.

chickenpox scars on the skin
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Answers to cosmetologist's questions: how to get rid of chickenpox scars

Chickenpox and scars are inseparable concepts in most cases. Chickenpox is an unpleasant disease in itself due to its symptoms. But its consequences are reminiscent of the disease in adulthood. Thanks to aesthetic cosmetics, the chickenpox scar disappears forever from the skin of the face or body.

What causes chickenpox scars

What causes chickenpox scars Why do some people have it and others don't.

Chickenpox is a disease that many get sick with in childhood, much less often in adulthood. Chickenpox is always accompanied by blisters on the face and body. They penetrate deep into the skin, affect the basal layer of the dermis and cause unbearable itching.

Chickenpox does not leave scars in all cases. If the blisters are not touched, chickenpox will pass without a trace. But if the basal layer is damaged, chickenpox leaves scars.

Causes of chickenpox scars:

  • Infection. A chickenpox scar appears on the site of the damaged pimple penetrated by the infection. Bacteria enter the deep layers of the skin, changing the structure of tissues.
  • Weakened immunity. Chickenpox scars in adults often occur due to a decrease in immunity due to the virus. Skin cells are restored slowly, and tissue healing takes a long time.
  • Wrong medicines. Chickenpox scars in adults are often associated with treatment. Lubrication of keratinized pimples leads to the fact that dead epidermis peels off faster than a healthy skin layer is formed. As a result, dirt and infection penetrate deep into the skin.
  • The use of antiseptic drugs. When chickenpox scars remain, 

Synthetic clothing.

 Rubbing clothes or the body's reaction to synthetics are the causes of chickenpox scars. During the illness, many experience itching, but completely forget that pimples can be damaged by clothing.

Chickenpox scars are much less common in children than in adults. This is quite understandable. In a mature body, metabolic processes slow down - it will take more time and effort to regenerate skin cells. Exacerbates the appearance of chickenpox scars on the face in adults and the lack of collagen fibers.

How do chickenpox scars appear

The consequences of chickenpox are a scar of the atrophic type. Its feature is damage to the basal layer of the skin. The flaw is situated underneath the skin's surface. It is in this area, which is a thin layer of connective tissue, that they are most susceptible to injury.

Scars from chickenpox on the face worsen over the years-the skin's ability to regenerate decreases, elasticity decreases, scars deepen, and become pronounced.

A face with chickenpox is much more common than scars located elsewhere on the body. Pimples are localized on the head, neck, and back. Rashes rarely affect the hands. Chickenpox scars are common on the face, where the skin is more sensitive.

Scars and atrophic scars from chickenpox occur with deep skin lesions.

 The face is more exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and patients often comb these areas. The back and chest are hidden by clothing and protected from external factors. In these areas, scars remain less often.

Chickenpox scars in children on the face are also formed due to the abundant secretion of sweat glands, which further spreads the infection.

What should be done to avoid chickenpox scars

Today it is possible to eliminate skin defects, but it is better to know how to avoid chickenpox scars.

When chickenpox leaves scars, this, first of all, speaks of wrong actions during the illness. So that pimples and pits do not remain on the face, you should follow simple rules:

  • Health. Bed linen should be changed once a day during illness. The infection can stay on the linen for a long time, bacteria and viruses can get into the unhealed wounds, and then a chickenpox scar will inevitably appear in the child.
  • Cleansing. For chickenpox scars, regular disinfection with special ointments and solutions prescribed by a doctor helps.
  • No scratch. Itching causes discomfort, but you need to restrain yourself so as not to damage the skin. That is why gloves are used more often during chickenpox.

How to remove chickenpox scars from a child's face

Scars on the face of a child from chickenpox appear much less frequently than in adults. Many salon procedures are contraindicated for children. If a child has scars from chickenpox, only external means are used. The dermatologist will prescribe ointments whose action is aimed at moisturizing the skin, smoothing and smoothing scar tissue.

What helps with chickenpox scars

To the question How to get rid of old chickenpox scars? Modern cosmetology has many answers. Hardware methods will help to permanently remove the scar from chickenpox.

The most complicated problem is atrophic scars. These defects affect the deep layers of tissues located below the level of the skin. In this case, the procedure for removing scars on the face from chickenpox should be carried out in a complex:

  • Elimination of connective tissue sclerosis
  • Stimulation of regeneration processes

To completely remove the scar from chickenpox on the face, you should also use the collagen treatment method. The injection procedure is aimed at stimulating collagen production, increasing skin tone, and leveling relief.

Can a chickenpox scar be removed with a laser?

The reappearance of chickenpox scars is the most effective way to combat skin defects. The laser penetrates deep into the skin and affects the intracellular fluid. It warms up, which stimulates the contraction of collagen and elastin fibers. Powerful regeneration processes are launched in the areas of laser impact. A few days after the procedure, the skin is visibly smoothed and tightened due to the natural processes of collagen synthesis.

Laser removal of chicken pox scars is a safe and painless procedure. After that, the epithelium is restored within 7-10 days. You can quickly and permanently remove chickenpox scars using a laser.

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