Sore throat : symptoms, causes, prevention, folk remedies, Phytotherapy

Sore throat is a common symptom, symptoms, causes and folk remedies that you can use to prevent or treat sore throat.
Estimated read time: 12 min

Sore throat: symptoms, causes, prevention, folk remedies, Phytotherapy
Sore throat is a common symptom that affects millions of people annually. Here, you will learn more about a sore throat, its causes, and natural remedies that you can use to prevent it. or treat sore throat.

Sore throat: neck discomfort, a lady, and a gray backdrop
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Symptoms of Sore throat

Sore throat, discomfort when swallowing, itching, dryness, and burning are the most common complaints that an otolaryngologist regularly hears from his patients. The pain can bother me constantly or only in the morning. A sore throat is familiar to everyone. 

They can be blunt or blunt, cut or stabbed, pressed or pressed. Whatever it was, in any case, it is impossible to live a full life with a sore throat. A sore throat may be accompanied by pain in the ear when swallowing, redness, swelling of the pharyngeal walls, enlarged lymph nodes, the roughness of the voice, fever, and malaise.

Causes of Sore throat

It is not difficult to guess that only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of this problem after a thorough examination of the patient. But, as a rule, sore throat in most cases occurs when infected with a cold and flu virus, most often it is caused by a bacterial infection that causes sore throat. in which sore throat is accompanied by high fever. 
Basically, viruses and bacteria enter the body through the mouth or nose by inhaling infectious particles that are released into the air when a sick person coughs or sneezes.

It is important to know! Tobacco smoke, dust, alcohol, exhaust gases, and industrial fumes of various origins also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Many of these factors can easily cause a sore throat. Pain syndrome often visits speakers and singers due to excessive muscle tension.


Try to keep the nasal passages clean and breathe more often through your nose. Any doctor will tell you the common causes of sore throat. are irritation of the pharynx due to the outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity. and dryness of the throat due to the need for a person to walk. with his mouth open when the nasal passages are clogged. Getting rid of a runny nose and breathing properly through. the nose will help cure a sore throat faster.

Prevention of Sore throat

It is simpler to avoid the illness than to treat it. Therefore, during the period of the bustle of viruses and bacteria, do not forget about prevention. To reduce the risk of getting sick, you should:

  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C, eat one clove of garlic a day, and drink cranberry and gooseberry fruit drinks.
  • During outbreaks of seasonal diseases, it is good to get enough sleep and resort to reasonable physical activity.
  • Observance of personal hygiene rules. It is advisable to change the toothbrush every month and store it in a dry place. Wash the bristles of the brush with soap after brushing your teeth. 
If you feel a sore throat, change your toothbrush. Buying a new toothbrush is necessary even after recovery to protect yourself from re-infection.

In cold weather, do not wear light clothes, as well as neglect a scarf and a hat.

Sore throat during pregnancy.

throat infection during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. However, self-medication in such cases should be approached with extreme caution. One of the safest home remedies is a honey-soda solution. 

To make it in a glass of water heated to 40 degrees, it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of honey and soda. The resulting solution is gargled every hour throughout the day. Pregnant and lactating women should always consult a doctor before taking any drug from the pharmacy.

Treatment of Sore throat with folk remedies

1. Flying legs

If the throat infection is not accompanied by fever, you can raise your feet in a basin with hot water and mustard for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, you need to wrap yourself well and wear woolen socks on your feet.

2. Warm tea

For many people suffering from throat infections, the first remedy is hot lemon tea. But this is a wrong decision, hot liquid damages the inflamed mucous membrane, and boiling water destroys vitamin C. Tea with lemon should be warm. Only in this way will he transfer all the benefits to the sick organism. The same goes for other vitamin teas.

3. Rinse

It is useful to gargle with an infusion of kombucha. If not, then carry out this procedure with sea salt, which is sold in every pharmacy. Sea salt is an excellent antiseptic. You might also include lemon juice in the brine. Although pain and sore throat can be eliminated with a solution of ordinary table salt. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and then gargle with this solution every 3 hours. The throat is also treated with the help of chamomile, sage, and raspberries. Boil a teaspoon of dried herbs in a glass of hot water, let cool, drain, and rinse.

4. Pressure

Effectively apply a compress from the oil-alcohol mixture to the throat. Mix two tablespoons of water with 3 tablespoons of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. Put the resulting mixture on a linen or cotton cloth, put it on the throat, put a plastic bag on top of it, and wrap yourself in a woolen shawl or scarf.

5. Inhalation

Inhalation is indispensable in the fight against sore throat. Supporters of Traditional Medicine recommend pouring 10 drops of eucalyptus into a glass of boiling water in a teapot. The aroma of the medicinal liquid should be inhaled through the nozzle of the teapot for each nostril in a row. Inhalation immediately begins to affect the entire respiratory system of the body.

A steam bath is one of the ancient remedies for sore throat. You need to sit over a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the water vapors. For a greater effect, it is useful to add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil.

6. Cocktail with horseradish

A pure medicine for sore throat. Mix 1 tablespoon of pure horseradish (or horseradish root) with 1 teaspoon of cloves. Stir this mixture in a glass of warm water and slowly drink the resulting cocktail.

7. Garlic Lollipop

Garlic has a very good effect on sore throat. Cut a clove of garlic in half and apply one half to each cheek. Some folk healers recommend sucking garlic like candy.

If the pain in the throat does not disappear after using folk remedies, it is urgently necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

Phytotherapy in the treatment of Sore throat

infection is usually treated with antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs. But their use, as you know, is not always safe. In the pharmacy nomenclature, there are currently many drugs for sore throat. 

Among them, special attention should be paid to herbal medicine. They have several significant advantages over synthetic drugs: the lightness of the pharmacological effect, the absence of toxicity, and a positive effect on the protective properties of the body due to the variety of biological components of natural origin.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for sore throats. In traditional herbal medicine, it is considered to be an effective tonic for improving the overall health and well-being of the throat. 

Marshmallow root is known to be rich in mucilage, which helps to soothe throat irritation and promote healing.     

The plant is also thought to be effective in treating other respiratory ailments, including bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma.

 Sage and echinacea

Phytotherapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for sore throat in several randomized controlled trials. The most common herbs used to treat sore throats are Sage (salvia officinalis) and echinacea (Echinacea purpurea). both of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. 

Phytotherapy is a holistic approach that includes natural remedies in the treatment of disease, and it is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for a variety of medical conditions.

 Saltwater gargle

Gargling with warm salt water is a time-honored remedy for sore throat. It can help relieve pain and swelling. Salt water can also help break down secretions. Gargling several times a day may help speed healing.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a traditional remedy for sore throat. It has been used for centuries as a folk medicine for its alleged medicinal properties. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in using apple cider vinegar. for its health benefits. Several studies have shown that apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. which may be useful in the treatment of sore throat.

 Lemon water

Lemon water is a popular folk remedy for sore throat, as it is believed that it relieves symptoms by increasing discharge from the throat and accelerating healing. 

In addition. it is believed that lemon water has antimicrobial properties. There are several theories as to why lemon water is effective for sore throats, but most research suggests that it is a safe and inexpensive method.     

Lemon water can be purchased at most stores and pharmacies and is also widely available online.


Honey is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various diseases. While there is some evidence that it can help relieve sore throat symptoms, its effectiveness is not well documented. I

n this article, we will explore the possible benefits of honey in the treatment of sore throat.    

Honey is effective in reducing inflammation and swelling, both of which are common factors contributing to the development of sore throat.

Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil has been proven to be effective in treating sore throats. The lauric acid contained in the oil has antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi. Lauric acid is also effective against the cold virus. The oil is also effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

 Licorice root

Licorice root is a traditional herb that has been used in the treatment of various diseases for centuries. The root is a source of flavonoids, glycosides, and tannins. These compounds have a wide range of pharmacological effects, including antitumor activity, and inhibition of inflammatory responses. and induction of cell differentiation. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that licorice root has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

 Plenty of fluids

Phytotherapy is an ancient form of medicine that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. Numerous studies have been conducted to ascertain the efficacy of phytotherapy in the treatment of sore throat. 

The majority of these studies have shown that phytotherapy is an effective treatment for sore throat. Phytotherapy can be used in several different ways, including gargling, oral irrigation, and topical application.

 Ginger root tea

15. Herbal Ginger root tea has been used medicinally for centuries and is believed to have a variety of benefits. It is often recommended as a soothing agent for sore throat. Some people also believe that ginger may be useful in treating several other medical problems. Ginger root tea can be made by soaking the root in hot water. lozenges


Cinnamon is a popular spice used in food and medicine. The bark, fruits, and leaves of the cinnamon tree have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. The most common use of cinnamon is as a tonic and antiseptic. It is also used as a natural painkiller.

Peppermint tea

Mint tea is a popular herbal tea made from the leaves of the mint plant. Mint tea has a refreshing flavor and can be enjoyed hot or iced. Peppermint tea is naturally caffeine-free and rich in antioxidants. Mint tea has a long history of use as a folk remedy for a variety of diseases, including upset stomach, gas, and indigestion.

Advice :

With antibacterial aerosols for the throat, it is recommended to be more careful: it is dangerous to prescribe such drugs to yourself without consulting a doctor. In addition, you need to carefully read the instructions and the composition, and be careful in determining the dosages of the spray used.

Interesting facts.

A steam bath is one of the ancient remedies for sore throat. You need to sit over a bowl of hot water, cover your head with a towel and inhale the water vapors. For a greater effect, it is useful to add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil.

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