10 foods for early pregnancy, be ready for your baby's arrival

According to the nutritionist, 10 foods for early pregnancy are Important for the development of the baby and the health of the mother.
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10 foods for early pregnancy, be ready for your baby's arrival
When you are pregnant, you may be surprised to find that some of your favorite foods are no longer attractive. You may also be wondering what you can eat to give your baby the best possible start. The following can be 10 foods that nutritionists recommend during pregnancy.

foods for early pregnancy woman,in portrait with apple
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symptoms 3 of early pregnancy

1-feeling tired and feverish

A noticeable slowdown in the onset of pregnancy is one of the symptoms caused by a rapid increase in progesterone. This luteinizing hormone is secreted in large quantities until about the twelfth week of pregnancy, and also promotes sleep, so drowsiness occurs.

Although premenstrual symptoms are similar, early pregnancy symptoms are more severe.

2. Changed taste, smell, nausea

During the early stages of pregnancy, many pregnant women experience nausea as their bodies change. Such nausea is called morning sickness, and the symptoms vary from person to person. Also, it happens that you cannot accept the things that you used to like, and you come to crave sour things.

3. Frequent urination, diarrhea, constipation

Many women experience changes in the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to hormonal changes and an enlarged uterus. Symptoms vary from person to person, but not a few people persist even after reaching the middle stage of pregnancy or a stable menstrual cycle.

10 foods for early pregnancy

1. brown rice:

Pregnant women are especially at risk of developing gestational diabetes, a condition that causes abnormal sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, I would like to actively include foods with a low glycemic index that slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and limit the rise in blood sugar levels after meals.

Brown rice is rich in dietary fiber, which helps prevent and improve constipation, which is common during pregnancy. However, they are difficult to digest and easily put a burden on the stomach and intestines, so chew them thoroughly before eating.

 foods for early pregnancy 2. broccoli:  Rich in folic acid that you want to eat during pregnancy 

Folic acid is a nutrient that must be consumed at the beginning of pregnancy. This is a kind of water-soluble vitamin B group, it has an action on the formation of cells and blood. Broccoli is rich in nutrients necessary for the formation of the placenta and the development of the baby.

 foods for early pregnancy 3. pumpkin: recommended for swelling procedures  

Pumpkin contains a lot of B vitamins and has an immune-boosting effect. It is also rich in potassium, which has an effect on Salt excretion, so it is recommended for pregnant women who tend to bloat.

 foods for early pregnancy 4. barley tea: Caffeine-free and mineral-rich

Barley tea is a caffeine-free drink that can be drunk not only by pregnant women but also by children, it contains a lot of dietary fiber and minerals that you should actively consume during pregnancy.

However, since barley tea has a cooling effect on the body, pregnant women who are particularly susceptible to cold should drink warm barley tea more frequently.

5. Yogurt: Bowel regulation especially during pregnancy! 

There are probably many pregnant women who actively consume yogurt even before pregnancy. Yogurt contains a lot of calcium, which is a food that is gentle on the pregnant woman's stomach because it has an intestinal function.

 In addition, it is one of the minerals that serve to maintain and adapt the functions of the body, forming the bones and teeth of the baby in the womb.

 foods for early pregnancy 6. eggs: High-quality protein is good for pregnant 

Eggs are one of the food items that should not be eaten, as mentioned at the top of this article, but they are raw eggs.

Eggs themselves are a high-quality and readily available protein, so they should be consumed daily.

In addition, eggs are rich in vitamin A. If you take a lot of vitamin A, there is a slight chance that the fetus will be born with malformations, but if it is about one egg a day, then you should not worry. There isn't.

However, when eating it, warm it up well and be careful not to overeat.

 foods for early pregnancy 7. walnuts: Good oil is good 

It contains high-quality omega-3 fatty acids, which are expected to be effective in improving and preventing atherosclerosis and hypertension. If you are prone to hypertension during pregnancy, then you should actively take it during pregnancy.

However, they are high in calories, so be sure to eat them in moderation.

 foods for early pregnancy 8. Natto is rich in isoflavones and is friendly to pregnant women

It is rich in isoflavones, an essential nutrient during pregnancy, which requires an increase in female hormones, B vitamins necessary for the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as high-quality protein. It is a food that women who want to get pregnant want to consume positively because it helps balance hormones.

 foods for early pregnancy 9. Pregnant Mallow should eat only leaves!

Folic acid is one of the nutrients that you should take during pregnancy.

Green vegetables are especially rich in folic acid, but among them is Mallow. They are also rich in calcium and iron and are expected to relieve irritation. However, when boiled, vitamins will flow with it, so it's good to eat it in soup or miso soup.

Question: Can a pregnant woman eat a chopper Is it toxic

Answer mallow is considered a nutrient-rich vegetable, but the seeds and stems sometimes produce an element called strophanthin.
Its components may cause nausea and dizziness, but the Mallow sold in the supermarket is harvested before the production of strofantidine, so you should not worry.

When eating Mallow grown by yourself, be careful not to eat the stems, but only the leaves. As a result, you'll experience greater comfort.

 foods for early pregnancy 10. strawberry: Refreshing and nutritious 

Strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C, folic acid, potassium, and dietary fiber. It's sweet and sour too, so it's easy to eat it when you have morning sickness. However, although they are sweet and tasty, they also contain sugar, so be careful not to overeat.

 foods for early pregnancy,5 foods, ingredients, meals, and drinks that should be avoided when you know you are pregnant

1. Caffeine such as coffee should be avoided during pregnancy

Excessive caffeine intake during pregnancy can be transmitted through the placenta to the baby. The child's metabolism is immature compared to adults, so caffeine is difficult to excrete from the child's body.

If you drink about one cup a day, there is no big problem, but if you regularly drink 5 or 6 cups of coffee, be careful. Be careful not only with coffee and tea but also with energy drinks.

 foods for early pregnancy 2. When pregnant, alcohol consumption should be reduced.

Like caffeine, a baby in the womb receives nutrition from the mother through the placenta, so if a pregnant woman takes alcohol, it reaches the fetus in the same way as nutrition.

Children can also break down alcohol in the liver, but due to the underdevelopment of liver function, alcohol processing takes a long time and is a big burden.

You should never drink alcohol until you get drunk.

Alcohol should not be consumed when pregnant.

 foods for early pregnancy 3. Stop eating raw meat when you find out you're pregnant

Raw meat can carry the Toxoplasma gondii parasite. All mammals and birds can be infected with this parasite, and if a pregnant woman becomes infected with toxoplasma infection, it can cause birth defects in the offspring.

Toxoplasma is killed by heating above 67 degrees. When eating meat, be sure to cook it well. Also, be careful with unleavened pork and roast beef.

However, pregnant women send blood to the fetus and are prone to anemia, so be sure to cook and eat red meat well.

 foods for early pregnancy 4. Avoid raw fish and shellfish as much as possible during pregnancy!

Because your immune system is weakened during pregnancy, you are more likely to get food poisoning, even if you naturally eat safe foods.

Raw shellfish are particularly susceptible to food poisoning unless they are fresh. Infection with norovirus, which is contained in raw oysters, etc., can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever, and may affect fetal development.

Try to eat heat-treated foods as much as possible during pregnancy.

5. Do not eat raw eggs during pregnancy!

Eggshells can carry salmonella. Salmonella infection does not directly affect the fetus, but food poisoning in pregnant women can cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to miscarriage.

When eating eggs, avoid raw eggs and cook them thoroughly.

Pregnant women should think about themselves first and cherish them

In the early stages of pregnancy, various changes occur in the body and mind.

You are just starting to prepare for the arrival of your baby, and you may be overwhelmed by a variety of worries and anxieties. At such times, do not overdo it, think about your body first and act.

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