Collagen protein is a vital component of youth and health

Collagen protein is a structural protein that is considered a building material for skin, bones, connective tissues and teeth. body has 28 species
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Collagen protein is a vital component of youth and health

Collagen is a structural protein that is considered a building material for the skin, bones, connective tissues, and teeth. The body contains 28 types of this protein, but three are among the most important. 

Collagen protein is a vital component of youth and health

uses of Collagen

This trinity is responsible for the freshness of the face and body, the quality of sleep, metabolic processes in the body, and the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Protein is used in anti-aging cosmetics, and its high content in cosmetics can successfully fight wrinkles, skin aging, and swelling. 

Collagen is found in sports nutrition, it is produced as a supplement for the body. Preparations based on it are used in the medical field to treat/cure certain diseases. Available in the form of tablets, serums, and injections. 

The safest way to produce protein in the body is to eat foods rich in collagen compounds. 

Benefit and harm the body

Collagen protein in medicine and cosmetology is considered a source of youth. The main task is to maintain the skin in a healthy state. It affects fibroblasts, due to which the production of the required amount of fiber increases, the condition of the epidermis stabilizes, the skin acquires elasticity and firmness, and the signs of aging disappear.

The benefits of collagen protein:

  • The emotional background is normalized, and sleep is restored.
  • The structure of the skin improves, wrinkles disappear, dryness of the face disappears, and the process of skin rejuvenation goes better. To restore the youthfulness of the skin, you do not need to use anti-aging cosmetics-it is enough to increase the production of collagen protein.
  • Restoration of the water balance of the skin. Protein compounds soften and moisturize the skin.
  • Getting rid of excess weight, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, and digestion.
  • Strengthen the skeleton and musculoskeletal system. Gelatin promotes better lubrication of bones in the joints, and other elements of structural protein are involved in strengthening bones.
  • Improve the appearance and structure of hair and nails. Protein compounds give the hair the desired density, eliminate breakage, and increase elasticity and strength.
  • Normalizes the work of hormones and body systems.

It is not recommended to use protein,

containing drugs without recommendations from specialists. Otherwise, the source of Health and freshness of the skin can cause several side effects.

For example, the high content of collagen protein in cosmetics or skin and hair supplements, nutrition can cause allergic reactions. 

After taking drugs with protein, an unpleasant aftertaste can remain in the mouth for a long time. Rarely, but there is discomfort in the abdomen, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, and heartburn.

With the available side effects, collagen protein does not belong to hazardous substances. It is allowed after consulting a doctor to use preparations based on it, to eat foods rich in collagen for women during pregnancy and lactation periods.

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Why is this protein needed and the signs of its deficiency

Collagen protein is the main substance of tissues, bones, teeth, and skin. In a healthy cell, its amount is 80-90%. The protein contains several amino acids (glycine, proline, hydroxyproline), which are involved in the synthesis of new types of protein compounds.

For the synthesis of this protein, the body must contain several fat-soluble vitamins, as well as minerals-copper, zinc, selenium, silicon, and others. With a decrease in these elements in the body, the normal production of collagen is disrupted.

Deficiency appears:

  • Deterioration of teeth
  • Skin wilting - wrinkles appear, the firmness/elasticity of the epidermis decreases, and cosmetics do not help get rid of the symptoms of wilting ؛
  • Hair grows poorly, nails become brittle, and fall out ؛
  • Deterioration of vision, the appearance of puffiness around the eyes and face.
  • The appearance of problems with the musculoskeletal system and the spine.
  • Muscle weakness and apathy.

The reasons for the deficiency are different 

- this is the natural aging of the body, malnutrition, hormonal failure, and others. For example, before the age of 25, it makes no sense to use collagen preparations, unless there is a chronic lack of protein in the body. 

The process of wilting begins from the age of 26-30. During this period, it is advisable to eat foods rich in collagen compounds, and use cosmetics, skin, and hair restoration lotions. Bad habits, sleep disturbance, and a sedentary lifestyle have a strong effect on the quality of the skin.

Types of  Collagen protein

About 30 collagen proteins are known, but the first three types are the most important for maintaining beauty and youth:

The first 

type is found in almost all connective tissues of the body, in bones, teeth, ligaments, and corneas of the eye. This protein produces large fibers that heal wounds and scars. If they are in sufficient quantity in the body, the elasticity of the epidermis increases, and internal tissues are prevented from tearing.

The second

 type is found in the hyaline cartilage covering the joints, in the intervertebral discs, and in the tendons. It is rather not collagen for the skin, but a protein for the joints. She is responsible for their mobility and health and helps relieve pain in rheumatism and arthritis.

The third

 View of the reticular fibers and the extracellular matrix. This type of collagen protein is the basis of the skin and organs. It is often found with the first type, and it is also important for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and the strength of the tissues of the heart and blood vessels.

Foods for  Collagen protein production

To maintain the skin in a healthy state, it is not necessary to use medicines and dietary supplements. Protein, gelatin, and other elements are found in the most common foods and dishes. 

For example, in a simple broth on a beef bone or in oily fish. Quail eggs are rich in amino acids, and rose hips, bell peppers, citrus fruits, and kiwi are inexhaustible sources of vitamin C. This vitamin takes part in the synthesis of collagen amino acids: lysine and Proline.

Vegetarians can make a collagen menu from leafy vegetables - lettuce, arugula, spinach. There is also a lot of protein in almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, oysters, and dark chocolate.

To summarize which foods contain protein, we can distinguish four sources:

  1. Beef meat؛
  2. Chicken؛
  3. Fish؛
  4. Quail plane eggs.

Vegetarians are more challenged to follow a diet, but any green salad, citrus fruits, or tomatoes help to increase the level of collagen in the body.

How to stimulate your own protein production

An insufficient amount of collagen protein in the body provokes serious diseases. It is important to understand that after the age of 25, one way or another, we have to stimulate the production of this protein. A high level allows you to stay young and healthy longer.

How to recover:

  • Eat more foods rich in collagen compounds. For example, gelatin is very rich in protein - all these are meat, bone broth, jelly, and cartilage.
  • Use dietary supplements as prescribed by a specialist. For better absorption, it is advisable to drink vitamin C additionally.
  • Perform cosmetic procedures - face masks, injections of protein serum, laser therapy, etc.

Collagen protein is responsible for the health and beauty of the skin, hair, teeth, and bones. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many systems and organs. 

There are a lot of dietary supplements, medicines, and other sources of collagen, but they should be used correctly and only according to the instructions of a competent doctor.

Is daily use of collagen healthy?

Yes, it's good to eat collagen every day. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, it makes up about a third of the protein composition. It is found in the connective tissues that comprise the skin, bones, tendons, and cartilage.

 Collagen supplements have been shown to improve bone density, slow down the aging process that makes bones brittle, and help your body produce new bone.

How quickly does collagen start working?

Collagen is an important protein that helps to rebuild tissues. It can take up to two weeks for collagen to start working.

How can I tell if collagen is working?

 You can evaluate the effectiveness of collagen by conducting several tests.  One way to do this is to measure the decrease in wrinkles over time. If collagen is effective, wrinkles should decrease over time. However, if collagen is not effective, wrinkles will not decrease and the product may be a waste of money.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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