Plasmapheresis procedure, in a comprehensive acne treatment program
The plasmapheresis procedure for acne improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, stabilizes the production of sebum, and improves local immunity. Do you want to try the plasmapheresis procedure for acne manifestations from personal experience? Follow this article to learn more
What is the Plasmapheresis procedure?
Doctors consider plasma therapy to be one of the most advanced acne treatments. Safe and effective cosmetic procedures are used to eliminate acne in adolescents and adults. It helps to restore skin health and eliminate serious psychological problems.
The Plasmapheresis procedure is chemotherapy. The injection program involves intradermal injection of plasma and platelets from a vein into the face, head, shoulders, and other parts of the body. 90% of the plasma is water. It is rich in proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogens), glucose, and hormones. The composition of plasma includes enzymes, minerals, fats, and amino acids
This blood element includes nitrogen-containing organic compounds, cholesterol, glucose, lactic acid, and lipids. Plasma contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, and chlorine.
Why Plasmapheresis procedure is so important for acne
What is the role of plasma in therapy Plasma mobilizes platelets and nutrients? Due to its ability to penetrate the walls of blood vessels, connections are formed between various body systems. The fluid performs an important homeostatic function.
Platelets are small blood cells (platelets) or non-nuclear cells that form in the red bone marrow. Platelets' primary function is to halt bleeding. An additional function is the synthesis of lysine and lysine, protection from bacteria.
Platelet-rich plasma is also called PRP plasma. It is especially rich in fibroblasts. The role of these connective tissue cells cannot be overestimated. They synthesize the intercellular substance, migrate and take an active part in wound healing.
Causes of hair loss in men and women
There are three main factors on which the normal functioning of hair follicles depends:
- Hereditary
- Metabolism
- External.
The most difficult is hereditary since the number of follicles, density, and structure of the hair depends on it. It is the most difficult to treat because the reason lies in DNA. The metabolic factor is a variety of disorders that lead to malnutrition of the bulb, as a result of which it dies. Alopecia in men and women can occur as a result of endocrine diseases.
What is female alopecia areata
Hair begins to thin from the middle, spreading to the sides.
What is androgenetic alopecia?
Thinning of hair with subsequent loss in the parietal and frontal area.
The external factor is no less important since the use of unsuitable cosmetics significantly weakens the scalp. Dandruff, dryness or oiliness, and the use of aggressive products - all negatively affect the follicle. They also include hair loss as a result of chemotherapy, which significantly complicates the life of cancer patients.
What is alopecia areata
Alopecia areata - hair loss in a certain area, due to which bald spots appear.
How is alopecia treated with plasma therapy?
The principle of plasma therapy can be described by deciphering the abbreviation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which means the introduction of a platelet-rich flame. It consists of autogenous plasma, which is formed by expelling one's own blood. Further, it is enriched with nutrients and injected into the scalp. Thanks to this composition, there is no risk of allergic reactions, and the result will be noticeable faster.
Treatment of alopecia with plasma causes stimulation of regeneration due to the introduction of growth factors. It is they who have a positive effect on cell regeneration, help not only to restore the normal nutrition of existing bulbs but also provoke the appearance of new ones. This feature is the effectiveness of the procedure, which shows excellent results.
The main growth factors affecting:
- TGF-β-stimulates collagen production
- TGF-α-has an angiogenic and fibroblastic effect.
As a result of their influence, the production of elastin and collagen is launched, which has a significant effect on the hair follicles. This helps to significantly reduce hair loss and improves the condition of the scalp. Thanks to this, it is possible to assess the widespread effect of the use of plasma therapy in hair loss. It stimulates the appearance of new follicles and protects the hair from further hair loss, which makes the result after the procedure very long.
Indications for the procedure
Plasma therapy is recommended for acne, as well as for deep scars on the face. The procedure enriches the blood with valuable substances, evens out the skin tone well, eliminates rashes, and stops the active inflammatory process.
The order of the Plasmapheresis procedure
The process of plasma enrichment with platelets consists of several stages, each of which has its own protocol for carrying out:
- Blood is taken from the patient's vein in a volume of 15-20 ml.
- The collected material is placed in a test tube in a centrifuge.
- The patient receives another injection of platelet-rich plasma.
Platelets injected into the skin are lined up in biologically active fibrin networks and stimulate the production of collagen. New collagen fibers, blood vessels, and extracellular matrix appear. Skin immunity, revitalizing activation. The structure of the skin layers is significantly improved. Even to the touch, the face becomes more pleasant, characterized by greater skin hydration and tenderness.
When gynecological, endocrine, and gastrointestinal diseases and foci of chronic infection are detected, doctors prescribe complex and/or targeted medications that correct exacerbations. Dermatologists work in tandem with infectious disease specialists, therapists, and endocrinologists.
Advantages and differences of the procedure from other methods
A full course of plasma therapy for acne is designed for four procedures. Sessions are held at intervals of 2-4 weeks. The remedy does not cause addiction, allergies, or other reactions. The remedy narrows the pores, improves the properties of the skin, and harmonizes its color and natural radiance.
Unlike mesotherapy, manipulation of the skin in this case is less painful. Platelet-rich plasma has a neutral pH. The drug is gentle on the skin. Insignificant discomfort during injections is compensated by subsequent intensive processes of regeneration, metabolism, and microcirculation.
This procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, and some diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, and heart. It is forbidden to conduct therapy for patients with oncology, hepatitis, and severe allergic reactions.
Experienced specialists of the clinic have an individual and scrupulous approach to solving the problems of each person who contacted us. Dermatologists of the highest category offer gentle plasma therapy to patients with acne manifestations.
As a result of complex therapy, the number of rashes decreases, the skin acquires a healthy appearance, and self-esteem improves significantly. Treatment is carried out with the latest drugs and modern equipment. A sustainable result serves as a guarantee of the restoration of vitality.