The foods to consume when on a Diet for colitis , what to avoid

Diet for colitis, it what you eat can help control symptoms of colitis. reduce the risk of seizures. to eat a variety of healthy foods.
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The foods to consume when on a Diet for colitis, what to avoid
 Diet for colitis, In addition to medications, diet can also help manage and reduce the symptoms of colitis. This article will explore which foods you should eat and avoid when living with colitis. as well as some dietary tips to help you self-manage your condition.

Diet for colitis , On a dark wooden table,  fresh veggies. Abdominal pain in a woman.
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Diet for colitis, what to eat and what to avoid

In this paragraph we will try to give you some information about a possible diet for colitis, bearing in mind that the advice you will read is not always valid and in some cases, the diet does not substantially change the symptoms reported by the patient. 

If you suffer from one of the medical conditions that we have mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is mandatory to contact your doctor in gastroenterology and agree on any changes to your diet: he may suggest some foods to avoid as they can worsen the symptoms of colitis.

In particular, several studies have deepened the role of diet in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. without however leading to a conclusion.

  Diet for colitis, Some dietary regimens

 have been associated with improvement in symptoms, such as the specific carbohydrate diet or the low fodmap diet (especially useful in the case of irritable bowel syndrome). 

In general, in these cases, it is suggested to implement an anti-inflammatory nutritional style and improve intestinal permeability. Anticipating how much we will deepen later, in case of colitis it is suggested first of all to limit industrial products rich in chemical additives, potentially harmful and pro-inflammatory

As for proteins, those of fish and eggs are to be favored; those of red meat are to be limited.

 Diet for colitis, Particular attention should be paid to dietary fats:

 omega 6, in fact, has shown a pro-inflammatory activity and should therefore be limited (they are mainly found in vegetable oils). preferring instead the use of omega 3 (from fish, nuts, and flaxseed). olive oil and coconut oil anderg

There are no other certain indications, but we would like to deepen the use of the low fodmap diet, which can. also, be used successfully in case of nervous colitis (or irritable bowel syndrome). 

In such a case, some carbohydrates are limited that can be fermented in the intestine with the production of gas and consequent bloating and abdominal pain. Among the carbohydrates to be limited we find fructose, lactose, fructans, Galatians, and polyols. 

They are found in certain types of vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, and legumes.

 Diet for colitis, what to eat and drink

 So what to eat in case of colitis, if we consider the most common type of colitis or the irritable bowel? 

In general, we suggest you follow a healthy, balanced, and anti-inflammatory diet: limit all industrial products. such as snacks and excess bakery products, do not exceed the consumption of sugars and refined carbohydrates and .as regards fats prefer the use of olive oil and

As for the foods to be preferred, there are foods generally tolerated by those suffering from colitis, for example, boiled potatoes, new potatoes cooked in the oven with their skins, and raw. or boiled carrots or Eggs are also usually well tolerated.

We also suggest that you drink enough water throughout the day,

 limiting your consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol. Tea and coffee are not necessarily problematic in case of colitis, while mallow and turmeric teas can help improve the symptoms of colitis. Red wine during meals can also be consumed in moderation.

As far as cooking is concerned, we advise you to avoid frying because vegetable oils exposed to high temperatures increase inflammation.

Diet for colitis, The low fodmap diet: an aid for colitis

In addition to these general tips, we would like to focus on the indications of the low fodmap diet. which has been very useful in decreasing the symptoms of irritable bowel. It is important, however, that you do not practice DIY: a diet that is too restrictive. or carried on for too long could in fact expose you to possible deficiencies.

 Diet for colitis, suitable vegetables, and fruits.

 Among the fruits to be limited, we will find for example watermelon, cherries, apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, and blackberries. Greenlight instead to tangerines, lemons, strawberries, moderate amounts of berries, and melon. Bananas should be consumed a little unripe, as they ripen they can be richer in fermentable sugars.

 Diet for colitis, Among the vegetables 

that generate more gas instead we find artichokes, cauliflower, and bru cav Among those that can be taken with peace of mind we find arugula, zucchini, carrots, and yellow. and red peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, and spinach.

It is also important to pay attention to the consumption of milk,

possibly to be preferred without lactose and legumes, such as chickpeas, beans, and peas, which should be avoided. On the other hand, you can consume dehulled red lentils in moderation. 

Finally, it is suggested to limit the use of wheat (pasta, common bread, or wholemeal), spelled, barley and rye. preferring other cereals. such as oats, buckwheat, rice, corn, quinoa, and millet.

 Diet for colitis, Protein is not a problem: you can take meat,

 fish, and eggs, as well as nuts and oilseeds. The cheeses seem to be quite tolerated, especially the more mature ones. such as Parmigiano Reggiano. 

Even fats are not linked to fermentation and therefore can be included in the diet with peace of mind, but we remind you to pay attention to omega-6 fats and trans fats that have pro-inflammatory properties.

 Diet for colitis, What to avoid: Here are the foods to avoid

We, therefore, reiterate which are the foods to avoid in case of colitis: they belong, where you want to follow a diet low in fodmaps, to the following categories. Fruit: limit some fruits rich in fructose or other sugars subject to intestinal fermentation. 

We mention some of them: 

watermelon, apple, peach, pear, plum, blackberry, cherry, grapefruit, pomegranate, persimmon, mango, figs; 

 Diet for colitis, Vegetables:

 the richest vegetable in polyols and oligofructose is limited, including onions, garlic, leeks, beetroot, savoy cabbage, celery, mushrooms, artichokes, cauliflower, asparagus, and jackdaws;

  Diet for colitis , Legumes:

 all legumes should be limited due to the high content of GOS, another sugar that is fermented in the intestine. In this case, prefer dehulled red lentils, more digestible;

  Diet for colitis, Cereals:

 due to the high intake of fruits, wheat, rye, and barley, and spelled are not recommended. 

Do not despair though because all other cereals are allowed, including corn, rice, millet, and buckwheat. In this way, if you want to eat pizza it will be possible, with a few small tricks.

 Diet for colitis, Another important aspect

 to keep in mind that we want to remember the methods of cooking and preserving food, which can contribute to worsening the symptoms of colitis. and that, therefore, should be avoided: frying; sausages, and more generally all preserved meats; ready meals; foods rich in butter. 

for example sweets, especially industrial ones; fast-food foods; dishes seasoned with very elaborate sauces; spicy sauces; drinks added with carbon dioxide; spirits.

 Diet for colitis, 5 foods that help reduce the problem

Beyond the foods to avoid colitis, we have shown you how the diet must first be anti-inflammatory; precisely for this reason it will be important to integrate some foods that possess such characteristics, such as those that we present below. 

 Diet for colitis, 1. Oily fish 

Oily fish, the especially small fish consumed with the skin, contains a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These are essential substances for our well-being, which we must integrate with the diet and which carry out anti-inflammatory activities.

  Diet for colitis, 2. Coconut 

Coconut and coconut oil have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to containing a fair share of SCFA (short-chain fatty acids), important for supporting the balance of the microbiota, which is often dysbiotic (ie unbalanced) in patients with colitis.

  3. Nuts and oilseeds 

This food category also contains a good dose of omega-3, with an important anti-inflammatory action. Among all the foods that are part of this group we suggest you prefer flaxseed and macadamia nuts.

 4. Mallow 

Among the most useful herbs in case of colitis, we find the mallow, which can be used for the preparation of herbal teas and decoctions. which have the ability to both flare up the colon, and improve constipation. which is frequently associated with nervous colitis. 

5. Turmeric 

Turmeric is a spice with a thousand properties and among them has played an important role as an anti-inflammatory in the intestine. It can be added as a spice to various preparations or used for the preparation of herbal teas. For greater effect, you can resort to the use of specific supplements. after seeking the advice of your doctor.

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