to increase serotonin, or the hormone of happiness
Serotonin is also called the happiness hormone because it is associated with happiness. It is an essential substance to stabilize the mind and. if deficient, is said to cause mental imbalance and depression. To increase serotonin. it is effective to take serotonin-making substances from the diet and improve lifestyle habits. I will introduce how to increase serotonin.
What is serotonin
Serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters in the brain and is also called the happiness hormone because it is associated with happiness.
In our brains, neurotransmitters. such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine function to control our emotions.
Neurotransmitters include the excitatory system and the inhibitory system, dopamine and norepinephrine. which are released when stressed, are excitatory substances, and are associated with sympathetic nerves.
Serotonin and acetylcholine are inhibitory substances that are secreted when you are relaxed and bind to the parasympathetic nerve.
These neurotransmitters work in a balanced way to maintain brain function and balance mind and body.
Serotonin stabilizes the mind
such as suppressing and regulating runaway dopamine. and norepinephrine stimuli, balancing autonomic nerves and activating the brain.
In addition, the hormone melatonin. which promotes sleep, and is produced from serotonin, so a lack of serotonin can reduce the quality of sleep or cause insomnia.
Normally, serotonin is secreted throughout the waking day, but the amount secreted is said to be low due to mental stress and fatigue.
Serotonin deficiency can cause symptoms. such as irritability. fatigue decreased mood, decreased ambition, and increased aggression.
How to increase serotonin
About 90% of serotonin is produced in the intestine, and it is also produced in the platelets of the brain and blood.
Serotonin is said to increase with exposure to sunlight and rhythmic exercise.
To make serotonin, an essential amino acid called tryptophan is required.
Since tryptophan cannot be produced in the body. it is necessary to take tryptophan from the diet to increase the amount of serotonin secreted.
Eat foods rich in tryptophan
Tryptophan is abundant in chicken breast, beef, chicken liver, fish, eggs, and dairy products. such as milk, and yogurt, and soy products such as tofu, natto, bananas, and nuts.
Serotonin is produced during the day. so it is effective to eat foods containing tryptophan for breakfast.
For breakfast, it is recommended to use ingredients rich in tryptophan. such as yogurt, bananas, boiled or fried eggs, and tofu miso soup.
Eat foods rich in vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 breaks down proteins and converts them into energy. and hydrolyzed amino acids work to build muscle and blood.
It maintains the health of hair, skin, mucous membranes, etc.. and promotes growth.
It also participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and is an essential nutrient for making serotonin from tryptophan.
Vitamin B6 is found mainly in animal products such as meat and seafood.
In terms of meat, it is abundant in chicken and liver, and in seafood. it is abundant in tuna, bonito, sardines, salmon, mackerel, Sanma, etc.
It is also abundant in brown rice, garlic, sesame, and pistachios.
It is activated by vitamin B2, so it is most effective when consumed with foods rich in vitamin B2.
Vitamin B2 is abundant in the liver, eggs, cheese, eel, blue-backed fish, etc.
The liver and blue-backed fish contain both vitamins B6 and B2. so they can be consumed efficiently.
Enjoy the Sunshine
By exposing yourself to sunlight, the sun's Rays have the effect of stimulating the retina and enhancing the secretion of serotonin.
It is said that it is effective to allocate time for sun exposure for 15-30 minutes a day.
Serotonin is a hormone that is released during wakefulness. so it is recommended to open the curtains first when waking up in the morning to soak up the sun.
Exposure to sunlight immediately after waking up resets the biological clock. and can be expected to have an effect on adjusting the rhythm of life.
In addition, melatonin. which promotes sleep, is released about 16 hours after exposure to sunlight, so you can expect the effect of improving sleep quality.
Make rhythmic exercises a habit
Regular rhythmic movements. such as walking, breathing, and chewing food is said to have the effect of activating serotonin function.
It is also recommended to combine light exercises such as walking and jogging. consciously setting aside time to do abdominal breathing.
It is also effective to practice yoga and stretching while you are aware of your breathing, or walking while soaking up the sun.
When eating, good chewing about 20 to 30 times per bite can be expected to have an effect on the activation of serotonin function.
Preparation of the intestinal environment
About 90% of serotonin is produced in the intestine, so if the intestinal environment is disturbed, serotonin cannot be produced sufficiently. which can cause an imbalance of autonomic nerves.
The intestine is also called the second brain because it can make its own decisions.
The brain and intestines exchange information in both directions through the vagus and sympathetic nerves.
So, there is a relationship that mental stress causes an intestinal disorder, and an intestinal disorder causes mental stress.
If you eat an unbalanced diet or experience excessive stress, the intestinal environment will deteriorate.
To prepare for the intestinal environment
it is important to eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and get good sleep.
Eating foods containing dietary fiber, and lactic acid bacteria. and oligosaccharides can be expected to be effective in improving the intestinal environment.
There are two main types of dietary fiber: water-soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber.
Foods that contain a lot of water-soluble dietary fiber include vegetables, ripe fruits, seaweed, Konjac, and vegetables with viscous ingredients. such as Mallow, okra, and burdock root.
Insoluble dietary fiber is abundant in potatoes
mushrooms, root vegetables, and legumes.
The key is to eat a good balance of water-soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. It is said that modern people eat a lot of insoluble dietary fiber and are deficient in water-soluble dietary fiber.
The ideal balance is water-soluble dietary fiber: insoluble dietary fiber = 1: 2.
It is effective to increase your intake by adding vegetables rich in water-soluble dietary fiber. such as seaweed and okra, to your usual diet.
Lactic acid bacteria are abundant in fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese, and pickles.
There are different types of lactic acid bacteria
so it is recommended to look for one that suits your body.
Oligosaccharides are abundant in onions, bananas, honey, etc.
Oligosaccharides are food for good bacteria, so you can expect the effect of adjusting the intestinal environment.