Aerobics -a way to improve the physical, and psychological culture

aerobics includes all exercises that stimulate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems: walking, running, swimming, skiing, skating, cycling
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 Aerobics-a way to improve the physical, and psychological culture 
Aerobics is a set of high-intensity aerobic exercises performed to music. The main tasks of aerobics are the general improvement of the body, the development of endurance, improving coordination qualities, as well as improving the psycho-emotional state of the participants.

Group of Women with Aerobics
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Types of  Aerobics

In a broad sense, aerobics includes all exercises that stimulate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems: walking, running, swimming, skiing, skating, cycling, etc. Aerobic load is also created by all general physical and dance exercises.

This gives reason to use the term "aerobics" to describe all the exercises that are performed in music and dance direction. "Aqua aerobics"," aqua aerobics"," aerobic aerobics"," slider aerobics"," volleyball aerobics " - and so on, this list is endless.

But aerobics, first of all, is a kind of recreational gymnastics. All exercises serve as a means of improving physical culture. So, with all the variety of training programs, all types of aerobics can be classified and divided into three areas: improvement, sports and sports, and recreational aerobics.

Wellness aerobics

Wellness aerobics-used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. The set of exercises includes walking in place, jumping, and flexibility exercises.

A distinctive feature of recreational aerobics is the performance of exercises with a controlled load and the presence of an aerobic (low-intensity) part of the lesson. The duration and intensity of classes depend on the composition of the group and the age characteristics of its participants. A prerequisite for health-improving groups is heart rate control and overload prevention.

Sports aerobics exercises

Sports aerobics is a non-Olympic sport, it is one of the five types of gymnastics. This type of aerobics is an official sport in which official international competitions are held.

Sports aerobics was developed under the leadership of the International Gymnastics Federation (French: FIG). FIG also includes acrobatics, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, and trampoline.

Sports aerobics is a complex coordination sport in which athletes perform exercises with high intensity. A set of exercises is performed to music and includes elements of acrobatics, sports, and rhythmic gymnastics.

Since 1999, the International Gymnastics Federation has been holding the European Championship every two years. Medals are played in two age categories "18 years and older" and the category "15-17 years".

Sports aerobics disciplines:

  • Solo performances, women.
  • Solo performances, guys,
  • Mixed couples,
  • Gymnastic Dance,
  • Threesome,
  • Group 5.

Aerobics and Fitness

Aerobics and recreational aerobics (fitness) are a type of physical activity that combines sports and recreational activities for aerobics. Another name is aerobics for fitness.

This type of aerobics also includes step aerobics, kick aerobics, sliding aerobics, and pump aerobics (training with a mini-bar). Fitness aerobics differs from the sports version in a set of exercises and intensity of training.

Exercise and recreational aerobics imply a more careful attitude towards health. There are no painful exercises and exercises of extreme intensity. At the same time, many professional athletes include fitness training in their physical training program (in this regard, fitness differs from recreational aerobics).

Therefore, the domestic pedagogical literature suggests using the definition of Applied aerobics. In this context, it means that athletes of various sports can use aerobic exercises for warming up and as part of general physical training.

Fitness exercises according to FFAR:

  • Aerobic exercise.
  • Aerobics for 5 people.
  • Step aerobics classes,
  • Hip hop,
  • The big hip-hop band.

Aerobics as a method of physical education

Aerobics was not accidentally received such a huge distribution. Aerobic exercise affects all vital body systems. Aerobic exercises contribute to increased efficiency, strengthen bone and muscle tissue, improve posture and reduce body weight. Modern music, dance movements, and bright clothes create positive emotions.

Musical rhythm and dance exercises give agility, softness, and natural ease of movement. Classes in groups help to overcome shyness and shyness. The study of the effect of exercise on the psycho-emotional state of a person showed that training increases self-esteem in participants.

Systematic classes can ensure the achievement of socially significant results. Aerobic programs are a means of the harmonious development of the personality. Exercise helps to improve the physical, moral, and mental state of the participants.

The effect of aerobic exercise on the cardiovascular system

Studies have shown that aerobic exercise increases the reserve capacity of the heart. The fact is that the cardiovascular system of a trained person works more economically. Accordingly, the heart "gets tired" less. Man lives longer. To understand what the secret is, you need to remember the heart rate.

Heart rate (HR)

shows how many contractions (beats) the heart makes in one minute. The heart rate of an average person is 70-80 beats per minute. The heart of a trained person, being at rest, makes 50-60 beats. At the same time, the amount of blood pushed by the heart into the aorta is higher in athletes than in untrained people.

The potato heart of the sofa pushes out a maximum of 70 ml of blood in one contraction. The heart of a fitness instructor pumps more than 110 ml of blood into the circulatory system with each beat.

What is the result 

The athlete's heart works slower than the sloth's, but it works better? And there is no secret here. The fact is that the heart has a muscular structure. It is known that trained muscles are stronger than untrained ones.

The athlete's heart muscle without stress can push out more than 6 liters of blood in one minute. The heart of the slacker will have to sweat a lot to cope with such a task.

Aerobic exercises contribute to the development of the entire circulatory system. The capillary network increases, the fibrinolytic activity of the blood develops (dissolution of blood clots), the concentration of myoglobin increases, and glycogen storage increases.

By increasing

 the total volume of circulating blood, the oxygen transport function improves. Vessels become more flexible. Their productivity is increasing. Improve the supply of tissues with oxygen, hormones, and nutrients. The permeability of the vascular walls to metabolic products increases.

The ongoing processes have a positive effect on the organism as a whole. Aerobics strengthens the human immune system. Physical activity develops the adaptive abilities of the body. Aerobic exercise increases the body's resistance to colds, infectious and other diseases.

The effect of aerobic exercise on the respiratory system

Regular aerobic exercise has a strong effect on the respiratory system. Aerobic exercise increases the volume of the lungs, strengthens the respiratory muscles, and increases the mobility of the diaphragm. Regular exercise increases the body's ability to pass air through the lungs, improves gas exchange, and generally stimulates blood flow. In trained people, respiratory activity is provided by increasing the depth of breathing.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Aerobic movements strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Increases joint mobility. Tendons and ligaments acquire elasticity. Muscles are strengthened. The range of motion becomes wider.

Muscle tone increases and the process of muscle tissue atrophy slows down. A variety of movements, and alternation of static and dynamic loads, contribute to the development of dexterity and flexibility.

Exercise also has a positive effect on the human skeletal system. It is known that the bone tissue of a healthy organism is constantly updated. Aerobic exercises positively stimulate this process.

During childhood and adolescence, bones increase their maximum density. Over the years, the reverse process begins. Bones gradually become thinner and brittle. Regular exercise prevents bone rebound. Due to good blood circulation, phosphorus-calcium metabolism improves. As a result, the mineral content in the bones increases. There is compression of bone tissue and strengthening of tendons.

The psycho-emotional component of Aerobics

The positive effect of exercise on a person's mental health is undeniable. Music and dance have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the participants. Positive emotions cause a desire to perform exercises more vigorously, enhancing their effect on the body.

Music removes monotony, sets the rhythm, and controls the pace of movements. Music and dance exercises serve as a means of learning, because. Movements are easier to remember.

Exercise improves the emotional state, reduces anxiety, relieves depression, has a beneficial effect on human mental health, and leads to an improvement in the cognitive functions of the brain.

Summing up

Exercise is a way to heal the body. Aerobic exercise improves motor activity and increases the body's resistance to diseases and other negative environmental influences.

Regular training increases the aerobic capacity of the body, develops endurance, and has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person. People engaged in aerobic exercise, there is a general improvement in health and well-being.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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