the new type of malnutrition, Nutrients that modern man lacks
Even if you eat every day, you may still be malnourished. Even if the daily calorie intake is sufficient. the situation when specific nutrients are necessary to maintain. health is insufficient is called a new type of malnutrition.
A balanced diet is necessary to maintain good health.
We will introduce the nutrients that modern people tend to lack and present the points for eating a balanced diet.
What is the new type of malnutrition?
Malnutrition is a condition in which the body lacks the energy and nutrients necessary to maintain good health.
To maintain good health, we need the five main nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
These work in cooperation with each other in the body. and a deficiency in any of them can lead to dysfunction.
For example, rice contains carbohydrates that serve. as a source of energy for the body, but the vitamin B group is required to be used as energy in the body.
If you don't have enough B vitamins,
you won't be able to produce energy well, and it will. also, make you tired easily.
It may be hard to believe that people are malnourished in modern Japan, but it is said that the number of people suffering from a new type of malnutrition, in which some nutrients are lacking even if calories are enough, is increasing.
The leading cause of new malnutrition is a nutritional imbalance due to an unbalanced diet.
What happens if you are malnourished
The causes of new malnutrition vary by gender and age.
For example, there are cases when young women excessively restrict their diet and end up malnourished.
If you limit carbohydrates. such as rice and bread to reduce calorie intake, your body will run out of energy sources.
if you avoid fats and eat only vegetables
you will run out of proteins and fats.
If you don't have enough nutrients. such as carbohydrates and fats, your body will break down your muscles to make the nutrients you need. which can lead to decreased muscle mass and impaired metabolism.
Excessive dietary restrictions may also trigger symptoms such as anemia and swelling.
In the case of men at the beginning of their working life, there are probably many people who get busy with work and end up with meals that are easy to get. such as instant food, convenience store meals, and eating out.
These diets tend to be biased toward carbohydrates and fats.
In addition, one of the causes of malnutrition is skipping breakfast. You are not hungry in the morning because you eat late at night.
As we get older
our ability to chew and swallow gradually decreases.
As a result, they tend to avoid fibrous vegetables and meat and tend to prefer soft foods such as udon and soba, as well as snacks.
In particular, a lack of protein such as meat and fish reduces muscle mass. reduces motor function and activity, and weakens bones. Which makes osteoporosis more likely.
A weakened immune system not only makes you more likely to get tired and catch colds but also increases the risk of lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer.
Nutrients that modern man lacks
To prevent new types of malnutrition, It is important to keep a balanced diet in mind.
It is said that many modern people lack protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B1.
Protein is an important nutrient that forms the basis of the body. For example, internal organs, bones, and muscles.
The recommended amount of protein is 60-65 grams for adult men and 50 grams for adult women.
The balance of amino acids contained in the protein also changes depending on the components.
To ingest amino acids in a balanced way. it is important to eat a balanced diet of meat, fish, eggs, and soy products.
Calcium is a nutrient that forms the basis of bones and teeth. it also works to move muscles and stabilize the excitation of the mind.
It is a nutrient that must be taken firmly to prevent osteoporosis.
Calcium is also found in dairy products such as milk and yogurt, seafood such as dried sardines, whitebait, soy, spinach, and Japanese mustard.
Red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body, are made possible by iron, a mineral.
Many women are deficient. so it is a nutrient that you want to eat with special awareness.
Iron serves to absorb oxygen into the muscles, so if you lack it, you cannot take oxygen well, which can lead to muscle weakness and fatigue.
Liver, beef thighs, oysters, tuna, bonito, Japanese mustard spinach, turnip flowers, horseradish leaves, NATO, etc.
Heme iron contained in animal foods is in a form that is much easier for the body to absorb than in plant foods, and iron can be ingested efficiently.
In addition, the absorption rate in the body is said to increase when taken together with vitamin C.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary for the functioning of the eyes., healthy skin, and mucous membranes.
Animal foods contain retinol.
Since retinol is stored in the liver, it is especially abundant in beef, pork, and chicken liver.
It is also found in egg yolks, Eels, and conger eels.
The vegetable contains beta-carotene. Which the body turns into vitamin A when necessary.
Beta-carotene is abundant in green and yellow vegetables. such as Mallow, carrots, and pumpkin.
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 is a nutrient that participates in the energy metabolism of carbohydrates.
Its deficiency can lead to a lack of energy. which can lead to poor concentration and fatigue.
Pork is especially rich in vitamin B1.
Since it is found in abundance in red meat, you can eat it competently by choosing thigh meat or fillet.
It is also found in seafood such as eel, Bream, and soy products.
Brown rice is also abundant. so you can increase your intake by replacing white rice with brown rice.
Let's fix the nutritional balance in a specific meal format
A balanced diet is one in which nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are. and dietary fiber is ingested in the right amount.
There are about 40 types of essential nutrients for maintaining the body.
In addition to consciously ingesting nutrients. such as calcium, iron, and vitamin A that were introduced earlier, it is also important to ingest other nutrients in a balanced way.
However, it is very difficult to prepare a meal that can take all these nutrients every day.
Therefore, it is recommended to prepare meals in the form of a specific meal.
A meal that includes basic food, the main course, a side dish, and soup allows you to eat a variety of foods. which makes it easier to balance nutrition naturally.
For example, how about this combination for breakfast.
Toast, fried eggs, green salad, oranges, and coffee with milk.
In the case of Japanese cuisine,
we also recommend combinations such as brown rice, grilled salmon, tomatoes with sesame sauce, and Komatsuna miso soup.
Many people tend to settle for simple meals such as udon noodles, and curry. or noodles for lunch.
If you eat out or eat in a convenience store, adding a few side dishes will make it easier to balance.
Also, even if you have a bad food balance day. your physical condition will not change immediately, so it's only effective to try to balance it after two to three days or one week as a guide.