10 exercises to reduce belly fat for men, maybe not known before

10 exercises to reduce belly fat for men. include strength training. cardio training, Belly fat is a concern for men because it negatively affects be
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10 exercises to reduce belly fat for men, maybe not known before

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Direction: How to reduce belly fat in men by doing these exercises is the best way to develop tight and ripped abdominal muscles. To be more specific: We want to help you by adding lean muscle, improving your posture, and toning your abs. Want to get rid of that belly fat? Here are 10 exercises to reduce belly fat for men. 1. Crunches This is one of the most effective abdominal exercises to reduce belly fat.
exercises to reduce belly fat for men. Side view of a man lying on his back with his legs raised

1. exercises to reduce belly fat for men, Basic crunches:

  • Step 1: lie on your back on the floor with your feet. 
  • Step 2: extend the shoulder blades behind the head. 
  • Step 3: tighten your abdominal muscles, bend your upper body forward, and lift your back high off the floor.     related products: https://amzn.to/3KWKqAz
  • Step 4: slowly lower your back to the floor so that your back is close to the floor.
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 3 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

 ❣ Advice: Why do you have, unexplained muscle soreness, when exercising.

2. exercises to reduce belly fat for men, Cross crunches:

  • Step 1: Enter the same preparation mode as basic crunches exercises. 
  • Step 2: extend your shoulder blades and place your hands behind your head. 
  • Step 3: tighten the abdominal muscles and bend the upper half forward but tilt your body to the left, if the right elbow can touch the left knee, the better.
  • Step 4: lower your back slowly to the floor. 
  • Step 5: Do the same as step 3 but tilt the body to the right.
  • Step 6: lower your back to the floor.
  • Step 7: Repeat Step 3 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

3. exercises to reduce belly fat for men, Reverse crunches:

  • Step 1: we enter into the same basic abdominal exercise mode.
  •  Step 2: Press your arms close to the floor and press your calves into the back thighs. 
  • Step 3: tighten your abs and simultaneously lift both legs and head off the floor, using your abs to lift your lower body, not tighten your legs to gain momentum.
  • Step 4: lower your body back to standby.
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 2 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

4. exercises to reduce belly fat for men, Keep your balance in Seesaw mode:

  • Step 1: using your buttocks as a brace, raise your arms directly above your head and spread your legs.     related products: https://amzn.to/3KWKqAz
  • Step 2: slowly lift your legs off the floor until your body balances almost like a shape. 
  • Step 3: keep the position for 30 seconds. 
  • Step 4: return to normal position. 
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 2 and continue until you reach the required number of repetitions.

5. exercises to reduce belly fat for men, Plank-plank laying:

  • Step 1: in the prone position, both elbows are perpendicular to the floor. 
  • Step 2: Continue to support your toes on the floor so that your body is parallel to the floor. 
  • Step 3: tighten your abdominal muscles and hold in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Step 4: slowly push your knees forward and return to normal.
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 1 and continue until you reach the required number of repetitions.

⁕ Advice: 14,anti-aging, secrets, to stay young, forever

6. Cross arm and leg lift:

  • Step 1: Take a crawling position with your hands and knees perpendicular to the floor. 
  • Step 2: raise your left hand forward and stretch your right leg straight back so that both legs and arms are parallel to the floor.    related products: https://amzn.to/3KWKqAz
  • Step 3: Return to the starting position. 
  • Step 4: Do the same as step 2 for the right hand and left foot.
  •  Step 5: Go back to the beginning place.
  • Step 6: Repeat Step 2 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

7. Anti-cross jumping:

  • Step 1: Place your hands and half of your front foot on the floor so that your back is parallel to the floor. Step 2: use force to jump with both feet so that the toes rotate to the right.
  •  Step 3: Do the same as Step 2 but jump and turn your toes to the left.
  • Step 4: Repeat Step 2 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

8. Footsteps combined with weightlifting by hand:

  • Step 1: stand up straight, arms extended straight while lifting two dumbbells. 
  • Step 2: move the left foot forward so that the right shin is parallel to the floor, at the same time the hands remain in the weight-bearing position above the head.
  •  Step 3: Return your left foot to the starting position.
  •  Step 4: Do the same as step 2 for the right foot to move forward.
  •  Step 5: return with the right foot to the starting position. 
  • Step 6: Repeat Step 2 and continue until you reach the required number of repetitions.

9. Squat switch:

  • Step 1: take the traditional squat position with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Step 2: use the dumbbell and hold the dumbbell with your left hand. 
  • Step 3: lower your body's center of gravity and keep your back straight.
  • Step 4: lift your body to stand up straight, and at the same time transfer the weight from the left hand to the right hand.
  • Step 5: Repeat Step 3 and continue until the required number of repetitions is reached.

10. Squats with warm weights:

  • Step 1: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Step 2: hold the warm dumbbell with both hands. 
  • Step 3: Move your arms high in front of you so that your arms are perpendicular to your body. 
  • Step 4: bend so that the dumbbells move across the legs to the back, but keep your back straight by squeezing the muscles of the upper body to keep the body in balance. 
  • Step 5: stand up straight and repeat Step 3. 
  • Step 6: Continue the exercise until the required number of repetitions is reached.

Some notes should be avoided to reduce belly fat in men:

Most of the causes of belly fat in men are due to stress, which leads to a disturbance in the diet. Therefore, to reduce this, the most important thing is to keep the mind relaxed.

Regularly relieve stress, let your mind relax from work stress by listening to music. 

and reading books ...

 related products: https://amzn.to/3KWKqAz

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