5 unexpected reasons why you always feel hungry
The average person has three main meals a day. When the stomach is hungry, this is the time when the body signals the need to eat to immediately get more energy. While some of you can go for hours without feeling hungry, others feel easily overwhelmed when they don't snack between meals. So what is the cause of this problem Let's find out five reasons why you always feel hungry!
1. Not getting enough sleep
It seems irrelevant at first, but in fact, lack of sleep and hunger have a very close relationship. Getting enough sleep is an important factor in appetite control because it helps regulate ghrelin, a hormone that sends hunger signals to the brain. In contrast, sleep deprivation causes ghrelin levels to rise. That's why you feel more hungry when you don't get enough sleep.
That is why you often feel hungry after a sleepless night. Insufficient sleep is also associated with overweight and obesity. Lack of sleep impairs your metabolism, causing you to eat more calories than you burn. This leads to weight gain. Interestingly, studies have shown that people who get the least amount of sleep tend to be fatter.
2. The meal lacks protein
Protein has properties that reduce hunger, helping you to automatically consume fewer calories during the day. People who eat a lot of protein tend to stay full longer and think less about food.
This nutrient can be found in a variety of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, and yogurt, as well as some plant foods such as legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Dietary supplements, such as protein powder, are an easy way to get your daily dose of protein.
It should be noted that the amount of protein in your meal will have little effect on your appetite and total calorie intake, but it is an important factor to consider when planning meals. '
If you eat a small amount of protein, such as a serving size of meat, fish, or eggs, it's okay to eat a low-protein meal.
3. Inattention while eating
Busy life makes us rush at every meal. Sometimes, to save time, many of you work while having dinner. This is an alarming problem. The root cause is that you will not be 100% aware of the amount of food you eat. Not only that, the lack of concentration when eating directly affects stomach acid secretion and digestive disorders.
Try to enjoy your meal more slowly and fully. Food will be digested better and your body will be better supplied with nutrients. It is also worth remembering that when you eat attentively, you can avoid overeating and you will feel satisfied more quickly.
Taste the food. This will help you improve digestion, reduce bloating and improve mood.
4. overindulgence in alcoholic drinks
Data from the National Institutes of Health have shown that alcohol can inhibit appetite suppressing hormones, such as leptin. This process occurs especially when drinking alcohol before or during a meal. Alcohol not only makes you hungrier but also weakens the part of the brain that controls your ability to control yourself. For this reason, we can eat more food than we need.
This can lead to overweight and obesity. You are probably familiar with the negative effects of excessive drinking. But did you know that alcohol can also harm your appetite control? Data from the National Institute of alcohol abuse and alcoholism have shown that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the amount of sleep that individuals get.
5. Not drinking enough water
As we all know, drinking water is generally a very healthy activity. Maintaining healthy skin, heart and digestive system are among the many benefits of drinking water. Not only that, did you know that water also slows down digestion in the stomach that's right, drinking water helps prolong the feeling of satiety, so you won't feel nauseous quickly after every meal. However, pay attention to the right amount of water based on factors such as body weight, health status, or activity needs. If you are not sure how to find out, just weigh yourself every day and compare your current weight with your BMI.
For example, the World Health Organization recommends that people get half of their daily intake from water and not from other drinks.
a summary:
You’re always hungry. You never feel full. You must be getting fat. No matter how much you eat or how much you exercise, you feel like you can never get enough. You compulsively snack up when you’re stressed or anxious. You can’t seem to stick to healthy habits for more than a week or two, no matter how much you try. You’re always hungry. And the only way you can fill that void is to keep eating.
Sometimes you feel hungry. Maybe you’re eating dinner and realize you’re still hungry. Or maybe you just woke up from a nap and suddenly realize you’re hungry. Either way, you feel hungry, and that’s uncomfortable.