7 Healthy Habits to Help Lower Your Risk of Cancer

Habits can reduce the risk of cancer. Use soybeans. Eat fruits and vegetables. Muscle training. Increase fiber intake. Eat whole grain cereals
Estimated read time: 7 min

7 simple habits to reduce your risk of cancer
Cancer is a disease of the century. Usually, when a patient has symptoms, he is already late. The cause of the disease is 20% heredity and 80% is due to external factors. You and your loved ones can completely reduce the risk of developing this incurable disease. Here are some ways to help reduce the risk of cancer.

risk of cancer. Cancer is caused by  bad habits
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Use soybeans

Studies have shown that flavonoids found in plants such as soybeans can interfere with many cellular functions that are involved in tumor growth. In particular, experimental studies show that isoflavones - flavonoids found in soybeans and soy products - may protect.. and fight hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer.

A recent analysis in the International Journal of Cancer looked at data from Chinese women participating in the Shanghai Women's Health Study. and found that those who ate a lot of soybeans in adulthood had a lower risk of breast cancer before and after menopause than those who rarely ate beans and their products.

Researchers believe that isoflavones may also help regulate estrogen. reducing hormone levels in the body when they are high, and vice versa.

Eat fruits and vegetables that are red and purple in color

Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables of bright red, blue, and purple colors. These substances may also have anticancer properties. These are called anthocyanins. and these compounds are abundant in products such as raspberries. red and purple grapes, purple cabbage, and eggplant.

A large number of experimental studies indicate that anthocyanins may help protect against cancers including lung, liver, esophageal, skin, breast, and colon cancer, and may. also help shrink these cancers. The existing tumor.

One trial in Cancer Prevention Research Fed 25 colorectal cancer patients with varying levels of anthocyanins the day before surgery. Scientists have found high levels of anthocyanins in cancerous tissues. as well as the ability to reduce the spread of the tumor compared to the beginning of the study. Anthocyanins act as powerful antioxidants and maintain normal cell health. and break down cancer cells.

Muscle training

It is proven that cardio training reduces the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer. A systematic review and meta-analysis in 2017 found that people who regularly engaged in two sessions of physical activity a week had a 31 percent lower risk of cancer-related death.

The authors of the study believe that this has to do with strength training that reduces circulating sex hormones - noting that low levels have been shown to reduce the incidence of breast cancer. and female endometrial cancer and male prostate cancer. In addition, they say there is evidence that strength training can be a powerful adjunct to cancer treatment. helping with recovery and countering the side effects of treatment.

Increase fiber intake

A systematic review and meta-analysis published in early 2020 in the journal Cancer found that people in the United States who eat a lot of fiber have an 8% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those who eat less fiber.

Eat whole grain cereals

Consumption of whole grains has been shown to help reduce the risk of cancer by providing fiber. Consuming whole grain products can. also, help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve your overall health by reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes and improving your cholesterol profile.

Eat lean proteins

Reducing fat in your diet by limiting fatty meats and cheeses can help reduce the risk of cancer. Instead of fatty meat and cheese, try to eat lean meat and cheese. Lean proteins. such as beans, tofu, and soy products are good alternatives to meat and cheese. They contain the same nutrients and are just as tasty .as their meat and cheese counterparts.

Eat low-fat dairy products.

 excess fat in the diet can also turn off the body's natural defenses against cancer. Eating too little fat has been linked to many health problems. heart disease, diabetes, and several malignancies.

If you’re looking to reduce your risk of cancer, one of the most important things you can do is reduce your intake of saturated fats. Eating a lot of saturated fat isn’t good for your health, but it’s also not good for your cancer risk. In fact, some research suggests that a diet high in saturated fat can increase your risk of cancer. This is because saturated fat can increase levels of hormones in your blood that can spur cancer growth.

Reduce intake of added sugars

One of the most important ways you can reduce your risk of cancer is to reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet. Sugars are found in many processed foods and drinks. and are usually added as a sweetener or. as fillers to make foods and dishes look bigger or to improve their color and texture. They also provide little nutritional value and can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. which are also associated with an increased risk of cancer. Instead of eating sugar in its raw form, try to find sugar-free alternatives, such as fruit, vegetables, or pasta.

Reduce sodium

We all know that a healthy diet is an important part of staying healthy. But the foods we eat can also have an impact on the risk of cancer. One of the first steps we can take to reduce the risk of cancer is to reduce salt intake. Sodium has been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer. such as breast cancer, and also increases the risk of high blood pressure. This raises the chance of developing heart disease.

a summary

Teach yourself and your family good habits that’ll help you protect your health. Losing weight and getting more active can cut your risk of cancer by half or more. Add more vegetables and fruits. and whole grains to your diet to slash the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. 

 You’ll also see improvements in other health areas. such as your waistline and cholesterol levels. To lose weight and keep it off, make sure to include these healthy habits in your daily routine.

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