9 surprising health benefits of fiber | you probably didn't know before

9 benefits of fiber. Lose weight. Reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Reduce heart disease. Promotes a healthy gut microbiome.
Estimated read time: 7 min

 9 surprising health benefits of fiber you probably didn't know before
The benefits of fiber are one of the most important components of a healthy diet. Contributes to heart health. And it keeps the digestive system working, which helps to feel full longer. They reduce the amount of cholesterol and other fats in the blood, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Most dietary fiber comes from fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

benefits of fiber
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1. benefits of fiber Lose weight

Even if you increase the amount of fiber in your diet. you will continue to lose weight. A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that dieters were asked to get at least 30 grams of fiber per day (it is not required to do any of them), and other diets lost a significant amount of weight.

In fact, the amount of weight they lost was almost equal to the group that followed a more strict diet: restricting calories, fats, sugar, and salt. consuming a lot of fresh produce, whole grains, and fruit.

Another study found that eating twice the recommended amount of fiber will help us lose about 90 to 130 calories of the calories we eat per day, which is equivalent to losing 4-6 kg per day.

2. Maintaining a healthy weight in the long term

That's right, fiber can also help you avoid gaining weight again. The University of South Carolina School of Medicine conducted a study and found that people who eat a lot of fiber tend to be slimmer. while the daily fiber intake of obese people is usually less than 1 gram compared to people with normal weight.

Recent research at Georgia State University has found that mice fed a low-fiber diet gain weight. and have more fat than mice that are not. Moreover, mice that were given enough fiber resisted fat gain poorly - even when on a high-fat diet.

3. benefits of fiber Reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes

This is a well-proven fact. A recent analysis of 19 studies found that people who ate the most fiber - more than 26 grams per day - were less likely to get sick than those who ate less fiber (less than 19 grams per day).

Researchers believe that fiber helps keep blood sugar levels stable. maintains a healthy weight, and helps prevent the development of diabetes.

4. Reduce the incidence of heart disease

For every 7 grams of fiber, you eat per day, the risk of heart disease decreases by 9%, according to a review of 22 studies published in the British medical journal (BMJ). This is partly because fiber can capture excess cholesterol in your body. And expel it before it clogs the blood vessels. It also helps regulate the amount of fat and sugar in the bloodstream. Insoluble fiber, like dietary fiber, cannot be digested and passed unchanged through the body. This type of fiber can be found in plant foods such as whole grain bread, beans, peas, and nuts. It is also included in some dietary supplements such as wheat bran and psyllium.

5. Promotes healthy gut microbiome

The good bacteria in the intestine will eat fiber and thrive. When gut bacteria eat fermented fiber, they produce short-chain fatty acids. These acids reduce inflammation, obesity-related problems, and almost all chronic health problems.

A recent Italian study found that the intake of short-chain fatty acids increases with a high-fiber diet. You can start to see changes in your digestive system in a few days. said Kelly Swanson, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois. You have to constantly get the ideal amount of fiber every day for a healthy digestive system. 

6. benefits of fiber Reduce the risk of some types of cancer

A study published in the journal Annals of cancer found that adding 10 grams of fiber to the diet can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and breast cancer by 10% and 5%, respectively. Besides fiber's cancer-fighting capabilities. Foods that contain vegetables and fruits are also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that may lower cancer rates. The fiber in foods. such as fruits and vegetables taking longer to digest, which keeps the body feeling full for longer and fiber also helps reduce the risk of some types of cancer, including colorectal cancer, and some types of uterine and breast cancer.

7. benefits of fiber Living longer

Recently, scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health found that the diet is regularly supplemented with high fiber. Whole grains reduce the risk of death from any cause by 19% and 17%, respectively, without a cause compared to a low-fiber diet. In addition, those who consume more fiber have a lower risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. The health benefits of fiber are impressive. 

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, so they help us get the important nutrients we need, such as folic acid, potassium, and vitamin C, and can also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

8. Reduces constipation

Fiber makes your stool softer and more porous. which in turn helps it to pass more easily from your body.

9. benefits of fiber Natural detoxification

Fiber helps to naturally remove dead cells and expel harmful substances from the intestines. Soluble fiber absorbs potentially harmful compounds. such as excess estrogen and unhealthy fats, before being absorbed by the body.

Thanks to its ability to make food move faster in the digestive tract. soluble fiber helps reduce the time that harmful chemicals remain in the digestive tract, such as BPA, Mercury, and pesticides. The faster they pass, the less likely damage will occur.

There are certain types of soluble fiber called prebiotics. and they are found in asparagus, leeks, soybeans, wheat, and oats - they have been shown to increase the bioavailability of minerals. such as calcium in the foods you eat, and can help maintain bone density.

a summary:

We hope from the above article you have saved the wonderful effects of fiber. Please visit the Health section of BlogAnChoi frequently to help your loved ones get healthier every day!

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