9 pieces of nuts for health and skin beauty that you should eat

9 pieces of nuts for health. Chia seeds. Wild rice. Pumpkin seeds. Pomegranate seeds. Quinoa (quinoa). Linseed oil. Hemp seeds. Sunflower seeds.
Estimated read time: 6 min

9 pieces of nuts for health and skin beauty  that you should eat
 There are very few people who are used to adding nuts to their daily snacks. However, the fact has been proven that there are many types of seeds that are effective in the cosmetic process. Here are 9 pieces of nuts for health and skin beauty that you should eat that she suggests to you!

Small white nuts. nuts for health
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1. nuts for health china seeds:

The seeds have come a long way since they first appeared in funny clay pots in TV commercials. Today, this nut is known as a superfood containing many useful nutrients. 28 grams (equivalent to two tablespoons) of chia seeds contain approximately 10 grams of fiber. Chia seeds, once mashed in a blender, make a great crunchy topping when paired with yogurt or mixed vegetables. When chia seeds are soaked in a liquid such as juice or almond milk, the chia seed solution will harden and become soft like a pancake.

2. Wild rice:

Surprise! Wild rice is not rice, but a kind of weed seed. The content of protein contains higher than other cereals and richantioxidansmuch more than white rice. It also provides folate(vitamin B9), magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B6 and niacin (vitamin B3). Cooked soft and smooth in everyday rice dishes, it is an ideal addition to salad dressing.

3. nuts for health Pumpkin seeds:

If you've ever baked a bunch of pumpkin seeds yourself after carving the annual Halloween lantern, you know that it's a great snack. And very nutritious! Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, an important mineral for heart health that helps your body generate the energy it needs to nourish your muscles. Pumpkin seeds can be used throughout the year as a topping for soups, salads, and cereals.

4. Pomegranate seeds:

Pomegranate seeds resemble sweet pearls that are extracted from the inside of a pomegranate. They have a content vitamin Sion, a high percentage of antioxidants. A cup full of pomegranate seeds contains only 130 calories, which makes it an ideal snack. Adding pomegranate seeds to salads or whole grains will increase the sweetness of the fruit and make your dishes look more attractive.

5. nuts for health Quinoa (quinoa):

If you are looking for a dish rich in protein with health benefits, Quinoa is a good option. It is usually packaged at 8 grams per cup. We can cook quinoa like rice and we can combine it with pasta or many other portions of cereal in our favorite dishes. You can also use it as a gluten-free cereal for dishes such as chicken fingers. Enjoy a plate of oatmeal for breakfast that will help you start the day with a low protein, fiber, and iron.

6. Linseed oil:

People have been eating flaxseed for health benefits since 9000 BC. If we don't eat enough fish, we can add flaxseed to the menu to supplement the fatty acids omega 3this is a very good fat for the heart. Flaxseed is an ideal source of vegetable fats because it provides us with a large amount of fiber. In addition, people grind flaxseed into powder to help treat high blood pressure. Flaxseed has a delicate nutty flavor. Season your meal a little by adding a spoonful of flaxseed to oatmeal, dumplings, or salad.

7. Hemp seeds:

Hemp seeds have a pleasant, pleasant aroma that goes well with delicious dishes. Two tablespoons of hemp seeds contain approximately 7 grams of protein, even higher than flaxseed or chia seeds. Hemp is also a source of fatty acidsfascinating omega-3. You can use whole seeds sprinkled on salads, and cereals, or find hemp milk to replace the milk you use in your daily diet.

8. Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds have not only high nutritional value but are also very tasty. Only 28 grams of sunflower seeds meet half the amount of vitamins need daily intake from the body. There are many good fats in sunflower seeds. What could be better than adding sunflower seeds to a vegetarian hamburger to increase flavor and nutritional content? Sunflower seeds are also a great addition to morning juice. Or simply keep a bag full of sunflower seeds ready to "drink" whenever we feel sad.

9. Sesame seeds (sesame):

The small white seeds that are usually found in hamburgers are not just for decoration! Sesame seeds are one of the most versatile foods available today. Sesame oil is a great salad dressing option because it has a high content of fatty acids that can reduce cholesterol and be harmful. When you grind sesame seeds into a paste, you get tahini (sesame butter), which is an alternative for those who are allergic to peanut butter. (It is also a key ingredient in hummus, a Middle Eastern and Arabic dish made from mashed cooked chickpeas mixed with tahini, olive oil, salted lemon juice, and garlic). Sesame seeds are rich in fiber and protein. Sesame also makes fried vegetables crispy and tasty.

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