Foods that help you get beautiful and healthy white teeth
summer is also the time when you will have a lot of fun activities, meeting friends, going out to socialize, etc. But it's not fun when your teeth are not beautiful, which makes you lose confidence when smiling and talking with people.؟ follow this article to know Foods that help you get beautiful and healthy white tenth.
1. you get white teeth Celery:
Celery can protect your teeth. When you eat celery, it produces a lot of salivae that neutralize the streptococcus bacteria that cause tooth decay. Moreover, this type of food has the effect of gum massage and interdental cleaning.
Celery is a delicious vegetable that can be prepared in many different ways. It has a crispy texture and mild flavor and is one of the best sources of folic acid. Additionally, it is a fantastic provider of calcium and iron.
Celery stalk is like a forest for your teeth. It contains a lot of calcium, vitamins A and C, and about 90 different phytonutrients that can help whiten and strengthen your teeth. These nutrients come from the celery stalk, not the celery leaves.
2. get white teethStrawberries:
strawberries have a whitening enzyme in them. If you do not eat strawberries, mash the strawberries, and then rub them on your teeth for about a minute. Rinse and floss teeth to remove strawberry seeds from the teeth.
Gorge on fresh, juicy strawberries to help keep your teeth white and your breath fresher, and longer. They are loaded with vitamin C, which helps strengthen teeth and bones, and also contain lycopene, a compound that can help reduce the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer. Egg, Bob, and Forrest Gump did not lie: eating a lot of fresh fruit is a great way to keep bright and white pearly whites. Just make sure you chew your food well, especially when eating apples and oranges, which are high in fiber and can settle in your teeth if you don't chew well.
3. you get white teeth Sesame seeds:
Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, which helps strengthen teeth and gums. Sprinkle a tablespoon of sesame seeds on the salad. and take it several times a week to gently brush your teeth, providing 87 mg of calcium to the teeth.
One of the best ways to keep your teeth healthy is to eat foods that contain essential minerals. and vitamins. One of the best sources of these nutrients is sesame seeds.
Sesame seeds help to give your teeth a pleasant white color. making them look healthier than they would otherwise. Just grind a teaspoon or .so into powder and add it to toothpaste or juice to get a boost of color. You can also buy sesame seed powder at any grocery store. Just be sure to read the ingredient list to make sure it doesn't contain added sugars or sweeteners.
4. get white teeth Green tea:
Green tea contains catechins that kill bacteria in the mouth and dental plaque on the teeth. Catechin also eliminates the bacteria that cause bad breath. Drink 2-5 cups of green tea a day to get the best benefits.
Among the most widely consumed beverages in the world. green tea has been proven to help clean your teeth and keep them healthy. The flavonoids and antioxidants in green tea help remove stains and bacteria from your teeth, making them whiter and brighter. Green tea also helps reduce the risk of tooth decay by keeping your mouth moist which prevents bacteria from forming in your teeth. It has also been shown to help improve the whiteness of pearls by reducing the formation of Streptococcus mutants, the bacterium that causes tooth decay.
5. get white teeth Onions:
The sulfur compounds contained in onions have strong antibacterial properties and are most effective when eating fresh, peeled onions. Adding a few slices of onion a day will help you improve your oral health.
Your teeth are naturally yellow, but you can improve their appearance by eating foods that clean them, such as onions. Onions contain sulfur. it aids in cleaning teeth of stains. They can also help reduce the risk of tooth decay by reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen teeth and collagen. which helps maintain their health.
6. Mint or parsley leaves:
Chewing parsley or mint leaves after each spicy meal will help you keep fresh breath. These herbs contain monoterpenes compounds that help neutralize odors and whiten teeth.
Mint and parsley leaves contain a compound called Luteolin. which helps fight plaque and stains. They also help to activate breathing and prevent gingivitis. which is the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the gums. Some people also swear by chewing lemon or orange. which also contains luteolin and can help brighten your smile.
7. Bananas:
Bananas are not just a fruit that contains many vitamins and minerals that are very good for health, but banana peels also have very effective teeth whitening agents. Bananas don't stick to your teeth when you eat them, so you don't have to worry about the risk of bacteria entering.
Bananas are an ideal food for getting a healthy glow and a bright white smile and are also a great source of vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber. They are high in calories. with about 75 per 100 grams in the fruit.
Bananas contain potassium, an important mineral for our health. They also contain fiber and other nutrients that are important for the cardiovascular system and heart health.
8. you get white teeth Apples:
Eating apples are tasty and healthy for teeth. Apples help to naturally clean plaque at the base of the teeth and remove yellow spots on the teeth. It is better to eat apples than to use apple juice because peeling apples somewhat reduces the minerals useful for teeth.
Apples are your best friend when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums incredibly healthy. They contain a lot of fiber. which is important for maintaining the health and integrity of the digestive system, and they also provide your body with a lot of vitamin C. which is great for keeping your teeth and gums strong and healthy. You should try and eat apples as often as possible to keep your teeth and gums healthy and beautiful.
9. Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges:
The acid in Lemon has the effect of removing yellow stains on your teeth. Because lemon is very juicy and contains a lot of vitamin C, it helps prevent bleeding gums. You cut a lemon and rub it on your teeth. or simply rinse your mouth with lemon juice and your teeth will become shiny again.
Oranges and pineapples also contain many acids that make the surface of the teeth whiter and brighter. This acid also contains enzymes that help kill bacteria that cause tooth decay and bad breath. Not only that, but sour fruits also encourage you to produce more saliva to remove plaque that stains on teeth.
However, you should be careful not to overuse lemons. or oranges to brighten your teeth because the acid in lemons can erode your teeth if you use them too often.
10. Water:
Drinking water keeps the gums hydrated and is the best way to stimulate the salivary glands to fight bacteria that cause plaque and tooth decay. Rinsing your mouth with water also helps wash out the food stuck in your mouth, causing bad breath.
Drink plenty of water every day to protect your teeth, and if you can't brush your teeth after eating, rinse your mouth with water.
The most important thing to remember when it comes to keeping your teeth and gums healthy is to drink plenty of water. Not only will it help keep your mouth clean and reduce the risk of decay but it will also aid with tooth whitening. The best way to drink water is to keep a glass by your bedside so that you are well-hydrated throughout the night.