Great benefits of coriander - a popular but healthy herb that you did not expect

Great benefits of coriander. Coriander is a source of nutrients. Good for the heart. Protect brain health. May fight infection. protect your skin
Estimated read time: 7 min

 benefits of coriander provide important nutrients for the body
benefits of coriander provide important nutrients for the body such as vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin C, in addition, coriander contains many antioxidants that are good for the heart. Coriander is a familiar spice in our daily meals, we add it last when cooking to create a special flavor to the dish. Here are the special benefits of coriander for good health, let's refer to the article 

benefits of coriander. Fresh Coriander

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1.  benefits of coriander is a good source of nutrients

Shortly, cilantro is fresh green, and rich in nutrients, the taste is up to everyone, some people can eat it, and others cannot. Coriander provides a large amount of the daily requirement of vitamin K, which supports strong bone health and helps wound healing. In addition, coriander also provides vitamin A and vitamin C - two vitamins that are responsible for the body's immune function.

In addition, your portion of cilantro will add fewer calories to the meal.

2.  benefits of coriander contains antioxidants that are good for the heart

In addition to vitamins, coriander also provides important nutritional compounds for the body called antioxidants. Coriander contains a large number of polyphenols, and this substance is often found in vegetables, tubers, fruits, or nuts, the reason why eating more green vegetables or fruits helps us stay young and healthy is thanks to this compound. Polyphenols also reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage, prevent premature aging, and reduce the risk of disease.

Many experts believe that coriander has analgesic effects, and supports digestive problems and diabetes. This herb also helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate.

3. Add to your daily meals to absorb nutrients

You can add coriander to make the taste of the dish more attractive, served with fried dishes, fried at meals, surrounded by bread, mixed dishes, salads, pasta, soups, fish soups, stews ... If you do not know how to cook dishes with cilantro, go online to search for nutritious and healthy recipes. One of the dishes that go well with cilantro is grilled corn with chopped cilantro and fresh lemon.

4. Useful for the brain

Coriander is one of the best herbs for treating depression. It not only improves your mood but also relieves symptoms such as sadness and anxiety. Coriander also helps to improve memory and concentration, which can be useful for university students or those who work. It can also help improve the quality of your sleep and reduce insomnia.

5. May fight infection:

Coriander is a plant that thrives in hot and dry climates. Its leaves are used to make a tea that can help with a variety of health problems. Tea can help relieve cold and flu symptoms, respiratory problems, and infections. It can also help improve digestion and relieve headaches and migraines. Coriander tea is also a source of antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. This makes cilantro a great addition to your health regimen, no matter where you live.

6. May protect your skin:

Coriander tea may also help protect your skin from damage. The antioxidants in coriander tea may help prevent damage caused by free radicals. This helps keep your skin cells healthy and prevents them from aging too quickly. This also helps to keep your skin looking young. Coriander may also help protect your skin from damage. Researchers have found that the leaves of this plant contain compounds called coumarins, which have been shown to inhibit the oxidation of skin cells. This protects your skin from damage caused by the harmful effects of pollution and ultraviolet radiation. It also keeps your skin cells healthy and young, so you look younger and feel better.

7. May help lower blood sugar:

Because coriander is rich in fiber, it can be used as part of a healthy diet that can help manage blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. In addition, coriander is also high in antioxidants, which can help protect against cell damage and fight disease. Some coriander is even used as a medicine to treat wounds and burns.

 They are also a good source of protein, which can help keep people feeling full longer. The high levels of iron in coriander are also beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

8. May promote digestion and intestinal health:

Coriander, also known as Chinese parsley, is an herb commonly used in Asian cuisine. It has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including the ability to promote digestion and intestinal health. In the gastrointestinal tract, coriander has been proven to have antiulcer and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been shown to improve saliva flow and promote the movement of food through the digestive tract. It has also been proven that the plant has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.   In the intestinal tract, coriander has been shown to improve the movement of food through the intestines. It has also been proven that it stimulates the production of digestive juices and improves the absorption of nutrients.

9. benefits of coriander May boost immunity:

Coriander has been proven to have a number of health benefits for the body. In the immune system, the herb has been shown to enhance immunity. This may make it a useful supplement for those who are trying to boost their immunity, such as those recovering from an illness or those who are getting older and have reduced immune function. However, since coriander has been proven to have weak antiviral and antibacterial properties, those with weakened immunity should avoid using the herb as a dietary supplement.

Some notes when using coriander

This vegetable has a few disadvantages, while the nutritional content it offers us is very good. However, some people do not tolerate the smell of coriander, they are sensitive to coriander because it contains aldehyde compounds. Smell and taste are closely related, which makes this herb an unpleasant smell for many people. Some people like to eat cilantro raw, but when eaten raw, there can be hidden bacteria in the vegetable, so it is better to cook it to ensure health. Cilantro can interact badly with some medications, so consult your doctor to make sure you are taking any medications before using cilantro with meals.

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