Treatment of constipation At home effectively and safely without medication

Treatment of constipation At home. Make time for breakfast. Drink water properly. Do not miss meals. Modify the menu. Pay attention when defecating
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Treatment of constipation At home effectively and safely without medication
New treatments for constipation have been discovered that can provide many benefits without the side effects of traditional constipation medications. Constipation can be treated at home with a combination of fiber supplements, probiotics, and movements. Follow this article with us

Treatment of constipation.  constipation Image - Finger 1

Eating habits and nutrition greatly affect the state of health of each of us. Constipation also comes from mistakes in everyday life. Adjusting your diet is one of the safest and most effective home remedies for constipation. 

1. Treatment of constipation Make time for breakfast

In today's busy life, many people try to save time for breakfast by eating quickly on the way to work and studying. However, the habit of waking up, personal hygiene, and eating breakfast will negatively affect the digestive system, especially the stomach and intestines.

Not only that, but because there is not much time, many people choose convenient and quick breakfast dishes such as instant noodles, canned food, drinking coffee, etc. And this is the cause of diseases related to the above institutions. Just one minute of carelessness does not affect your health, spend money as well as energy later!

2. Treatment of constipation Drink water properly

Drinking water is a prerequisite for the body to have enough energy to work. Moreover, drinking water correctly will be good for health, especially for those who suffer from constipation and have difficulty going to the toilet.

 Because the water will dilute the waste, making it easier for you to defecate. It is also important to drink water and not other drinks because water has many benefits for the body. For example, water will help suppress appetite and reduce the amount of sugar in the body, which is good for the body. 

The best way to drink water is to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, not only when you are thirsty. This is because when you sweat, you lose water from the body.

3. Treatment of constipation Do not miss meals

One of the most unexpected causes of constipation is skipping meals. Experts say that digesting food stimulates the body to push waste products into the large intestine. If you do not eat properly, stomach cramps will not occur. In addition, skipping meals will also lead to many other unpredictable diseases. Let's change this bad habit! Build the habit of consuming enough food to keep your body energized. This is the only way to avoid constipation in the future.

4. Treatment of constipation Modify the menu

The simplest and most effective home remedy for constipation is to adjust this daily menu. You should add foods that help increase fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and avoid spicy and hot foods. Pumpkin: pumpkin consists of 94% water. Not only that, but this fruit is also rich in vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, and fiber, which is good for people who suffer from constipation.Cabbage: people with constipation should eat cabbage to absorb an abundant amount of fiber and vitamins A, B, C, etc. in this vegetable.


the amount of vitamin C contained in radish is amazing, besides its sweet and wonderful properties, it helps to detoxify, lower cholesterol, and fight cancer, kidney stones, and even constipation effectively. Bean sprouts: high in vitamin C, and fiber, low in fat, cold, diuretic, and laxative are the great uses of bean sprouts that people with constipation should not ignore. Fruits: a very effective natural laxative. A glass of juice not only helps to replenish water but also provides effective vitamins and minerals.


Although fiber intake is the most beneficial way to treat constipation, if the body absorbs too much, it will cause bloating and even diarrhea - an obsession as scary as constipation. Therefore, divide your meals into small ones to absorb them better and facilitate defecation.

Take care when defecating.

Bowel habits also affect the condition. When you get constipated, don't try too hard to get rid of waste. This will hurt the anus, which will cause bleeding more seriously, leading to prolapse of the rectum or hemorrhoids.

In addition, you also need to set the correct sitting position. When you have a bowel movement, sit so that your abdomen and thighs meet at a 45-degree angle. It is suggested to put a small chair on your feet. This position helps to straighten the angle of the intestine, which facilitates the process of defecation. When you are in the bathroom, pay attention to the moment of defecation. At first, you may feel uncomfortable, but after a few times, it becomes much easier. You may also want to try to stop eating or drinking for half an hour before going to the bathroom.

Do not sit for a long time

Do not sit for a long time if you do not want to face constipation up to hemorrhoids. This is something that office workers, who often have to work with computers, need to pay attention to. This will make your condition worse. After a certain period (30 minutes - one hour), do light exercises to relax your body. This will help transport waste and improve the outflow of feces. You can do exercises such as walking, swimming or dancing. You can also drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

a summary:

To effectively treat constipation at home, the most important factor is to maintain regular hours.  This will allow you to have a bowel movement when you are most likely, which is no less important than frequency.  Another important factor is drinking at regular times throughout the day and making sure to make regular visits to the bathroom.  One additional strategy is to eat small amounts of food at frequent intervals throughout the day and drink at the same time.

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