12 ways to change dishes to lower, cholesterol | but still be tasty and nutritious

Reduce cholesterol : Replace meat with fish. Reduce dairy fats. Eat bread made from whole grains. Use vegetable oils .The use of vegetable puree
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12 ways to change dishes to lower cholesterol but still be tasty and nutritious
Cholesterol is the culprit that causes serious heart disease. so everyone wants to reduce cholesterol in their daily diet. But it is difficult to give up foods with a high cholesterol content that are also very favorite, such as bacon, burgers, and french fries. and buns. Is there a way to eat tasty food with a guarantee of Health

cholesterol. Salad Bowl of Veggies. 12 ways to change dishes to lower cholesterol but still be tasty and nutritious

Making healthy food choices is very important for lowering cholesterol and preventing many serious diseases.

Here are some simple food substitutes. so you can lower cholesterol in your meals and enjoy your favorite foods.

1. Replace meat with fish

Instead of eating red meat, you should switch to eating fish. especially fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel to reduce cholesterol. Fatty fish is characterized by a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. that have been demonstrated to assist in lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke.

In particular, scallops are an ideal substitute for meat because they are one of the seafood with the lowest fat content. while still having a chewy texture and a delicious flavor, especially when baking.

2. Adding nuts to the salad is a nice touch.

Fiber-rich vegetables are great for lowering cholesterol in the blood. so salads are a healthy option. However, many people have a habit of adding croutons to salads. which are often rich in unhealthy fats and processed carbohydrates. Instead, try sprinkling nuts that are rich in good fats.

A review published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolic Insights in June 2020 found that eating nuts regularly can help lower blood cholesterol. regardless of the amount, type, and timing of eating nuts. There is a change in total cholesterol, which includes both HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol).

Among the nuts, walnuts are especially good for the heart due to their low cholesterol and high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. a type of healthy fat. Walnuts. also contain fiber, which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Eat bread made from whole grains

Pastries made from flour and butter are tasty and beautiful, but absolutely unhealthy. Avocados are rich in saturated fats that can raise cholesterol. Meanwhile, whole grain muffins are not only low in saturated fat but. also add heart-healthy fiber.

According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, the diet should be rich in whole grains to increase fiber and other nutrients. and lower cholesterol.

For garnish, you can add nut butter, which is rich in heart-healthy fats and fiber. or you can use fruit without added sugar.

4. substitute liquid vegetable oils for solid fats.

The main advantage of eating oils is that they are a good source of healthy unsaturated fats. and are generally cholesterol-free.

Use liquid vegetable oil instead of solid fats, thereby avoiding the possible harm of solid fats.

Use olive oil instead of butter, it is loaded with cholesterol. and contributes to the development of total cholesterol levels.

5. Cook fresh vegetables in a heart-healthy way.

Vegetables may be cooked quickly and healthily by steaming them. It is very healthy for you because it keeps your heart healthy, and helps digestion. and is also very good for cholesterol.

One of the best methods for cooking food is steaming. It's easy, it's healthy, tasty, and economical. It is also one of the most popular ways to cook.

Use coconut oil instead of hydrogenated vegetable oils or animal fats. which have a high content of saturated fats and contribute to the development of TC levels.

6. Fewer dairy fats

Any balanced diet should include healthy fats, but dairy products contain saturated fats that should be avoided. Cardiovascular problems can be triggered by eating too much of these fats.

Studies show that reducing dairy fats in a person's diet can lower bad cholesterol. and lower the danger of cardiovascular illness.

7. Dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate

Milk chocolate contains saturated fats that can raise the LDL level, while dark chocolate is the pure form that contains almost no fat. Studies show that dark chocolate can lower total cholesterol. including LDL bad cholesterol. Dark chocolate actually contains a moderate amount of saturated fat, but it also contains high levels of flavanols. which are thought to aid with heart protection.

Chocolate with cocoa butter contains oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil. A study published in the June 2019 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that postmenopausal women with high cholesterol had reduced levels of total cholesterol. and LDL cholesterol after five weeks of eating a high oleic acid diet.

But note that only dark chocolate with 70 to 80% cocoa content promotes good health effects.

8. Dip vegetables with chickpeas

Instead of creamy sauces that are high in saturated fat. choose hummus made from chickpea puree mixed with heart-healthy olive oil. which is tasty and full of fiber and protein.

Chickpeas also contain a substance called sitosterol. which can lower blood cholesterol by preventing the body from absorbing cholesterol from food. Note that it is advisable to choose chickpea sauces that do not contain additives. such as a lot of salt or saturated fat.

9. Use turkey instead of beef

Lean turkey contains about 7% fat, while 80% minced beef has a fat content of up to 20%. Reducing saturated fats will help lower cholesterol. while the taste of ground turkey is almost no different from the taste of minced meat.

Ground turkey is a great alternative to minced meat in dishes. such as meatballs and burgers. You can also use minced chicken. which is nutritionally similar but has a slightly different taste.

10. Bake potatoes instead of frying

French fries are a favorite of many people, but they are also high in fat, so you should limit your intake of them if you want to lower This element. Instead of ordering french fries at the restaurant. choose baked potatoes. or you can make your own at home and add olive oil to add heart-healthy fats.

What if you are confused between potatoes and sweet potatoes Both are foods full of nutrients. such as potassium, vitamins, and fiber. Potatoes generally contain more potassium while sweet potatoes contain more fiber, but both options are healthy.

11. decrease the amount of saturated fat in meat and poultry

Meats that are high in saturated fat are the worst sources of fat for heart disease. A successful diet may include replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated fats. This will help prevent heart disease. Since cholesterol is required for the production of cell membranes, high This element from saturated fats is the main cause of heart disease.

Choose lean poultry pieces that are lightly marbled with bones and skin. Choose lean cuts of meat that are high in nutrients and low in saturated fat. such as shoulder, belly, neck, and fillet, And a steak hanger, or thin slices. Choose lean cuts of meat that are low in saturated fat. but contain high amounts of trans fat, such as loin.

12. The use of vegetable purees

A vegetarian diet is associated with lower cholesterol levels in the blood compared to a typical Western diet. Use vegetable purees to help lower blood cholesterol use vegetable purees from various vegetables and fruits. such as spinach, kale, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, and watermelon. Also, use low-fat purees,. such as purees made from celery, parsley, carrots, and onions

It is recommended to use vegetable purees. to add fiber to your diet to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Above are ways to change dishes to reduce cholesterol intake and still taste delicious. Which dish do you prefer more Leave a comment below in the comments section!

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