5 Simple Ways to lose weight with bananas to get a beautiful body

5 Simple Ways to lose weight with bananas. morning method of the banana diet. basic banana weight loss method. Banana smoothie for weight loss
Estimated read time: 8 min

5 Simple Ways to lose weight with bananas to get a beautiful body
Do you want to lose weight but still can't find the right way for you Don't worry, the five ways to lose weight that you summarize below can help you, let's take a look!

lose weight with bananas

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Why bananas lose weight

Banana is a popular fruit, inexpensive but highly nutritious, they can prevent blood pressure, reduce the risk of anemia, improve the digestive system, reduce stress, enhance vitamins, and supplement energy ،

In addition, the extremely low calories in bananas also help you get rid of worrying about weight. The amount of soluble and insoluble fiber contained in bananas will also help you cover the stomach wall, and the feeling of fullness will increase significantly. Losing weight is no longer as difficult and worrying as before.

However, to successfully lose weight with a banana, you need to have a certain method. Here are 5 ways to lose banana weight 

lose weight with bananas 1. The morning method of the banana diet

This is a method that originated in Japan. This method was discovered by the pharmacist Sumiko Watanabe and became famous all over the world after that. With this method of losing weight with bananas, she helped her husband lose up to 16.8 kg in a short time

The morning method of the banana diet for weight loss

Breakfast: a banana and a glass of warm water. After 30-60 minutes eat another banana. Lunch: eat one banana before eating 70% of the usual diet.Afternoon: eat one banana (if you are hungry).Dinner: eat one banana before eating 70% of the usual diet (it should be eaten at 6 pm).

Some notes when losing weight with The Morning Banana Diet method

In the process of losing weight bananas should refrain from carbonated drinks, alcohol, and milk. Instead, drink filtered mineral water at a warm temperature. The bananas used should be fresh bananas, not in the refrigerator. When you reach the desired weight, eat more nutrients so as not to weaken the body. People with digestive problems should not use this method.

lose weight with bananas 2. The basic banana weight loss method

Banana pulp is rich in potassium, fiber, and vitamin B6. These minerals contain antibacterial, diuretic, increase the feeling of satiety, etc. If you want to use the banana pulp to lose weight, you can eat it raw or prepare it for easy consumption.

Here is the recipe for banana pulp soup prepared by Indian chef polymath Jha.

Ingredients to be prepared

One and a half inch long piece of banana stem, 3 chopped green peppers1 tablespoon mustard, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, 1 small cup of salt, 1 cup of curd


Remove the outer peel from the banana pulp and chop the pulp. Then mix the chopped banana heart with hot pepper and salt. After 10 minutes, squeeze out all the water and put it in a bowl. Heat the oil and mustard in a hot frying pan and pour the banana heart. Add the curd and mix thoroughly. 

Scoop it into a bowl and garnish it with some coriander leaves to make it eye-catching. If the soup ingredients above are a bit difficult to find, you can try the basic banana salad but remember not to put too much sugar or butter and mayonnaise in it!

lose weight with bananas 3. Smoothie with bananas to lose weight

There is nothing more delicious and relaxing than drinking banana juice every day to lose weight. This juice will help you lose up to 5 kg / one month. What are you waiting for? APPLY RIGHT AWAY!

How to make a banana smoothie

The following resources need to be ready:

1 ripe banana, 1 tsp flaxseeds, 1/2 cup soy milk (or low-fat milk if you can't drink soy milk)method: put all the ingredients in a blender and mix in a puree.

Some notes when applying the method of losing weight with banana puree

This delicious banana smoothie should be drunk every morning. Along with this, you need to build a healthy diet and exercise at least 40 minutes/per day to quickly achieve the effect.

lose weight with bananas 4. Kpop Seo star in young's way to lose weight

To maintain her hot body, the Korean "fashion icon" Seo In-Young chose the banana weight loss method for herself. With this nutritious fruit, the singer can safely keep fit without worrying about a health deficiency during high-intensity work.

Seo In-Young's weight loss list

Breakfast: 1-2 bananas, 2 glasses of water; lunch: low-fat food with sufficient energy (cereals, vegetables, shrimp, liver, beef, etc.)...); Dinner: food made from rice, vegetables, and herbs.

5. Lose weight with green bananas

Resistant starch in green bananas will help you "get rid" of hateful excess fat. Because green bananas are rather tart, you can process them into ice cubes to easily "load" the body.

How to make green banana ice cubes

Peel 5 green bananas, cut them into small pieces, and soak them in a diluted marinade for 10 minutes. Then we pick up the bananas, put them in a saucepan, and boil the bananas with 1 liter of water. When the water boils, reduce the heat, simmer for 2-3 minutes and then turn off the heat. Wait for the banana to cool, then put the banana in a blender to puree. When the mixture becomes smooth, it's time to put it on the ice tray and freeze it in the refrigerator.

Note when applying the method of losing weight with green bananas

You can add green banana ice to filtered water for drinking. If you are afraid of a strange mouth, it is difficult to drink it, you can add green banana ice to fruit juice (less often sweet fruit) to increase the taste.

Do bananas help to lose belly fat?

Bananas help to lose belly fat in several ways. Firstly, it is packed with fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full longer. Bananas are also a good source of resistant starch, which has been shown to reduce belly fat. Finally, bananas contain compounds that can help reduce inflammation and increase metabolism.

How many bananas can I eat per day to lose weight?

Bananas are a good source of dietary fiber, which helps you feel full and can therefore help you lose weight. They also contain vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. So, how many bananas can you eat per day to lose weight? While there is no definite answer, one or two average bananas a day is a good starting point.

Boiled bananas for weight loss

Boiled bananas can help with weight loss in several ways. They are a great source of potassium, which helps maintain heart health. Additionally, they are a rich source of fiber, which might assist in regulating digestion.

Boiled bananas can be a great food to help lose or maintain weight. Bananas contain about 110 calories, which is equivalent to two-thirds of the recommended daily intake for a person trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

What happens if you eat bananas for only one month?

If you are looking to lose weight with bananas, it is important not only to lose weight but also to make sure that your body composition changes afterward. While bananas are a good source of fiber, sugar, and potassium, they don't contain any protein. If you only eat bananas as your only source of food for a month, you could end up putting your health at risk. Before beginning any diet or fitness regimen, it is crucial to speak with a doctor.


Here are 5 very simple ways to lose weight with bananas that you can do at home. With these methods, you don't have to worry about spending a lot of money, and time, or even worrying about health problems.

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